The Week From Hell

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The Week From Hell

Post by Seerow »

So a few of you may have noticed that I've been gone for the past week. From here on out that week shall remain The Week From Hell.

So it started out simply enough. I do night meds at the shelter where I work on weekends and usually I go in around 5-6pm to start. Well we have this tiny sick kitten that needs bottle fed and, not wanting it to starve overnight, I went in around 10pm that Sat. and Sunday. Lord that was the worst mistake of my life.

I ended up getting attacked at work and injected with what I later learned to be a sedative used for anesthetizing animals before surgeries and such. I honestly don't remember much from it since I was out pretty quick and it was all over really fast, and well, that sort of ended up being the least of my problems. I managed to get myself into the staff bathroom which has a security door that no one is getting into without a grenade or a key, so I passed out in safety there. Again, I was out of it so just retelling what I was told. A co-worker found me the next morning around 6am, so I was out for roughly 8hrs and laying on my side on concrete the whole time. He noticed my car in the driveway but couldn't find me and found a bunch of dogs (all 7 or so dogs from puppyroom. The attacker let them out is our guess) running around the hallway, where I might add they had tons of fun playing Let's-Eat-Heather's-Ipod!!

Anyway, the police arrived and I was rushed to the ICU of the hospital. Apparently I was very nearly dead with a body temp of below 85 degrees and an incredibly low heart rate. My muscles had also started to deteriorate and released CPK or whatever, so my levels were up around 2000 when they should have been 0-100. I actually woke up mid-day Monday, a full two days before they expected me to wake up if I was going to, and found a tube down my throat and nose and restrained to the bed. If you've never felt a tube being pulled out of your throat or nose, I pray you never have to. That's about all I remember from that day as I went back to sleep shortly thereafter.

So to cleanse my system of the excess CPK, I was hooked up to an iv drip, 180mls per hour. You ever had 180mls per hour dripped into you? Pray you don't. I was in that restroom every 40 minutes or so, if I was lucky. That first night I was hooked up to 40232 machines that all had to whir and beep, and of course hospital staff don't care what time it is and I had tests done every few hours. Needless to say, between Tuesday and Wednesday, I hadn't slept in 27hrs straight.

So I was in the hospital until Friday, when instead of being released like I thought, I was transferred directly to a psych clinic about an hour away. Handcuffed. In a Police Car.

Let me back up here a bit. The police don't believe I was attacked, they think I tried to commit suicide. No matter that drugs were stolen that (obviously) weren't in my possession and numerous other details that don't add up to my trying to commit suicide. However, they can't for the life of things figure out how someone got in (though a door was unlocked) and didn't set off the motion sensors (though they aren't hooked up) or why someone would steal the drugs they took anyway. But police are asses (sorry for anyone who is police, or knows someone who is) and didn't bother to actually /look/ for clues other then "SHE DID THIS TO HERSELF!"

So they searched my room and took my comp to look for evidence and didn't really find anything that isn't a far stretch to support their case. But since they couldn't find any hard evidence to support my case either, they sentenced me to inpatient care at a clinic for 72hrs unless the doctor felt it was safe to release me. So I went to the psych clinic Friday afternoon, transported by the police, where I didn't even get to talk to anyone until mid morning on Saturday. The Psych said I was fit to be released and could have gone home that day. Except for a catch. You need to talk to a social worker there before they will release you and they don't work weekends. So I had to stay there until yesterday (Monday) before I could sit with a social worker and work on my outpatient care. I'm required to go visit another psych on an outpatient basis until they feel I'm fine.

Hopefully none of you ever need intensive therapy, cause well, if they are all like the ones I stayed at, it's a bunch of crap. We had group meetings about four times a day and they lasted about 30 minutes and were utterly pointless. For the rest of the day we could do whatever we wanted. However the only entertainment they had there was a single TV and a deck of cards. My mom brought me a book so I read for most of the threeish days, but even that gets tiresome after a while.

In other scary news, they had done a CT scan of my chest at the hospital and found little lumpy things in my lungs. They weren't sure what it was and want me to go back and get another scan in three months. I had a cough at the hospital but didn't think too much of it. I'm voting lung cancer now though.

Except for my bruised arms (I look like a heroin addict :P ) I'm okay physically at least. Now to just get all this legal mess sorted out and hopefully move on with my life. *Sigh*

So that is the Week From Hell. Pray you never have one like it.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Rah »

Geez, Seerow. Just....geez.

Sell it to Hollywood! Or one of those trashy magazines that pays you £1000 for a story like that.

Seriously though, that is a hell of a week. I'm so glad you came out the other end of it intact, though! Me and Jessi were panicking that you were in a coma or something worse!

Were all the animals ok in the end? Are you still working at this place? Are you requesting a bit more freaking security from now on?! I think i'd be a bit traumatized myself after something like that. How are you feeling on the non-physical side? I feel like it would take a bit of time to be comfortable doing stuff again, but I think in these situations it's best to have a bit of a rest and then just push on. Can't let things like this scare you into having to change your life, you know?

I just really wish you all the best with your recovery, Seerow! *snugs*
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Alicorn »

Wow. Poor Seerow. **big hugs** I mean wow. The police, really. Talk about jumping to conclusions. Geeze. I really don't know what to say about them. I'm lost for words. **shakes head** I'm so sorry you had to go through such a hellish week. I hope that the legal stuff gets sorted fast for you so you can put it all behind you. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and hoping for the best. It is quiet good to have you back! It's not the same without you. **gives more big hugs** And I have all the same questions Rah does, heh. ^-^'
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by AngharadTy »

Auuughhhh your police suck! That is such an incredulous story. I wish I didn't believe you, in a way! I kept making this face: D=

We love you and are very very very glad you're okay and back and okay!!
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by EofS »

O_O <- my face whilst reading this whole story.

Fucking hell! That's a horrendous ordeal to have to go through. Very, very glad you've made it out the other side *hugs tightly* And your police force sound frighteningly incompetent! So glad to hear you're ok.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by bonecrivain »

Ugh, that is absolutely ridiculous...I hate that the police, who are supposed to be there for your protection, made things so much worse for you. They shouldn't be *allowed* to take your personal things, like your computer, without some sort of solid evidence that you were trying to harm yourself. Which in this case simply doesn't exist...

I'm so glad you're okay, though!
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by mellaka »

Oh wow, that is so horrible. It must have been so scary at times. I hope your recovery goes well and your legal issues get resolved quickly. I'm not good with expressing things - I'm just glad to hear that you're OK now.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Seerow »

That's the plan Rah! If I have to deal with this crap, might as well get paid for it. Best selling book and made-for-tv movie, here I come.

All the animals were okay (even the kitten!). My ipod didn't survive being mauled by the dogs, but at least none of them swallowed the headphones and got impacted. My job is still up in the air though sadly. I called my manager just a bit ago and she's still waiting on the final police report. The board won't let her have someone on staff who possibly used work property to commit suicide, which I see where they are coming from but in my case sucks. I don't want to leave that job as it really is my second home and I've been there for three years. I know she doesn't want to have to fire me, but she may not have any choice in the matter. So we'll just have to wait and see for now I guess. I might actually need therapy for depression if my lose my job :(

And yes, work is going to have much better security now. There will need to be at least two people there at all times and I heard they are going to get the cameras back up and working too. Don't know too much else as I haven't really talked to many people there for the past week.

I'm not really scared over the attack anymore, having to defend myself constantly against allegations of suicide didn't leave room for much else. I'm sure if I get to go back to work that it will be really weird but I'm close to a lot of people there and know they don't believe what the police are saying so that helps a lot. I don't think I'll be using the staff bathroom or doing night meds there for a long long...long...time though.

Thanks for the well wishes everyone, it really does mean an awful lot.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Huggles »

Can't you get a lawyer or barrister or someone to plead your case and prove that the police are stupid. I feel that you should be suing someone if they're being so incredulously dumb and letting whoever did this run around free.

*huggles* I'm glad that you're okay. Well, not okay, but alive is very good.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Wingsrising »

Oh,my God! How horrible!

Definitely one of those cases when an impulse that's fundamentally sound (in this case, getting help for suicidal people) goes horribly, horribly wrong.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by AngharadTy »

Whaaaaa... yeah, they could have one hell of a lawsuit on their hands if they fire you. I seldom say this, but--contact a lawyer. I know money is a pain but losing a job over that could have an impact on your future, too. Get an active legal defense against it while it's still fresh, before any more damage is done.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Goldenchaos »

Im just so glad your okay..x_x man, that's scary..

Useless police, if they found no evidence of suicide then it should be ruled out. Yea, I second Ty, it requires legal action above what the cops will do..since it sounds like they wont do a thing.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Cranberry »

Wow. Just... wow. I am so glad you're okay (and that the animals are, too). I'm glad you made it into the bathroom before you passed out. And I hate that the police are being such assholes. I agree with Ty -- get a lawyer, or at least talk to one and see if they have any advice.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Jessi »

I've already talked to you sooo much since you got back (but not enough! *stabs police* GIVE SEEROW HER COMPUTER BACK) and I just left you a huge message about this post but all i wanted to say is *HUGS* I'm so happy you're okay and you're home and I love you ;_;
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Kamil »

Oh dear JESUS.


*hugs you carefully*

I, I am just at a loss as to what to say. I cannot imagine what possessed those moronic cops to treat you in such a fashion, but I so, so hope you find an attorney. I suspect that once they hear your story, finding one who'll take it without upfront monies won't be all that difficult.

Especially if this ends up causing you trouble with your work.

And speaking of work, I'm glad to hear that they've gotten a bit better with security - although talk about barn doors and horses. >.< At any rate, I'm keeping a good thought and hopeful that you'll not only be able to go back, but you'll feel much safer when you are back.

*hugs again*

I am so sorry that you had to go through all of this, and I truly hope that it will be all downhill from here.
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