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Frozen Friend, "X" Please. :)

Posted: 10 Dec 2007 05:05 pm
by JosieQ
I hope this isn't illegal here like on Subeta. I checked the rules so it shouldn't be. :p

During one of the many site glitches, my friend was able to play the Tiles Game as often as she liked, rather than just every two hours. To her surprise, she was then frozen for "abusing a glitch." She quite honestly thought, and told the admins, that it was not a glitch because a glitch, if it was so serious to abuse one, would be listed on the News like: "Tiles is screwed up, do not play it more than once every two hours."

Now, regardless of whether she knew she was abusing a glitch or and doing it on purpose or legitimately did NOT know, she has apologized sincerely and begged to be unfrozen. The admin (who is rather rude and smug by the way, but I won't name them) said some crap about how her abuse of the glitch caused "instability in the economy" in gold being created by her extra playing. She responded to this by offering to be fined a full ten million sP, even though she had only gained maybe a few thousand, proving she was not intentionally out to get money and be a jerk. Obviously she has enough, she just likes playing the Tiles Game.

Isn't this a bit harsh? I mean freezing you until all your pets and assets and items are wiped and not allowing you to play for a full year? Who is going to want to come back after that, anyway? What is the purpose of the Warnings section under Preferences if they permanently freeze you when you commit a minor non-crime like that? It is not like she harassed users or got into forum arguments or hacked someone's account. I always thought Subeta was a nice community, rather than a gross obscenity with ugly pets (and getting uglier) like Neopets. I thought the administrators had actual faces and souls that you could reason with, but the responses I am getting (she's given up arguing with them) are from people who seem to be modeling themselves after corporate jerks, and I do not see the point of it. I don't know about you, but I go onto the internet to avoid the real world, which is chock-full of horrible people and useless, unbending rules. Why do we want the internet to be the same??

This is one of her two pets, which she has spent ages building up a treasure chest for so she can stuff pretty minions in:

As you can see, she spent a LOT of time and money on Subeta, and it is a travesty that all that is gone on a whim now, and for such a non-crime.

What I am asking for here is not like a petition to reinstate her account, as I believe the admins are immovable and petitions do nothing. But if you agree that she should be unfrozen, I would like you to post with a little "X" Just to know I am not the only crazy one who thinks this is an overreaction.

Please, if you are on of those people (and I am sure there are many of you) who think the admins can do no wrong and that there is a REASON we have rules because if we break them there is chaos OH NO so she deserves to be frozen eternally whether the rule she broke was minor or major IT IS ALL THE SAME OMG RULES R RULES!! Please please please DO NOT post here. I am asking nicely. I know the other side of the coin and I don't need to hear it. I do not want some stupid argument or debate on the nature of rules and anarchy. Luckily a lot of people here seem to agree that "glitch abuse" is a kind of stupid rule, especially when glitches aren't news-posted so people know.

Oh and interesting side-note, the very DAY she was coldly frozen (coldly frozen, gettit??), some admin put one of those announcements up that sit on the top of every page about how their friend was unfairly frozen on Neopets and a link to a place where they could all go and complain. I guess they're only faceless and unyielding when it's not them. :p

Thanks for reading. :)


Posted: 10 Dec 2007 05:31 pm
by JosieQ
Argh, now I've been frozen! Unbelievable! First they warned me for discussing frozen users (which I didn't know was against the rules, but oops), and now they've decided I'm her and froze me for "Multiple accounts"!

I've emailed what are the chances they'll get around to unfreezing me within the day so I don't miss any Advent Calendar stuff? Slim, right? Crap. This is so stupidly unfair. They're really going insane. :(

Re: Update.

Posted: 10 Dec 2007 08:12 pm
by Iggy
Was it the first time she played Tiles? Ever? Because it's written clearly in the FAQ
Subeta Tiles FAQ wrote:In the case of the Regular Game, the 2 hour timer begins when you end a game, so if you start one and leave it, you will have to wait 2 hours after completing that game before you can play again.

She quite honestly thought, and told the admins, that it was not a glitch because a glitch, if it was so serious to abuse one, would be listed on the News like: "Tiles is screwed up, do not play it more than once every two hours."
And I honestly believe than, if you know the site is not working as usual, it probably is a glitch, and you should warn an user admin.

Re: Frozen Friend, "X" Please. :)

Posted: 10 Dec 2007 08:42 pm
by Huggles
Okay, so I'm locking this because I believe it falls under the no posting of personal account problems thing, even if not directly asking for staff help. Also, please don't double post.

Although, I'm kinda doped up at the moment so I may be wrong and someone else will come round and unlock it. But as Iggy has pointed out, unlike Neopets, when something is not right on Subeta, they usually expect you to know. If you are able to visit a daily more than once a day, or can purchase as many items as you want from the Millionaire Center without a time limit, or suddenly find yourself 20 million sp richer when you collect your 235 sp interest, they expect you to know to delete the items and not spend the money.

You will not be unfrozen within the day, and probably not for a while if you've been frozen for multiple accounts.