DM Mahar and GY Montre

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.

DM Mahar and GY Montre

Post by Pyrostatic »

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The Mahar is very pretty. I'm so glad they finally got another colour! But what's confusing is the lower chest. Are those crystals it's holding or are they just the gems on it's chest, just pointier than usual? Cause it really doesn't look like they're attached to the skin. But nonetheless, I really like it. I don't know if I'll get one just yet, but I'll consider it. Very well done and very true to the Mahar. I think if the little earring was still a ring and just glowing purple, that would have been cooler. But hey, that's what overlays are for. xD
Is Jill still doing the Mahar or is it someone else now?

The Montre fails to impress me yet again. It looks so small and horizontal, more so than usual. Way too much negative space. The face just really bothers me. I'm mostly looking at the cheek fluff and the ear. It looks...odd. The whole face and head in general looks awkward. I don't know what it's eating; a chicken wing? And I think the artist should have kept the 2nd wing, and just made it skeletal, instead of missing all together. And lastly, the tail looks like it's coming from the back leg. All in all, not a very pretty Montre. But then again, Jag's Montres tend to be a hit or miss for me. And lately they've been more of a miss. Sorry. =/
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Re: DM Mahar and GY Montre

Post by Amphigorey »

The Mahar is lovely, and a nice way to end the DM pets. I agree the gems don't look attached to the body, but that seems like a problem you'd have with most Mahars, since the front gems apparently don't have the grown-into-the-body affect as the tail and back.

I really want to like the Montre, but I don't. I think the problem is that the pose is strange; I think something more 'in-movement' would have been better, like the Ontra. It's very squished into the box. It's also very plain. The only things making it GY are a missing wing, some scratches and a protruding bone (not counting the tail, because Montre tails seem to look like that anyway), so it looks more like a junkyard dog with a broken leg than a zombie. Where is the disemboweling and missing limbs?

The art is well done though, and it's starting to grow on me a bit (even if I'll probably never get one), so to me this is a successful start of Morostide pets.
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Re: DM Mahar and GY Montre

Post by Aqua »

Wow, the mahar is very pretty! Agreed on the chest confusion though, if they're attached to the chest it'd show a bit better if the left crystals wrapped around the chest a little bit. It's nice and evil feeling. XD

Montre seems small to be too, though the pose idea isn't bad. :x I thought the thing it was eating was part of it's skull at first due to the small size though.
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Re: DM Mahar and GY Montre

Post by Iggy »

Where is the disemboweling and missing limbs?
Not all of the GY pets are full of gore! There are different level of gore. This pet is on the same level of gore as the Escalade, or even the Keeto!
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Re: DM Mahar and GY Montre

Post by Cranberry »

I think it's eating its own wing, dude, which is gross enough for me. :P Agree on the fact that it's too small, though. I'm not a big fan of GY pets in general; I think I just don't like the color scheme.

I was hoping for a revamped DM pherret, but I'm happy with all the nice DMs we got last month. The mahar is another solid addition. I like the facial expression; it looks evil/content.
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Re: DM Mahar and GY Montre

Post by Amphigorey »

Iggy wrote:
Where is the disemboweling and missing limbs?
Not all of the GY pets are full of gore! There are different level of gore. This pet is on the same level of gore as the Escalade, or even the Keeto!
I like my GYs more gory than not. And most non-gory pets have details, like the Escalade's shackles and broken helmet. The Montre isn't visually interesting, except for the chicken bone/wing it's gnawing on.
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Re: DM Mahar and GY Montre

Post by Iggy »

Cranberry wrote:I think it's eating its own wing, dude, which is gross enough for me. :P

Its wing fell and it ATE it. I think it beats the Escalade and the Keeto in gore level, in fact.

On another aspect...I think I haven't elaborated enough.

I like my pets subtle. That's why I'd own a GY Sheeta, but not a GY Kumos. Or, I'd own a GY Montre, but not a GY Terracoon. Sure, the Kumos and the Terracoon are funny. But, that's not something I'm looking in a GY pet.

If the GY Montre was beheaded, disembowled or sliced and diced, I wouldn't have liked it as much as I like that one. It doesn't look as small as I thought it was. I just think the Mahar is huge.

I...don't like the Mahar. But, I don't like Mahars, period.
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Re: DM Mahar and GY Montre

Post by Tiki »

The Mahar is gorgeous (I think I'm one of the few people who are actually really big fans of the species? XD), and the Montre is... not. The art itself is fine, but seeing these two side by side really doesn't do the Montre any justice.

They are also very good examples of how to, and how not to, fill the box. Both are laying down and are more or less immobile, but the Mahar fills the space much more beautifully by being angled slightly more toward the viewer, whereas the Montre is incredibly small and squished in because the artist put him at a side view. It's a shame that the Montre had to be so small, because if it filled the box more, it would be much more obvious that he was chewing on his own wing. As it is, you have to squint and try to figure out what's going on.

Going back to the Mahar though, I think I've finally found a DM pet I can turn Wiki into. :D It was absolutely worth waiting all of September and some of October to see them! They are already meant to be a wise species, so this will fit her character perfectly. *goes to work on an overlay*
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Re: DM Mahar and GY Montre

Post by Bonkers »

Both are these are beautiful! :D
I'm not a big fan of Mahars, but this is amazing. If I wasn't so poor I might just change one of pets into this, lol :D

I love the Montre, I guess I'm one of the miniority?D: I always look forward to Morostide because of all the beautiful nightmare and GY pets that come out.
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Re: DM Mahar and GY Montre

Post by Ierosbats »

I really like the Montre. It reminds me of the graveyard Sheeta before it was "revamped" *cough*. It's subtle, like Iggy said (although I think we have very different definitions of subtle. You seem to have an affinity for Glade pets and I think that colour is probably the least subtle on the entire site, heh). It's simple and sleek and, as weird as it sounds, I think it's pretty, albeit in a very unconventional way.

I like the eye and its snarly little face and most of all I like the wounds on its side. They get the point across without being too much. As a whole, it's very conservative, but Montre redraws tend to be (Spectrum, Nightmare...). I can see why it wouldn't appeal to everyone but I like it. Then again, I tend to go for the graveyard pets that look like they could actually move around without falling apart into a pile of decaying pieces. I understand that's probably the opposite of why most people like the colour but it's nice to have choices!
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Re: DM Mahar and GY Montre

Post by Enriana »

I also like the Montre. I think it's chewing on its own wing, which definitely fills the "gross" quota. My only complaint is that the tail is too think, especially around the tip - though, at least here it sort of makes sense because it's just exposed bone.

I think my favourite thing about it is all the feathers. The ones from the wings, the ones on the tail.. they're just worn and torn and I like them.

I agree that it does seem a bit small, but that doesn't bother me - it's a subtle, muted pet and it makes sense that it fills the space in a less "in your face" way.

I am also confused about the Mahar's crystals, but the crystals look awesome so I'm not really bothered. If I were to get a DM pet, I'd consider this one - mostly because OMGSHINYCRYSTALSYAY.

Finally, I am QUITE excited that the Graveyard (and hopefully Bloodred and Nightmare!) pets have started. Can't wait for more!
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Re: DM Mahar and GY Montre

Post by TCStarwind »

I lovelovelovelove the mahar! 8D Its expression is awesome and the pose works wonderfully. I want to get one badly, but I don't have a pet to morph that I don't already have other plans for.

The montre is okay. I don't hate anything about it, but there isn't anything I really like about it, either. Are montre noses always so tiny?
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Re: DM Mahar and GY Montre

Post by Iggy »

But I like my obnoxious IN YOUR FACE pets, Shmoe! :P
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Re: DM Mahar and GY Montre

Post by Ierosbats »

Yes, I can't argue with that. That's why your "I like my pets subtle" comment threw me off. But hey, I'm glad you like Glade pets. If not for fans of the colour like you I never would have been able to get rid of all the pitchers I managed to snag. Not a fan of Glade, myself. /brokenrecord

...aaaand also, things that are on topic! *whistles*
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Re: DM Mahar and GY Montre

Post by AngharadTy »

I love the mahar soooooooo much! It's an amazing pose, the crystals are so gorgeous, and the expression is perfect! I may have to see if I can change the colors somehow to match Tal Rasha's and then change him into this... because it's really, really beautiful. The dark matters are even cute. I do love the rich purple of the crystals, too; it's wonderful to see in a dark matter pet. (But they're not Tal Rasha's colors, hee.) I hope I can get an overlay based off this because it is amazing! eee!

I've been waiting for the GY montre for years. I am disappointed. Really, really disappointed. I figured I might be, because I haven't liked many of the new montres, with their too-thin tails and strangely sloped faces and oddly smooth shading. But even given that, I'm disappointed. The tail is too thin, well, I expected it. The worn-through spot on the knee seems tacked on. To be fair, the face and the idea of the pose are good. But the placement in the square, the massive areas of white--I really can't get past that in the least. It's making my "feng shui"-ish sense twitch horribly. I can't stand it. It has great attitude and I like the notion of the wing lunch, but oof. It's just a compressed line of montre. So much whiteness!
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