Revamped Graveyard Ruffie

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Revamped Graveyard Ruffie

Post by Silverevilchao »


Cerberus has been revamped! I like all of the grotesque little details, and the fact that the overall concept and pose was kept. Does anyone have the old version for comparison?
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Re: Revamped Graveyard Ruffie

Post by Seerow »

I'm glad that it wasn't really changed, just updated. The milky eye on the right head is good, though I wish the left head still had the dangling eyeball. The heads don't really look connected to the body, though they never did to start with and I'm not sure how that could be changed anyway :P It'd be hard to squeeze three heads on a Ruffie no matter the pose! Great update! Poor Rah though, looks like all the Ruffies are done :(
The spots turning into skulls is adorable!
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Re: Revamped Graveyard Ruffie

Post by Rah »

Yeah the heads are kind of connected to the hips. So very strange! But I couldn't really change it without hiding the heads from view, and I figured people would prefer it this way anyway! You have to just...pretend that it works. Or something XD

I must admit, I couldn't bring myself to draw the dangling eyeball. Eyeballs are just one of those things that really really really freak me out.

But yes. NO MORE RUFFIES ;___; I'm going to have to make up colours for them so I can carry on drawing them xD BUMBLEBEE RUFFIE. CANDYFLOSS RUFFIE. Etceteraaaa
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Re: Revamped Graveyard Ruffie

Post by Tiki »

Rah wrote:But yes. NO MORE RUFFIES ;___; I'm going to have to make up colours for them so I can carry on drawing them xD BUMBLEBEE RUFFIE. CANDYFLOSS RUFFIE. Etceteraaaa
Another blue-based underwater color? Candy-based? OMFG that would be awesooooome. Cave-dwelling color with rocks and dirt and crystals all over each pet? Yes plz

Rah's revamps have really been consistently awesome, and if I still had my GY Ruffie I'd be perfectly pleased with this. <3 I had one as one of my first pets, back in '05 or '06 (were they already out in 2005? That's when I registered, so they must have been...). Brings back happy memories!

Re: Revamped Graveyard Ruffie

Post by Pyrostatic »

Another perfect Ruffie revamp. Nothing changed, except an update on the shading and colouring. The right head amuses me and I never noticed the expression as much as I did before. I'm not fond of Ruffies, but i know the fans of the species are quite happy with all the updates for them. A very good job on your part Rah. =)
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Re: Revamped Graveyard Ruffie

Post by Amphigorey »

Rah wrote: But yes. NO MORE RUFFIES ;___; I'm going to have to make up colours for them so I can carry on drawing them xD BUMBLEBEE RUFFIE. CANDYFLOSS RUFFIE. Etceteraaaa
STEAMPUNK RUFFIE maybe? *crosses fingers*

This ruffie is very nice. It looks more 'silly' and less 'fierce' than before though, but ruffies in general are silly so I guess it's more consistent :P I probably won't get one, but I still like it.

EDIT: One of the things that bugs me is there are no more cute flies :( I liked the cute flies.
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Re: Revamped Graveyard Ruffie

Post by AngharadTy »

I'll admit, I'm sad about the dangling eyeball too, hee. At first I thought it had a black sphere stuck in its head to match the white eye, but then perspective snapped into focus and I figured out what was going on. I also loved the flies, because I think they gave the ruffie(s?) good focus. However, it's massively improved in all other ways while still being true to the original--that's very impressive. It's a much, much better pet now. And I loooooove the skull spots.
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Re: Revamped Graveyard Ruffie

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Yeah, this is a great revamp! I wish you were less ooky about eyes Rah, because the big yellow tiny-pupil stare and the dangling eyeball are the only things I miss. Maybe the left one shouldn't look so darned happy. And aww flies, but they're minor to me.
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Re: Revamped Graveyard Ruffie

Post by firost-the-dragon »

Amphigorey wrote:
Rah wrote: But yes. NO MORE RUFFIES ;___; I'm going to have to make up colours for them so I can carry on drawing them xD BUMBLEBEE RUFFIE. CANDYFLOSS RUFFIE. Etceteraaaa
STEAMPUNK RUFFIE maybe? *crosses fingers*
I say....

ELECTRIC RUFFIE! :shock: yup, imma weirdo like that. i think Subeta should make an electric colour. It'll be with black, various blues, and lightning strikes! 8D
but bumblebee ruffie is win. ;)

anyway, onto the actuall ruffie. i think its pretty good, and an improvement from the old. but the heads are kinda....

disfigured... in a way. but hey! who cares! its the living dead! :mrgreen:
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Re: Revamped Graveyard Ruffie

Post by Mayhem »

I'm a few days late on this one and following on the want-of-electric-color-now-plz, but if Subeta ever had a color similar to Skoll from WoW, I would probably be ALL OVER THAT.
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