Negg Hunt 2012

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Re: Negg Hunt 2012

Post by Marah »

Ah, so you are taking into account the chronological order of things. That makes sense.
I will have to go and check my excel file but your reasoning sounds solid.
"Nobody else had an issue with doing it, though, so it didn't become an issue."
If this plot is going to be bigger it might come into play, maybe the clockwork negg is a bit like the one ring and carrying it isn't good for you . :)
Mostly I think it means that none of the other characters had a specific problem with this negg, so none could be excluded from taking it based on an aversion against the negg.
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Re: Negg Hunt 2012

Post by covet »

I'm sure that's what it means, it's just using 'issue' twice in one sentence that grates ;)
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Re: Negg Hunt 2012

Post by Marah »

Ah yes, they could have gone for problem instead of issue with the first issue so it wouldn't have been such an annoying issue...
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Re: Negg Hunt 2012

Post by covet »

I'm not sure if anyone else is interested (quiet round here these days) but:

Today's new journal entry officially ruled out Hurok.
It also ruled out the team's 'explorer'.

So Voughn and Hurok definitely didn't take the Clockwork Negg.

Brightvale definitely isn't the location.




Lost Desert
Kiko Lake

We know for sure that Rutu went to Shenkuu - and Rutu is most likely not the explorer as he's never visited exotic locations.
We know Selvin is the Wizard, so not the explorer.
That would leave Ricky as the explorer and rule him out as a carrier.

So the carrier could be Rutu or Selvin.

I'm leaving my guess as Selvin in Kiko Lake.
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Re: Negg Hunt 2012

Post by Marah »

my chart

The problem is, while each step made sense following the one before, I couldn't actually tell you again what it is I did...
I will have to go over it again.

Still Selvin and the clockwork negg still seems very plausible. Also because Selvin/the wizard have been mentioned allready. The fact that we can guess now makes me believe it certainly isn't one of the characters or professions that haven't appeared yet in the entries.
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Re: Negg Hunt 2012

Post by covet »

I'm no good at reading the charts and things people put up, that's why you get long rambly detail of how I work through it in my head.
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Re: Negg Hunt 2012

Post by Jazzy »

I was wondering whether the person and place that haven't been mentioned are the ones the narrator is and goes to. My current guess is Ricky at Kiko Lake.
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Re: Negg Hunt 2012

Post by Marah »

Okay I tried it a second time and got a few things different. Also, no chart but a rambly post. Didn't make a different, I still lost my train of thought completely half way through :) If I do it a third time I probably will end up with a different result.

entry 2:
Selvyn is the wizard and is not going to the lost desert
Voughn takes the cloud negg
entry 5:
Rutu goes to shenkuu
Some-one else goes to altador
Knight does not take the clockwork negg
entry 8:
Wizard = selvin does not go to brightvale.
Selvin doesn't go to altador (because that destination has allready been given away in entry 5) so she goes to kiko lake.
The glass negg will be taken to brightvale so rutu, selvin, voughn do not take the glass negg.
Entry 9:
Hurok does not take the clockwork negg
Explorer does not take the clockwork negg
rutu is not the explorer, as mentioned because surely an explorer wouldn't wait years to go to an exotic location.

At this point I had 2 people left for the glass negg: ricky or hurok. And it is known that the glass negg goes to brightvale, so voughn does not go to brightvale with his cloud negg
Hurok is not the explorer because two different reasons are given for those two not taking the clockwork negg.

So at this point I started guessing a bit more:
voughn is not the explorer because his reasons for not taking the clockwork negg would be because he allready choose the cloud negg
so ricky is the explorer. (only option left)
hurok is not the one taking the glass negg, because he was still in the running for the clockwork negg except that would make ricky the one with the glass negg and the same goes for him. Allthough maybe one of the many reasons he gave is that he allready choose the glass negg?
so ricky = glass= brightvale = explorer that leaves (in this chart) the knight with the lost desert.

So now my chart is already different form the last time and there are some flaws in the last bits of my logic. However, every time I end up with two possible options for the clockwork negg, Rutu and Selvin going to Shenkuu and Kiko Lake.
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Re: Negg Hunt 2012

Post by covet »

Pretty close to my thoughts too, Marah.

Ricky is another popular guess as he hasn't really been mentioned and could be the narrator. He's the least obvious - but I think they needed to have the answer work-outable from the first day we were allowed to guess, and to me, Selvin and her location were work-outable.

Rutu and Shenkuu seems too easy as it was just given to us.

and after today it also seems like either Ricky or Rutu is the explorer, and while Rutu wants to explore, it doesn't seem like his occupation.
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Re: Negg Hunt 2012

Post by Jazzy »

If Ricky is the narrator, he definitely can't be the explorer because the explorer keeps him awake at night snoring.
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Re: Negg Hunt 2012

Post by covet »

Yup. And he seems to be the kiko in the picture and be holding the backpack we had to click on. I can see why Ricky's a popular choice - he'd be my second after Selvin. I think he's the explorer, though.

It would just be odd to say 'Another said... blah blah stargazing'. When selvin and her occupation have both already been name checked. And Altador would be Selvin's only alternate course.

So I'm just hoping they haven't phrased things bizarrely, I suppose.
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Re: Negg Hunt 2012

Post by Marah »

I need to go to sleep instead of contemplating looking through old pet descriptions to see if any of the species make a habit of snoring...
I also haven't taken the art into account. Any thoughts on that?

Hurok is the acara and looks like a hermit/wise person/jedi to me.
Selvin is the wizard (doesn't look to wizardy to me)
Rutu is the poogle and does have a bag with what might be maps and a book. (Could be explorer, but I think he looks a bit too dweepy for that.)
Voughn is the kau and looks altador/ lost desert-like except for the goggles
So Ricky is the quiggle kiko with the huuuge backpack and the compass. That does fit the explorer. (he floats, it's a kiko with hair? Weeeird)
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Re: Negg Hunt 2012

Post by covet »

Haha I thought Ricky was a quiggle with no body at first too.
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Re: Negg Hunt 2012

Post by Jazzy »

Gosh, you're right, I voted for him and I still thought he was a quiggle!

If I wasn't able to change my vote there's no way I would already have voted. Still think we haven't all the information. I presume the tick on everyone else's backpack to say they've voted is gold and sparkly and that doesn't mean I'm right? :P

Something I was wondering - the knight refuses to take the clockwork negg and "no-one else had an issue with it", then later Hurok refuses. Is that Hurok changing his mind, or is Hurok the knight?
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Re: Negg Hunt 2012

Post by Marah »

I also have the gold and sparkly tick, so I guess it simply means you submitted a vote.

Something I was wondering - the knight refuses to take the clockwork negg and "no-one else had an issue with it", then later Hurok refuses. Is that Hurok changing his mind, or is Hurok the knight?
It does sound like they allready agree in entry 5 that the knight doesn't have to take the clockwork negg. To discuss this again in entry 9 seems a bit much (for the travellers.). So maybe Hurok would have taken the clockwork negg if it was needed, but preferred not to? He is one of two possible knights left in my chart. I really don't know, the way this puzzle is written it could also mean very well that hurok IS the knight.

Hopefully tomorrows clue will help.
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