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Secret Agent Moye-please criticize!

Posted: 08 Mar 2007 04:04 am
by danceu4ia
<img src=" ... gncopy.jpg">

This is the pic of Moye I just spent an hour on :D

Pointers are needed and appreciated. Thanks!

Oh, her "story" is on her <a href="">petpage</a>

Its not long, I swear. :mrgreen:

Also, I didn't know whether to even bother with more shading, since she is a sketch xweetok that paints herself whatever colour she needs to would paint be as reflective as a pelt? I was unsure, but thought not.

EDIT: See better pic on page 2. Criticisms still accepted!

Posted: 08 Mar 2007 10:54 am
by checkers
Nice. Griefer needs work though and colour.
Could smooth it more and shade make the background look better like this:

Also could make the lines Blue? then it'd be more Sketchy xD

Posted: 08 Mar 2007 11:49 pm
by adi_gallia
I'm not one to criticise art because I am BAD at all aspects of art, hand and PC.

But Moye's head is too circular for me. I'm not to sure of 'her' paint job shes done either, the blue stripe on the tail makes the art too flat looking, like it's just facing flat at me, the tail doesn't look very curvy, but since it's meant to be paint and not fur I don't know, I will leave the rest to the real artists.

Posted: 09 Mar 2007 12:05 am
by Monkeyguy
It's cute! I love the concept of a sketch pet being able to paint on disguises. There are some things that could be improved, but I can't seem to put my thoughts into a nice helpful post so I'll come back after a bit and try again.

Posted: 09 Mar 2007 12:14 am
by danceu4ia
checkers wrote: Also could make the lines Blue? then it'd be more Sketchy xD
I thought about that, but then there would be blue "sketch" lines around what was painted, definitely a give away, and very dangerous for a spy ;)

Unless you were thinking of a different way?

Posted: 09 Mar 2007 02:08 am
by Monkeyguy
I just figured that Moye and Sherlock were sketched in black ink.

Posted: 09 Mar 2007 03:50 am
by Veo
Was this picture done in MS Paint?

Posted: 09 Mar 2007 04:15 am
by danceu4ia
Yes, this picture was done in MS paint. Forgot to put that in my first post :oops:

And yeah...I see how the tail looks flat. (DARN!) any input on how to fix that?

Posted: 09 Mar 2007 04:38 am
by Monkeyguy
Well I would imagine that this is some type of magic paint so it would probably need to be shaded in the same style as fur. If it is still wet, it might be a bit more glossy/shiny than normal fur.

At any rate some shading will help reduce the flatness.

Also we should still be able to see the buildings and side walk through the light of the street lamp. It would just look a little muted.

Posted: 09 Mar 2007 04:44 am
by Veo
One thing though - if Moye is a spy, why is she changing her outfit in the middle of the street? Just wondering about setting, that's all.

As for the tail, you could curve it around, but like Monkeyguy said, shading is your friend. ^_^

Posted: 09 Mar 2007 05:04 am
by danceu4ia
Archkiel wrote:One thing though - if Moye is a spy, why is she changing her outfit in the middle of the street? Just wondering about setting, that's all.

As for the tail, you could curve it around, but like Monkeyguy said, shading is your friend. ^_^
But it's like 3 am man, who really outside at that time? Come on ^^

...actually, I don't really have an explanation for it. Maybe she's got to quickly change her coat before the bad guys behind the big buildings get her! Yep. That's it. (no it's not. :P I'll go off to think of something better. It seemed suitably mysterious at the time ^^)

Time to go shade!

Posted: 09 Mar 2007 05:27 am
by Veo
...I have always loved the idea of Moye and her's so original!

so I drew this. I likes the fanarts. *sheepish*

<img src=" ... riefer.jpg">
*fwee! so cute! he's blushing!!*

Also, Danceu, your explanation makes perfect sense. *grin*

Now go shade!:P

Posted: 09 Mar 2007 05:35 am
by danceu4ia
AHH!! omg I lurve you!!!!11


Can I use it pwease?? Its so CUTE :mrgreen:

*puts cutie picture on pedestal, boys vienna choir in the background*

"No more caffine! BAD Emilie! BAD! Now go in your corner and SHADE!!"

Posted: 09 Mar 2007 11:25 am
by checkers
danceu4ia wrote:
checkers wrote: Also could make the lines Blue? then it'd be more Sketchy xD
I thought about that, but then there would be blue "sketch" lines around what was painted, definitely a give away, and very dangerous for a spy ;)

Unless you were thinking of a different way?
I meant just so it doesn't look like a WHITE Xweetok, 'cause currently it does.
Yes, this picture was done in MS paint. Forgot to put that in my first post Embarassed

And yeah...I see how the tail looks flat. (DARN!) any input on how to fix that?
Put uhm things like this:
Also create a light source, seeing as she's under the BEAM maybe like do this:
But it'd be more from a vertical one.
Red is where the light source should be and them areas are lighter, but it'd be vertical so them ones I drew are just from where my Light is.
Pink is the tail effects, look at them make it like furry sorta? and stuff, that one I did isn't the best but looks alright add more colours.
Green is where there needs to be more shadow you had a tail with like half a shadow underneath.

Posted: 09 Mar 2007 01:48 pm
by danceu4ia
alrighty then, good shading tips :) I'll have to come back to this, but expect a better picture by monday, hopefully.

I'm visiting my Grandparents, who have a computer, but its the oldest and slowest monster you could imagine. :P

I'll be back *terminator voice*