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Its been a great day on Neo

Posted: 02 Jul 2008 01:43 am
by Seerow
It's been a rather great day on Neopets, one of the best I've had in years :) To celebrate my account turning 90mths, I went on a 1mill gallery spending spree, completed a transfer for a Royal Peophin, and created Kynsari.

I am loving the ability to trade Neopets. I got a offer of a Royal custom on one of my pets and took it. With the royal custom I created Eldyres to be painted Royal. That all went smoothly and Eldyres was on my main long enough for me to strip off her clothes. I sort of hate how the Transfer doesn't give the option to strip a neopet of if clothes so I was forced to do a pound transfer to get her off my main account and over to my side. I should have been a bit less impatient and waited till the site wasn't as populated before I attempted this, but alas I was impatient to create Kynsari. So as you've probably guess Eldyres was pound-swiped. I've nmed the new owner with plenty of proof that Eldyres belonged to me and without her clothes she's not "worth" anything to anyone else really. So far they've ignored all my nms, so sadly it doesn't look like I'm getting her back. I'm not absolutely heartbroken over it as I only had her for a few minutes and wanted her mainly for the clothes, but I like the Royalgirl base and was looking forward to doing something with it.

But I still have the clothes and that's what really matters. So meet Kynsari - the Desert-Royalgirl Peophin. Why yes, I did take the idea from Kamil :)
I have another transfer of a custom royal coming in, where I shall get my Camo-royalgirl Elephante done. I already have the Camouflage PB and name for the Elephante picked out, just waiting for the other user to get on to do the transfers.

And in other news: I went on a ~1mill gallery shopping spree! I have all the buyable drinks (that I know of) now. I have roughly 82 more drinks to go until I have them all, but I won't ever be able to get a lot of those because of how rare/non-existent some are. But my gallery now has 580 drinks, the largest of its kind in Neopia. I went though and completely demolished my old catagories and ranking and am (painstakingly) going through and re-doing them all. I'm about half way through with all the reordering.

I want to try and enter it into the Gallery Spotlight, but I can't find anyone to code me a layout. If any of you who are reading this like coding and want to take a stab at doing one for my gallery, by all means contact me :P

So yeah, its been a great day on Neo.

Re: Its been a great day on Neo

Posted: 02 Jul 2008 04:45 am
by Jessi
Wow, it sounds like you've had a great day indeed! Congrats on all the awesome achievements, Seerow - I'd volunteer to code you a layout but I'm going to have the same issue with my own layout when I finish my gallery xD I hope you find someone though, I definitely think you could win :3

Re: Its been a great day on Neo

Posted: 02 Jul 2008 05:02 am
by Kamil
Oh, wow, Seerow, that's wonderful! *tosses confetti* I love Kynsari; she looks exactly like I'd hoped they would. *admires* I'm sorry about Eldyres though; that bites.

And you gallery! Looks lovely. I've always admired it and I'm glad to see you going on with it. I'd offer to code something pretty for you, but I could barely manage basic html; css is completely beyond my kin.

Anyway, yays! I'm so happy for you.

Re: Its been a great day on Neo

Posted: 02 Jul 2008 07:42 am
by jebbica
Ooh, the Royalgirl/Desert Peo turned out very nice! Was it fairly accurate based off of my preview?

And congratulations on your gallery achievement!

Re: Its been a great day on Neo

Posted: 02 Jul 2008 07:38 pm
by Seerow
Your version and the real thing look exactly the same to my eyes :P They may be a pixel or two off, but its darn near perfect. I wish the head piece was considered an article of clothing so I could have put that on Kynsari too as her forehead looks a little bald, but ohh well.

Thanks everyone :D And thanks for liking my gallery! I've been trying to win the spotlight since the Gallery contest came out but no go so far. Foghawk has graciously offered to code me something though, so hopefully I'll stand a better chance of winning.

Re: Its been a great day on Neo

Posted: 02 Jul 2008 07:48 pm
by jebbica
Hehe, perhaps TNT will release a nice mask/headpiece/hat thing soon that would go nicely with the Royal accessories.

Re: Its been a great day on Neo

Posted: 03 Jul 2008 08:10 pm
by Seerow
Meet Avendri! The pretty Camouflage-Royalgirl Elephante. I need to work on her and Kynsari's lookups today, and find Kynsari a petpet.

Re: Its been a great day on Neo

Posted: 04 Jul 2008 01:38 am
by jebbica
Prettyful =o