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Posted: 30 Oct 2009 05:16 am
by Alicorn
Look Ma, I'm making a topic! XD
**clears throat**

Anywho, Halloween is a day away and I'm curious to know what everyone's plans are. I also hope that after Halloween some people will post pics of themselves all dressed up. I love seeing others costumes.

What are my plans your ask? Well me and my wife are going out to a bar that's having a costume party. This will be my first costume party ever so I'm real excited. I'm dressing up as L from Deathnote (been planning this since Sept). I have all I need, just need to make my wig into L hair and I'm set. My wife is going as a female serial killer (I forget her name ^-^'). So we are going to be a bit of a match! (For those who don't know of L. He dedicates his life catching hard to catch criminals.) I'm really excited about this. And don't worry, I plan to post pics of my costume (and my wife if she lets me). Then depending on when we get back, we might get candy duty too (her parents are entertaining guests on that night). Which is what I was planning on doing till we heard about this party.

Re: Halloween!

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 05:21 am
by Jessi
I... am... WORKING.

Boring ;_;

But we get to dress up this year. And I am uh, dressing up as Vince Offer. You know, the ShamWow and Slap Chop guy. And you at least have to watch that second video. Ask Ty, it's magical.

After work, I am hanging out until Lindsey gets home from work, and then it's off for our usual Halloween tradition - FREE FOOD AT CHIPOTLE. As long as you wear tinfoil somewhere on your body, you get a free burrito or free tacos. It's totally worth waiting in line for 30 minutes with a tinfoil hat on.

Later on that night, around 11:30 PM, I am going to a midnight NaNoWriMo write-in with my writer's group, which i am SO PSYCHED ABOUT I CAN'T WAIT FOR NANO

Clearly my Halloween will be very... exciting xD;

Re: Halloween!

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 05:29 am
by Joey
For the 30th and 31st, I shall be carving pumpkins! xD Big surprise there, eh? I've actually got 11 planned for the weekend, which is ambitious, but my carving goals always are. I actually had a white mage costume planned as well, but stuff's been too busy so I was just going to raid my closet for another costume, and work on the white mage for a convention later.

Wish my luck in carving all my kins and keeping all my limbs!

Re: Halloween!

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 05:32 am
by Usul_Princess
Jessibean wrote:I- FREE FOOD AT CHIPOTLE. As long as you wear tinfoil somewhere on your body, you get a free burrito or free tacos. Totally worth waiting in line for 30 minutes with a tinfoil hat on your head for.

Nice! I'll need to check that out. My Chipotle restaurant is on MSU campus though. Free food + Broke students = 65 minute wait. Nonetheless I will start making a hat. ^_^

This is the first year I was invited to a Halloween party! My costume is "Sexy Dorothy" that I bought at Halloween USA, and I have to say it looks very tame in comparision to the $60.00 slutty (almost unrecognizable) XXS costumes at Spirit. I couldn't justify paying $34.99 for the shoes, so I bought $2. red sequin cloth at a fabric store and decorated a pair of old high-heels. xD Teeny downside: I haven't found a job vacancy yet tomorrow. *sadface* I really want to go to an elementary school as I need more excuses to wear this costume before Saturday.

Re: Halloween!

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 05:35 am
by TCStarwind
Unfortunately, I am also working on Halloween (and it's all Michael Jackson's fault). Since I knew this in advance, I didn't bother making myself a real costume. It's really killed any holiday spirit I normally would have had (since this is my favorite holiday).

I am however, in the middle of making myself cardboard button eyes to tape to my face tomorrow during school. I'm not sure if I should bother since I don't have anything cool to wear...

Re: Halloween!

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 10:45 pm
by EofS
I'm working - was asked this morning to go and work in another city for the day.

Of course, it's just another day here really. But it will be really scary!

Re: Halloween!

Posted: 31 Oct 2009 03:27 am
by Aurinona
I'm resurrecting last year's wolf costume and staying home to hand out candy again. It amuses me far more than it should.

Last year two trick-or-treaters cried- think I can reach three this year?

Re: Halloween!

Posted: 31 Oct 2009 08:38 am
by Mistress Morbid
My favourite time of the year!!!

Ah, I just love Halloween. ^^ Unfortunately we just did/are in the middle of a big move so there wasn't really much time to do decorations and costumes. :( It saddens me, but I'm looking forward to next year since we'll have our own house and I can finally get back into my uber Halloween decorations that I've always loved to do (but couldn't in a crappy apartment).

Instead I'll share the costume I wore at work. I didn't have an official costume so I just went through my wardrobe and scrounged up some stuff to make a creepy doll zombie thing. xD

Image Image

Re: Halloween!

Posted: 31 Oct 2009 09:37 am
by Ailiel
We're going as the twelve Olympian gods and goddesses, except there aren't twelve of us and some of us aren't even being olympians. Whatever. I am Athena, my sister is Artemis. All told I think there are eight of us. First I am taking the little nugget Trick or Treating (don't know if anyone remembers my pseudo-kid, I know I've shared some photos of her long ago but it's been awhile). She is six this year and is dressing up as a vampire, what else? I took her to get her costume earlier in the week, and I even made her a matching trick or treat bag with a sparkly red spiderweb and a spider brooch. She also has little stick-on fangs and little boots. She is adorably terrifying.

After the kid stuff, I will pass out candy until it's time to go out, at which point the whole olympian thing will happen. We are then going to do the very exciting go downtown routine, which will probably be just as exciting as every other time we go downtown, but with costumes.

I'm just a leetle bitter because I wanted to do what we did last Halloween, which is run to Orlando and Tampa and swarm the Halloween theme park festivities. But the funds did not align this year. It was so much fun and I am a little sad. But the good news is I got to carve pumpkins this year, which I love.

I'll share some pictures after the day, I still have some finishing touches to do on my costume.

Re: Halloween!

Posted: 31 Oct 2009 01:01 pm
by Fjorab_Teke
If we come across it (everything came in today and is in a massive cluster of boxes), i'll probably wear the same werewolf outfit I've had for the past 14 years. It's simple, but it never gets old for me. It's basically a black cloak, black shirt/pants/shoes, skeletal gloves, and of course the glowing wolf mask.

And i'll hand out goodies if we get any trick-or-treaters.

Otherwise, i'm just loafing online.

Re: Halloween!

Posted: 31 Oct 2009 11:22 pm
by EofS
Yay I didn't die!

I was asked to go and help put out a news bulletin from Leeds because they didn't have a [my job title] who could work today. The reason they needed one was because they needed to cover the two protests (an anti-fascist one and an anti-Islam one) taking place at the same time. Two streets away from each other.

Of course, to get from the station to the tv studio, I had to walk through the area where the protests were taking place. I actually had to walk round one of the protests. Omg so many police. SO MANY police.

Re: Halloween!

Posted: 01 Nov 2009 02:19 am
by Griffin
Yesterday I got dragged to Six Flags Magic Mountain by my boyfriend and some of his coworkers. I had my first rollercoaster ride, and somehow let myself get bullied into riding about seven of them total. Feeling like I'm about to die in a horrific way isn't my idea of fun, but whatever, the experience is under my belt and I never have to do it again. But I did love the water ride, especially because my boyfriend sat in the front and got totally soaked. c:

The six haunted mazes were okay, but not scary at all. They were kind of tedious after the 2nd or 3rd one because you know what to expect, and my feet hurt incredibly bad. My favourite one was the clown house. There was one small room with a big box in the middle that played Pop Goes the Weasel, and a cute tiny puppet popped out of the middle. A few seconds later the lights flashed and a giant fucking evil clown dropped out of the ceiling :D and another one ran past the people. But I'm not scared of clowns, or teenagers in zombie makeup screaming at me and banging on the walls for that matter, so I found it rather absurd that anyone over the age of six was screaming.

Today, I want to have our lights on and hand out my excess candy to the few kids that come down my street, but my mom doesn't even want to bother. She came up with a few reasons why not but they're all bullshit because she really just thinks Halloween is Satan's birthday and participating in any way will invite real demons to tapdance on our roof. I've lost more than half the Halloweens of my life due to this bogosity, but I guess I'm old and bitter enough not to care anymore. There's always the nice, innocent, totally-not-pagan-in-origin Christmas to look forward to! Whatever!

Re: Halloween!

Posted: 01 Nov 2009 03:21 am
by Alicorn
Bummer for those that had to work. But atleast you can dress up. I loved that I got to dress up when I worked. XD And Jessi, I would love to see your costume! That guy is hyped up on caffeine or something.
And MM, I love your costume. So sexy. I wish I could dig through my waradrobe and pull out such cool things. ^-^
EofS, that's just crazy. o.o I'm glad you made it through okay.

Now for my Halloween night. We went to the bar early and just sat around. Of course no one knew who I was. XD And then as the time for the party was getting closer, my wife wanted to leave. The place was getting busy and she gets nervous in crowds. So we never got to do the party thing after all. :P And her parents already had the candy taken care of so I didn't bother passing out any myself. And it was to cold and rainy to go around myself ToTing (which I would so do, I so look 14. XD I could get away with it.). But cause of us leaving early I got a GY Potion on Subeta so that made up for it for me. XD So now I"m just chilling. Her parents has people over so I'm staying out of their way. I'm playing around Subeta and I think I might flip the TV and see if there is a ghost special or something (I always loved watching those on Halloween). So in all it's been a fun Halloween. And don't worry, I have pictures of my L costume! I'm so happy with how it turned out.
Spoiler so not to slow peoples computers down. ^-^
Spoiler: open/close
Me at the bar doing the L pose. XD

Me and my wife (who is Aileen Wournos) at the bar. I caught me a serial killer! XD

And me at home doing another L pose.

Re: Halloween!

Posted: 01 Nov 2009 04:09 am
by Foghawk
I went through with a costume idea I've had since last Halloween and made myself a big ol' fly head. It was meant to be a joke costume (y'know, superfly and all that) but the result was quite pleasantly menacing, so I skulked around with my best friend in the best trick-or-treating street in the city wearing my black suit and trenchcoat. I got a lot of funny looks and a lot of candy.

Making the thing was actually really fun - it was newspaper, tape, and acrylic paint on a hard hat and surgical mask, with bubble-wrap-and-chicken-wire eyes. I built it Friday evening and painted it this morning, which astonishes even me, and took a whole lot of pictures which I can't yet post as I need to get them developed/find my camera cable. Once I get the pics in, though, I am definitely putting them up. I love the thing.

Re: Halloween!

Posted: 01 Nov 2009 04:12 am
by EofS
Alicorn wrote:EofS, that's just crazy. o.o I'm glad you made it through okay.
I'm glad I did too :0D The two marches were about a quarter of a mile apart from each other. And I forgot to mention the third factor - this was all happening around the time that football fans would be streaming into the city via the station. Thankfully Leeds thrashed the visitors, winning 4-0, so at least they would be in a good mood when coming back later in the evening. (I ended up stuck on a train with them for 90 minutes - they were boisterous but, thanks to the win, high-spirited). If they had lost, it could have ended up a LOT messier.

I like your costume. I have no idea who L is, but your pose looks very like the picture in your sig, so I declare it a successful costume.