Chai and Dragon revamp (+ staff discussion)

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by dragonriderofpern »

Hmmm, ok where to start. First I have read this whole thread, and it has been an interesting read, and is the reason I actually created an account, instead of just lurking and reading.

One, I adore the Chai revamp, its totally awesome, and I will seriously be considering getting one when I think of a good enough name for it.

Two, I really dislike the Dragon revamp. The artwork isn't bad (but I know very little about drawing so I don't have a lot of knowledge to base the good or badness off of) But the reason that I picked a dragon as my very first pet on Subeta was because of how cool the old version looked. I loved its wise, contimplative look, even though I am normally more of a Western dragon person. I never cared that it didn't have wings, in fact I really didn't notice till the new one suddenly had them. When I made AdAstra (which means "to the stars" in Latin) I thought that the dragon was the perfect species for the name and personality that I imagined her having. I elixired her cream once I got the sP because it was my favorite color of the standard position. When I finally found a post on another site about using the IP address to get to Subeta I was very happy, but what do I find but that my very first pet has been changed to something completely and utterly different, so different I wouldn't have though it was the same species with out the thing saying it was the Dragon revamp.

Now, I understand the need for revamps, and I understand that the look will change when a revamp happens. The Feli was revamped only a week or so after I bought the Dusk Feli elixir for KeikoCat, but (ignoring how awkward the postion is) I like the Feli revamp as much or more than the old one. But the Dragon revamp doesn't look a bit like the old version. If I had to have guessed I would have guessed it an extreme revamp of the Dragarth or the Magnus, rather than of the Dragon. I don't have a problem with Western dragons, I am actually, generally more fond of them than Eastern ones, since thats what my mental picture of a dragon is. If the Dragon revamp had been something more like the DM Dragon, I would not have a problem, its different from what it was, but its obviously the same species as the old Dragon.

About releasing a "special pose" color, in this case Galactic, as a way of "polling" the users, I didn't like the Galactic Dragon for the exact reason that it was soooo different from what was then the standard pose. I had been looking forward to the release of the Galactic Dragon ever since Galactic came out. But I never posted anywhere because (I thought) "its just a special pose, I will just leave AdAstra cream, and let the other people have their different Dragon, if they ever wanted to revamp the Dragon, I'm sure they will have a poll, and subsquently there will be one or more forum threads about the possible revamp and I can put in my 2 cents, whatever they maybe, at that point in time."

I'll stop now, since this is absurdly long, and no one will probably bother to read the whole thing and I'm sure I have repeated myself several times,and gone on numerous tangents, and am not sure I even said what I ment to say when I started. But to sum it up, I wish there had been a poll of some kind or even something when the Galactic version was released so that we (the users in general) could have know that it was a "test-run" for a major, MAJOR revamp...
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Post by Sarivonne »

I read your entire post :)

I've noticed a LOT of dragon owners are now unhappy. And I still greatly disagree with tricking users with a revamped pet version as a color then 2 days later it's a brand new pet. It's getting very obnoxious.
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Post by covet »

I was about to make a post when I noticed TY had pretty much made it for me.

One of the things that makes Subeta both so interesting and so frustrating at times is that it is largely staffed by kids. I know there are a few older staff members, but I can't see anyone with any kind of business or PR training taking a lead in how the actual staff - user relations are managed.

Much of the 'omg what a bitch this staff member is' posting I've seen just seems to be to be a young staff member who isn't best advised on how to cope with criticism and lacks a little in tact. Now I could say exactly the same about Keith with regard to a lot of his responses when under pressure, yet I have a lot of respect for him for what he's achieved already, and for the fact that he <i>usually</i> cools down and does the right thing.

I really feel he needs some sort of site manager to deal with the non technical issues that crop up on Subeta. Someone who can check the phrasing of posts, manage situations when they get out of hand, and advise staff on how to deal with issues as they come up.

I do think the staff hiring process is a little off - although honestly I'm not sure how much of that was to do with David. I know the two staff writers picked up by the site were friends of his, and I know that what I've seen them come up with since being hired has been poorly spelled or otherwise incorrect. This rather defeated the object. Since this type of hiring goes on in the writer's department, I can't see why it wouldn't take place in others. Obviously it is an easy and perhaps safe-seeming route to hire the users already known to the staff, but it's not the best business practice.

I enjoy the staff - user interaction that a smallish site like Subeta allows for, and I think that having young and enthusiastic staff members chosen from the already loyal site users helps make the site what it is. I just think they need someone a little more detatched who can sit back and overlook all the decisions made.

I also want to mention that the early days of Neopets were crammed with many of the same problems (staff/user fights and favouritism) that Subeta is experiencing now. Maybe it's just a part of growth.
The Artist Formerly Known As Amneris
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Post by Katy »

Since it is carnival and fair season in Subeta, the Token Shop is now once again stocking three popular summery fun items
Just thought I'd add in this little news blurb. I really don't get it, why would you release token shop items when the majority of users can't access the site? This is really going to upset the people that can't get on now, especially if they need one of those items for a collection/gallery.

The staff just don't seem to be thinking clearly. :|
"If I could be a bird, I'd be a Flying Purple People Eater because then people would sing about me and I could fly down and eat them because I hate that song." Jack Handey
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Post by checkers »

I think that FullMetalDragon should draw the, Escalade well..because she already draws it and what she did with the revamp was just pure talent, they look so good and the fur is just amazing :3, Escalade could do with a few more colours such as Angelic or Reborn though. I think that the Escalade brings out the Malticorn and Tigrean, I think she could handle them two in a perfect way, seeing as they have fur but it isn't shown very well.
Comparing two artwork, they look like different sites, I do like the Malitcorn species and all, it's a great one but the art needs improving slightly. Just looking at the two's fur, the Escalades looks more realy, silky and flowy x) I also think she could handle the Tigrean. Seriously though, Fullmetaldragon only has one pet to draw and Chimaera has much more, I think Chimaera should share the pets out, even if it is just giving Fullmetal Malticorn and Tigrean, maybe Telenine. I don't know who currently draws the Malticorn, so if you do not wish to let someone take over xD I think they need a revamp C:

I think Chimaera definitely needs to share some of her pets out though, maybe the art department could ask her? after all, she said it's the art peoples thoughts and suggestions that count not us the users. :x

ETA: Woah, Angelic Magnus are just like a Dragon o_o
They have the whisker things in the angelic form, x3 I've been thinking that the Magnus in angelic was the Angelic Dragon..woah. [: it looks like what an old angelic dragon could've been.
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Post by Sarivonne »

checkers wrote:ETA: Woah, Angelic Magnus are just like a Dragon o_o
They have the whisker things in the angelic form, x3 I've been thinking that the Magnus in angelic was the Angelic Dragon..woah. [: it looks like what an old angelic dragon could've been.

Old Magnus had whiskers :3 Which is why I wonder why Chimera can't seem to draw dragons with whiskers.
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Post by adi_gallia »

I haven't seen Keith about in a while, the last news update he did was the Potion Lottery on the 6th of June. It's almost like he went on holiday or something and left Chimaera in charge and she's becoming a control freak, taking over the pets and firing who she likes.

Not saying that is what happened though, but I think if Keith had been on NC or Subeta he would have said something about the site. :/
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Post by Sarivonne »

June 4, 2007
Posted by Keith at 07:09 pm

You can now use the Nest and Long Lash eyes.
That's actually his last post. Potion lottery is a robot that updates under keith's name when someone wins. So basically he's been MIA since then.
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Post by Aquiest »

Sarivonne wrote:
June 4, 2007
Posted by Keith at 07:09 pm

You can now use the Nest and Long Lash eyes.
That's actually his last post. Potion lottery is a robot that updates under keith's name when someone wins. So basically he's been MIA since then.
He posted recently in the "Thank you, all Subeta staff!" (page 6) in the Main section of the forums.
Keith wrote:We are all working VERY hard to get the site working again, and have it fully running in the right spot.

It means a lot that so many of you are supporting us, even though rumors and lies have been spread in the past few days. I beg you not to believe them, and keep your faith in us.

We are working as hard/fast as we can to get Subeta back up for you, and in complete working order.

Thank you, so much. I honestly don't have words for how much it means to me (and the rest of the staff) that we have you all behind us.
Eclipse on Subeta/Not very active on Neo anymore.
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Post by Sarivonne »

Aquiest wrote:He posted recently in the "Thank you, all Subeta staff!" (page 6) in the Main section of the forums.

Ah. I don't lurk forums too often. Good to see he's there!
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Post by adi_gallia »

Aquiest wrote:He posted recently in the "Thank you, all Subeta staff!" (page 6) in the Main section of the forums.
Oh, I was reading that one last night to see the flaming we got from it, I think it was on page 5 when I last read it.
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Post by Patrick »

This whole subeta thing is really driving me insane. I had to make an account to talk about this. Where to begin? First off, I'm sorry. I hate my dragon now. It's too bulky. Too cartoony. I want my majestic one back.

Secondly, I have been trying to look up info on these 'rumors' going around...and I don't know..but some things REALLY stick out for me as unbelievable.


show details
Apr 30

Ok --

Here's what I propose. This has been a DAMN rough month for all of the
employees -- they've been busting their asses -- the Artists, the UA's,
the coders, everyone. They've all been running at full capacity and if
they're anything like us, haven't gotten much sleep. So by way of
compensation, I propose a bonus for each staff member.

For the AA's and UA's, give them a $50.00 bonus. Seems like a lot --
but it's better than giving them another raise [which they just got] in
this case. [A raise is over time] This should ONLY be for the
AA's//UA's who ACTUALLY participated.

For the Artists, I don't believe they did as much -- but correct me if
I'm wrong -- so a $25.00 bonus should be good for them. Granted -- this
should ONLY be for the Artists who ACTUALLY participated.
I think the artists should get paid way more. Apparently they get between 60 to 80 bucks a month. Chimera gets nearly 800 a month! Good god. I'm going to go look for another species to turn my dragon into. Personally I like the new Chai a lot. I might do that.
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Post by Sarivonne »

Huh...I'm not sure if I'd believe anything right away from those sites.... But if that's true... I think artists do a lot :(
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Post by checkers »

I reeeeeallllly want an Angelic Torrent revamp! I have an Angelic Potion and I'm waiting for the revamp ! ;-;!
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Post by Kelpie »

Sarivonne wrote:
checkers wrote:ETA: Woah, Angelic Magnus are just like a Dragon o_o
They have the whisker things in the angelic form, x3 I've been thinking that the Magnus in angelic was the Angelic Dragon..woah. [: it looks like what an old angelic dragon could've been.

Old Magnus had whiskers :3 Which is why I wonder why Chimera can't seem to draw dragons with whiskers.
Chimaera didn't draw that. :) Inversitle did.

I haven't read all of this. Just skimmed it as I've missed about 8 pages by now. However, here is my piece.

As for FMD (which I'm assuming is hagane), we're not closing off all of these species and saying what's done is done, Chimaera is doing them all. Honestly. If people would just ASK we'd be more than willing to explain instead of getting on high horses over it and thinking staff is corrupt and we only care about Chimaera. For well over a year she has been our head artist, and so yes, while we've gotten used to relying on her, we do recognize we have other talents on staff. Be that as it may, Chimaera and I assigned those various species to her because we simply want to see what she's capable of. We had a brainstorm for some new designs, and we wanted to see how it would work out before we assign someone to do a straight redraw. Especially for some of the less popular species. If it doesn't work out, then of course we're not going to have Chimaera do it just because of who she is. We'll let someone handle it who is best equipped.

As for Hagane, I'm sure she knows that she can approach either of us should she be interested in redrawing any other unassigned species.

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