Valenth feeding thread!

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Officer 1BDI
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Re: Valenth feeding thread!

Post by Officer 1BDI »

I'm definitely having issues, so it hasn't been fixed yet. One of the foods seems to have disappeared entirely, and another's name has been changed so that it's no longer valid. I don't think any of my pets are affected, though.
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Re: Valenth feeding thread!

Post by Sparrow »

So, it's been a while, but a lot has changed at Valenth! It is now possible to trade pets with other users: There is even an autotrade function, but use it carefully-- auto only accepts alpha and beta pets, and only if all the pets specified in the autotrade are offered. Several species have been temporarily or permanently retired, and the Chicklet was given a makeover, with the old version remaining as a retired species. And there is now a cash shop to buy credits, which can be spent to adopt special pets (although these pets can also be traded with other users): Oh, and there are new prrbs. They are very cute, and come in all sorts of colors, which are rotated out weekly. Some new colors came out yesterday (silver, green and blue, which I don't yet have).

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