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Plushie Moehog

plushie moehog
plushie moehog
Nostalgic NC Style

Plushie Moehog

NC Styles option available: yes.

Customise this pet via Dress to Impress.

Use the Neopets Premium species change helper tool to see options for changing an existing pet into a Plushie Moehog.

plushie moehog
Happy Plushie Moehog (Female)
plushie moehog
Sad Plushie Moehog (Female)
plushie moehog
Angry Plushie Moehog (Female)
plushie moehog
Ill Plushie Moehog (Female)

plushie moehog
Happy Plushie Moehog (Male)
plushie moehog
Sad Plushie Moehog (Male)
plushie moehog
Angry Plushie Moehog (Male)
plushie moehog
Ill Plushie Moehog (Male)

Unconverted poses:

Please note: in January 2024, every remaining UC Plushie Moehog was automatically converted and the pet was instead given a Nostalgic NC Style, which is displayed at the top of this page. The old poses are displayed here as an archive.

plushie moehog
Plushie Moehog (From April 2007 to January 2024)

Poses before April 2007:

plushie moehog
Circle Plushie Moehog
plushie moehog
Happy Plushie Moehog
plushie moehog
Sad Plushie Moehog
plushie moehog
Angry Plushie Moehog
plushie moehog
Ranged Attack Plushie Moehog
plushie moehog
Close Attack Plushie Moehog
plushie moehog
Defended Plushie Moehog
plushie moehog
Hit Plushie Moehog
plushie moehog
Beaten Plushie Moehog
plushie moehogplushie moehog

80x80 Happy/Sad

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