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Some Neopets images

Posted: 08 Jul 2006 01:32 am
by Armi
First, Here's MM's pet Decaydra. She asked me to do this, so here it is. =) I messed up the front left leg cause I changed my mind at the last minute. >_< Never done a zombie or a Peophin, so this was great fun.
Hope you enjoy it MM!

This image I ment to enter back on Kougra day,but I couldn't get the time to finish coloring it till this week. -.- I suck at BGs since I have to mouse draw them. I love how it came out though.

I'll link the other two...

Here's a mutant Psimouse. I'm using this image for my gallery. Not sure as a blog image or shopkeeper image. ... en/psi.gif

My Tuskininny day AG entry of Palpus aka, that fat ugly tuskie on the 38 month shield. Tried to make him more appealing to the eyes. Sucky BG warning. ... alpus2.gif

Yeah...rawr and stuff. Hell(college) comes this monday for me, so glad I'm got these done now.

Posted: 08 Jul 2006 02:07 am
by Cyaneus
I love your style and the colors you chose. Very nice!

Posted: 08 Jul 2006 02:31 am
by zebru
Those are fantastic - you have very polished neopets-y style - they could pass for original neo art without any doubt. And you have a great feel for colours :)

Blast it, I can't leave my post all praise like that... so,.. bones on Peo front feet don't feel right as those need to look like joints. There, that's better.

Posted: 08 Jul 2006 02:36 am
by AngharadTy
I love the psimouse! ^_^ And the zombie, too. Lovely.

Posted: 08 Jul 2006 03:26 am
by smirkish
I love all of it. Really, really, nice. I especially like the Peophin. The design is great, MM. You always do such great art, and I never can get enough of it. You should draw moooore. xD

Posted: 08 Jul 2006 03:41 am
by Illuen
you are very very gifted, I love all of your art. *ponders how to make you draw pretties for me*

Posted: 08 Jul 2006 04:04 am
by Griffin
Awesome stuff. Your lines and colouring and shading and... everything, are just inspiring. *covet*

If I were to nitpick on anything at all, I gotta say... the Psimouse looks like it's flipping a bird. D: Neopets might not like that.

Posted: 08 Jul 2006 04:07 am
by AngharadTy
Cyro wrote:If I were to nitpick on anything at all, I gotta say... the Psimouse looks like it's flipping a bird. D: Neopets might not like that.
That's what Derek said, but I told him he was being childish. I like it too much to think that. ;D

Posted: 08 Jul 2006 05:39 am
by bonecrivain
Illuen wrote:you are very very gifted, I love all of your art. *ponders how to make you draw pretties for me*
Hee, ditto.

I love the peophin you did for MM. It's beautiful, in that zombified way. The eyes are the best part, I think. Very, very nice.

And I've got a soft spot for kougras, so that maraquan one makes me smile. I really dislike the Neopets version of it (I keep hoping for a revamp somewhere down the line), but your is lovely, especially the face. Again, it's the expressions that always make your art stand out to me.

Posted: 08 Jul 2006 05:52 am
by Armi
Gah! It was you I was trying to remember, Bone.. Your PM was gone, so I did forget, I'll admit that. >_< I'll get to your image again. I still remember what you wanted, just gotta find the image now. I was drawing a darigan lupe eariler this week. XD

Thanks for the nice comments guys. I really like drawing the neopets style.

Yeah, the bones didn't come out exactly as I wanted. I wanted it to look like the joint of the "elbow" and "wrist" to be jutting out, but I guess it didn't come out as planned.
XD @ Psimouse. That's the problem with 3 fingered creatures. You make them point, but it looks like a flick off. I hope TNT doesn't think I was doing something naughty for that.

Ok, I got two things to finish tomarrow now. =) I'm really glad I found my best brush pen, my other two were being crappy to this one.

Posted: 08 Jul 2006 01:11 pm
by Trick
Those are amazing Armi, the peophin and miamouse are especially awesome. If I could draw half as good as you I'd be one happy Trick!

Posted: 08 Jul 2006 01:28 pm
by Dead Webby
bonecrivain wrote:
Illuen wrote: Again, it's the expressions that always make your art stand out to me.

You have a talent for making art look so easy ^^ The lines are so smooth and the colours so pretty- well done!

Posted: 09 Jul 2006 10:04 pm
by bonecrivain
Hee, I'd forgotten too; I haven't been on Neopets a whole lot lately. But I saw your lovely pictures here and thought, "Hey! Armi picture! Me want!" and remembered that I'd already requested one. =)

Posted: 09 Jul 2006 10:30 pm
by mentalfloss
All four are absolutely fab. 8D Splendid work on MM's peophin.

Posted: 09 Jul 2006 10:41 pm
by Silverevilchao
I <3 the Mutant Psimouse. It's so EVIL. I also like the other ones, too. They are so polished and look so professional...I wish I could do stuff like that... :oops: