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Blumaroo Day Predictions

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 04:20 am
by MalionX
It's that ol' glum bum... blum gum... yeah whatever, it's the Blumaroo's day.
True story, until I started really looking at this beast of a kangaroo, I assumed his name was pronounced "blue-ma-roo" sort of a rhymey sing-song name.
it appears to be rather pronounced blum-a-roo, though, as the name would imply. lol. Silly me.

Onward and upward!

Last year we got
Image Skunk and Image Woodland

8-bit Image Image
Biscuit Image
Custard Image
Invisible Image
Maractite Image
Relic Image
Strawberry Image
Swampgas Image
Transparent Image
Zombie Image

Being super late, I didn't know what I was going to do, I had forgotten to make drawings on my computer and I was stuck in a boring non-internet place, so, I decided... what the hell, I'll draw them now... in pencil. Strangely, even though I didn't use colour on the colours... I think you can tell them apart (despite the obvious that they are labeled)


Ok... for quick commentary, as my little drawings do little to illuminate my oppinions on these colours (aside from trolling invisible and herp derp custard)
8-bit has potential, Blumaroo looks like it could be a reject platformer character, what with his jumping and all.
Maractite could be really nice looking on this fairly round pet, unfortunately whenever I want to draw a maractite I tend to go for a swirly thing... could be that or maybe something more... Temple of the Gods from Wind Waker. Relic probably won't have a bird on it irl, or any sort of serious wear and tear to it, but I can dream.
Strawberry will likely look nice, but won't be terribly awesome. Biscuit, similarly probably won't have a bit taken out of it, but all these food pet are just begging to be chomped on... where it my Neopets subplot of the pets growing numbers and need to end world hunger when they realise... half ot them are litterally food. Rise of the Planet of the Snacks!
Zombie has a lot of potential... I recall some movie with a screwed up zombie kangaroo in it, if only I could really recall it.
Transparent might help me figure out what is up with the blumaroo's nose... I assumed here that it would like a trunk of sorts and that the little bit that hangs down probably isnt boned... but I dunno.
Swampgas probably won't happen so soon, but I wouldn't knock it I suppose.
and oh yeah, Custard and Invisible... we can only be so lucky if we get those gems. :D

Questions, thoughts... oppinions on me doing drawings... would you prefer me to edit a pet base instead? I'm willing to go in several directions with this collums, if anyone wishes to nudge me.

Re: Blumaroo Day Predictions

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 04:54 am
by Darigan
I voted Zombie and Invisible.
About nudging you: don't do what will please us, do what will please yourself.

Re: Blumaroo Day Predictions

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 05:25 am
by MalionX
I'm easily pleased though. So I figure I'd just kill two birds with one stone.

Re: Blumaroo Day Predictions

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 10:01 am
by Kantark
Wow... if that's the case (regarding the pronounciation of 'Blumaroo') then I've been getting it wrong for nearly 10 years.

I've gone with Maractite (plenty of room for a nice design, with or without swirly thing) and Strawberry, the Blumaroo's shape could suit that well.

Re: Blumaroo Day Predictions

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 05:49 pm
by MalionX
lol whoops, turns out this page exists

turns out Blue-ma-roo is in fact correct... on another note, I've been saying Lupe wrong... (it should be like "loop" but I always said "lou-pay"

there are various others I mispronounced, but only due to my apparent name dyslexia.

Re: Blumaroo Day Predictions

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 10:21 pm
by Kantark
There was that rapper, Lupe Fiasco*? I think he pronounces it 'Lou-pay', so I'm not surprised that many people do as well. I don't think pronounciation matters too much, specially since so much interaction is written rather than spoken. That said, in the only advertisement for Neopets I've ever seen on telly in the UK they pronounced Kougra as 'cougar', inexcusable!

Thanks for the link... turns out I've been getting Mynci wrong for years instead.

* Anyone else think that would make an excellent name for an NT comic/story?

Re: Blumaroo Day Predictions

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 10:46 pm
by MalionX
well if you're going to make verbal puns and attempt to rap about your pets, it's important to know proper pronunciation... or else, you'll just be the laughing stock of the Neopets Fine Arts University.... jeez.

Re: Blumaroo Day Predictions

Posted: 08 Aug 2011 05:01 am
by Iggy
I really really want Zombie for my pet Jester, so yeah. :)

Otherwise, I'd guess Maractite? :)