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Aisha colours

Click on a pet to see its full poses, including pre-conversion poses where available. Names in bold have an NC Styling Studio version available - click on the pet to see any available versions.

If you are a Neopets Premium member and interested in changing one of your pets to a particular Aisha colour using the species-changing perk, click here to use our helper tool to see which colour your pet would need to be painted.

This species cannot currently be painted the following colours: Agueena, Apple, Asparagus, Aubergine, Avocado, Banana, Blueberry, Carrot, Chokato, Coconut, Durian, Garlic, Gooseberry, Grape, Juppie Swirl, Lemon, Lime, Mallow, Mosaic, Msp, Onion, Origami, Pea, Peach, Pear, Pepper, Pineapple, Plum, Potato, Quigukiboy, Quigukigir, Sroom, Thornberry, Tomato, Ummagine, Usukiboy, Usukigirl.

8-bit aisha
8-bit aisha
alien aisha
alien aisha

baby aisha
baby aisha
biscuit aisha
biscuit aisha

blue aisha
blue aisha
brown aisha
brown aisha

burlap aisha
burlap aisha
camouflage aisha
camouflage aisha

candy aisha
candy aisha
checkered aisha
checkered aisha

chocolate aisha
chocolate aisha
christmas aisha
christmas aisha

clay aisha
clay aisha
cloud aisha
cloud aisha

custard aisha
custard aisha
darigan aisha
darigan aisha

desert aisha
desert aisha
dimensional aisha
dimensional aisha

disco aisha
disco aisha
elderlyboy aisha
elderlyboy aisha

elderlygirl aisha
elderlygirl aisha
electric aisha
electric aisha

eventide aisha
eventide aisha
faerie aisha
faerie aisha

fire aisha
fire aisha
ghost aisha
ghost aisha

glowing aisha
glowing aisha
gold aisha
gold aisha

green aisha
green aisha
grey aisha
grey aisha

halloween aisha
halloween aisha
ice aisha
ice aisha

invisible aisha
invisible aisha
island aisha
island aisha

jelly aisha
jelly aisha
magma aisha
magma aisha

maractite aisha
maractite aisha
maraquan aisha
maraquan aisha

marble aisha
marble aisha
mutant aisha
mutant aisha

oil paint aisha
oil paint aisha
orange aisha
orange aisha

pastel aisha
pastel aisha
pink aisha
pink aisha

pirate aisha
pirate aisha
plushie aisha
plushie aisha

polkadot aisha
polkadot aisha
purple aisha
purple aisha

rainbow aisha
rainbow aisha
red aisha
red aisha

relic aisha
relic aisha
robot aisha
robot aisha

royalboy aisha
royalboy aisha
royalgirl aisha
royalgirl aisha

shadow aisha
shadow aisha
silver aisha
silver aisha

sketch aisha
sketch aisha
skunk aisha
skunk aisha

snot aisha
snot aisha
snow aisha
snow aisha

speckled aisha
speckled aisha
split aisha
split aisha

sponge aisha
sponge aisha
spotted aisha
spotted aisha

starry aisha
starry aisha
stealthy aisha
stealthy aisha

steampunk aisha
steampunk aisha
strawberry aisha
strawberry aisha

striped aisha
striped aisha
swamp gas aisha
swamp gas aisha

toy aisha
toy aisha
transparent aisha
transparent aisha

tyrannian aisha
tyrannian aisha
valentine aisha
valentine aisha

water aisha
water aisha
white aisha
white aisha

woodland aisha
woodland aisha
wraith aisha
wraith aisha

yellow aisha
yellow aisha
zombie aisha
zombie aisha

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