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Petpet match for a ??? Gnorbu, plus color question

Posted: 20 Jan 2009 02:47 am
by chocolatefairy13
Ok, so I created a Gnorbu named Shearful.

It was the first name that I could think of when I planned on getting a Gnorbu, and I was pleasantly surprised to see it available!

I'm not sure what color to paint him.
Either Baby or Ghost.

Baby because they don't have a lot of hair like the other Gnorbus (Shearing theme), and because they're so darn cute.
Ghost because Shearful is like "Fearful" and makes sense.

Anyway, Shearful needs a petpet.
Something that's not TOO expensive....under 50k, preferably.

I thought about a Babaa, Vacana, or Walking Carpet, as those have a lot of hair.
Are there any "bald" petpets?

Also, I need opinions on colors.

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Re: Petpet match for a ??? Gnorbu, plus color question

Posted: 20 Jan 2009 07:50 am
by varii
The first petpet that comes to mind when I think of bald is the Kepru, and that matches the baby Gnorbu pretty well.

Pinklets are pretty bald looking too, but I don't like those as much. In general, I think Vacanas are adorable and the Mutant Walking Carpet is one of my favorite petpets period.

For a name match, I actually like Ghost better than baby, but baby Gnorbus are shamefully cute so I'm not much help there. :)

Re: Petpet match for a ??? Gnorbu, plus color question

Posted: 01 Feb 2009 04:51 am
by chocolatefairy13
I decided on Ghost, as it fits his name the best.
Plus, I really didn't feel like spending 600k for a Baby PB.

I'm still thinking about which petpet to get.
Walking Carpet, Vacana, or something else.
Ghost Babaa would be perfect, but 120k is more than I want to spend on a petpet right now.
Hmm...but I did save 500k by painting Ghost instead of Baby.


Re: Petpet match for a ??? Gnorbu, plus color question

Posted: 01 Feb 2009 05:11 am
by Larkspurlane
That's such a cute name / pet combination! And I think the ghost baabaa is ideal. Go check your till & get yourself one, it's too perfect a match for a ghost gnorbu called Shearful :D

(Most expensive dirt pie EVER!)

Re: Petpet match for a ??? Gnorbu, plus color question

Posted: 01 Feb 2009 05:31 am
by chocolatefairy13
You SO didn't have to do that!
But thank you very very much!
I'm off to buy a Babaa + Ghost PPPB.

Enjoy your dirt pie!

EDIT: Shearful now has a petpet!
"Please Do Not Shear" the Ghost Babaa. :mrgreen:

Re: Petpet match for a ??? Gnorbu, plus color question

Posted: 01 Feb 2009 04:00 pm
by Larkspurlane
:D I love it! 10/10!

Plus its name is too cute, haha.