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Glacier Pets - New Colour

Posted: 07 Sep 2007 02:10 am
by Kamil
Image Image Image Image

You get these when you explore the <a href="">Polar Ice Fields</a> and find a bucket of Polar Water.

You can then combine that with . . . things to make the potion. ^^

Posted: 07 Sep 2007 02:12 am
by Seerow
There's a Kumos too.

I really really...really love the Tigrean. The pose and the whisps of breath are wonderful. And that tail is love. I will get one. Somehow.

The Sheeta is really nice as well, though the horns seem to be too rounded and held to high or something. I don't really care as much for the Kumos or Bovine, but I've never loved their species a whole lot either.

Posted: 07 Sep 2007 02:13 am
by Cranberry
I like the frosty breath a lot (wish the bovyne had it), and the colors are lovely. I think the sheeta is quite nicely done, but I find both the kumos and tigrean too simple, mostly in the face.

Posted: 07 Sep 2007 02:13 am
by Monkeyguy
Yes, something to paint Byrnison! And while I don't think the pets are different enough from other color-fills to merit it, the new poses are nice.

Posted: 07 Sep 2007 02:14 am
by shaelyn76
HOMG!!!!! That Tigrean is so freaking amazing that I gasped when I saw it. It is beautiful and elegant and everything that I want my beautiful Inara.Serra to be. I may actually have to change her from Reborn to this. I am really excited to see what the other pets will look like when released.

Posted: 07 Sep 2007 02:14 am
by Kari
Overall, it's a very pretty color. I like the white and blue together. And it's a repose too, which is plus points over here. I also like how "cold" they look with their expression.

The Sheeta's pose is sooo pretty. I'm almost tempted to change my pet Mikain into that because it'd match her personality, but I'll see what the Glacier Darkonite looks like first.
I like the snowglobe on the Bovyne's collar!
The back legs on the Tigrean are a bit wonky to me, and I'd like if the other front paw had the claws out too. I do like the serious expression though.
I just noticed the ice things on the fur on the Kumos, otherwise I would've called it very plain.

Posted: 07 Sep 2007 02:15 am
by Officer 1BDI
I love the Kumos, and I LOVE the Tigrean.

I wish the Sheeta was facing the user, rather than snubbing the screen, and the Bovyne looks odd to me but I can't quite place why; maybe it's pose is too stiff (that snow globe around its collar is adorable, though). I can't wait to see more of these pets released.

ETA: Does anyone know what the time limit for the Ice Field might be? An hour?

Posted: 07 Sep 2007 02:20 am
by Griffin
Coherency fails me today. I really really like the Sheeta :D It's a serious consideration for my currently-Arid-Demi who has long since required a fancier form.

I'm somewhat glad that these don't have billowy snowstorms going on behind them- though that'd be pretty, it'd (personally) make me feel obligated to restrict the pet to some kind of frigid environment. And the reason I don't like most Galactics is that their background darkens and clutters up what is otherwise beautiful pet art. So I'm pleased with their relative simplicity.

Posted: 07 Sep 2007 02:21 am
by Sunwolf
Oooh . . . wow. I've always wanted a Kumos with silver eyes - I was considering getting a Dusk one, but this is so much better!


I can't wait for the Darkonite and Celinox ^^

Posted: 07 Sep 2007 02:22 am
by Reify

I have to say, those are all undeniably beautiful. I love the black sclera on the first three, and the coloring and layout is generally amazing. I was wibbling on getting a Sheeta before, but now it looks inevitable. The glare on the Tigrean is similarly awesome, and the icy tail... ah! I hope the potion doesn't end up too hard to get. I can't wait to see how the color develops!

Posted: 07 Sep 2007 02:24 am
by PharaonicQuiche
Nooooo, not more pets I really, really want. D: They're all gorgeous.

Posted: 07 Sep 2007 02:24 am
by Iggy
Did Jill do all of these? Three of the pets are hers(Unsure for the Kumos), and they're beautiful?

Posted: 07 Sep 2007 02:28 am
by Keith
Jill did all of them but the Kumos. We've got a few more done, but I just wanted to release four tonight. :|

Posted: 07 Sep 2007 02:29 am
by Fjorab_Teke
Wow, these are really pretty! I'm liking the *pun intentional* cold expressions. The wisps of breath are a really nice touch.

Posted: 07 Sep 2007 02:32 am
by Kidnemo
Yay, another redraw colour, I was wondereing what they'd do when all the galactics are covered.

I like the Sheeta's horns, and puff of breathe.. it looks really feminine to me and I'm not sure about the pose. The Kumos is very simplistic, which is what makes it so pretty. I do like the jagged-y blue markings on the Tigrean and the.. <strike>cowthing</strike> Bovine but it's blocky necklace(?) ruins it completely.