Pumpkins 2007

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Pumpkins 2007

Post by Ailiel »

Well another Halloween has come and gone! This year I had time to carve only one good pumpkin (I also knocked out a pumpkin masters pumpkin really quickly) due to the timing of a family vacation cruise the weekend before. I was all tied up getting ready, being gone, and then recovering. But I created a pattern all on my own before I left and then carved it the day of. It came out pretty sweet!


In case you couldn't tell, that's the chosen one herself, Buffy Summers. I'm hoping to do a whole Sunnydale theme next year, and pass out band candy and chocolate hurricanes (would be especially appropriate seeing as how every other halloween there is a hurricane either looming or just past or on top of us). Set up Sunnydale Cemetary in the yard, and have a little Magic Box on the front porch with mysterious bottles, mummy hands and fertility statues, and have vampires jump out from behind bushes and trees. It would be so cool! But this year it was just one pumpkin. :P

What about you guys, any pumpkin art to share?

EDIT: Here's a link to last year's pumpkins.

Also, a great site to get started on making your own patterns and carving with shading is The Pumpkin Wizard. A little too late for this year but it is NEVER too early to get started on next year! As I learned. I think I will go pick up a bunch of fake pumpkins on clearance to get ready for next year.
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