Dogs Starved for Art (WARNING: Not for Faint Hearted!)

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Is it wrong to do this?

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Re: Dogs Starved for Art (WARNING: Not for Faint Hearted!)

Post by Moga »

The problem with art is how subjective it is. I'm not going to say I like this as art, because I don't. I'm not even entirely sure if I consider this art. What I do know is that this, if nothing else, did create a reaction. The question is, will the reaction last, or will this just be a brief upset on the interweb?

If it can be taken that it was more likely this dog was going to die than be saved, and if this creates a movement, however short, that saves lives of individuals, animal or human, that would not have been otherwise saved, than was this worth it?

What I think this piece of 'art' really needed was a sign, right next to the dog, saying 'Save me.' Just what I'd thought of when I read the article. As to why no one tried to help the dog, it seems like the sort of thing that you pass and just stare at, in a state of mild shock. It just doesn't really register when you see it in person, so there is no movement to help.
I spent months working on a half hour presentation. Why? Because it was fun. I'm not obsessed or anything.
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