Non-Pet site Art

Post finished and unfinished work here for critique and appraisal.
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Non-Pet site Art

Post by Moga »

Yeah, I've been on this site for over a year and post about never... Anyways, I'm looking for critique and a bit of help on a picture I've been working on for I don't even know how long, since I've been working on and off on it for about a half hour at a time between other projects. It's the first all-digital image I'm going to complete, done entirely by mouse in Photoshop 7. My Graphics teacher really likes it, but I think I need some anatomical and object blending help.


As a note, this is not the full image or at full size. THe whole image is 36 by 23 inches, since he was meant to be a poster but got a tad too big for the paper. I also out most of the background to make this smaller.

Overall, I think I've done well on this. However, I'm stuck on a few things. First is the the caved-in/nonexistent chest. I've noticed this, but haven't got a clue what it should look like, besides the fact that something should go there.

Two, I can't get past the way the bottom of the chair seems to sort of be floating over the rock ground. The red rocks are a filter in Photoshop, but trying to extract from the background and place rocks over the base of the chair didn't work right; it just looked like there was I erased part of the base by accident.

^_^; Sorry if this mesage didn't come out right in my quest for help. In rereading it I feel like I sounded like I wasn't really looking for critique, just a fix for the problems I've found. Not really what I was going, for, just that those problems are, in my opinion, glaring.
I spent months working on a half hour presentation. Why? Because it was fun. I'm not obsessed or anything.
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