Lab Ray Research Project

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Post by Cranberry »

Yeah, I'd just use HP, since that's how he has it along the top. I posted asking about the other stuff on the IDB thread, so watch that for the answers.
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Post by Cranberry »

It's been almost a month, and kage is now collecting data.
Okay, I'm collecting all the excel files now. I know it's been a bit less than a month, but I just want to get an idea of how everyone's doing and how many people are participating.

The best method will be sending the excel file as an attachment through e-mail. Please include "Lab Ray Research" somewhere in the topic. For the excel file, please rename the file using your forumname/neoname. Mines is:


My e-mail is:

Thanks for everyone cooperation! and keep recording those zaps!
And here is a link to the thread again, just in case you have more questions (he's answered quite a few there now). :)
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Post by Kage »

Hey, this is Kagemucha from IDB. Just wanted to let you guys know that I got all your data, and have analyzed it. Now, this is only the first month, so nothing is conclusive yet. If you want to take a look though, here's the data:

Click on the tabs on the bottom to navigate through. *See if you can find yourself in the Results tab ;)

I want to thank everyone that submitted data. You guys rock!!

Here is an early analysis of the data by Shattered Rift:
Initial Analysis

The highest Level reset occurred at Level 5. "Nothing" is apparently based on Level, and didn't occur higher than Level 3. We don't yet know for sure that those are the highest points that either can occur at. Level gains are possible at Level 1, but Level loss (non-reset) has not occurred below Level 5 yet. Also, whenever a non-Level stat at 5 would be lowered, the Lab either re-runs the randomizer until a different result occurs (so that no non-Level stat falls below 5) or may give a gain by default. That means my Level and Defense gain/loss percentages below may be skewered in favor of gain. So far, all species changes have resulted in the new species being one of the four basic colors (blue, green, red, or yellow)

Current percent gain/losses for various stats are below. Note that these do not include margin of error, and these by no means should be taken for fully accurate (most notably Movement increase/loss, since it didn't end up being nice and pretty). Level and Defense are quite possibly skewered in favor of gain (see above paragraph).

HP: 100% increase (there has not yet been a decrease)
LVL: 40% increase, 60% decrease
STR: 75% increase, 25% decrease
DEF: 50% increase, 50% decrease
MOV: 57% increase, 43% decrease

We haven't yet analyzed the chance of each event occurring (Kage ran the figures, but we don't yet know for sure where the "break" is for when Level reset and/or "Nothing" results stop occurring). At this point, we need two things: one, more data in general (to solidify the exact percentages of each event), and we also need low-level Pets to test the high-end for Level Reset and "Nothing" zaps (Levels 3 and 5 may be the respective caps, but we can't be entirely sure yet). Preferably, if these low-level Pets could also have stats at 10 or above (8 or above should be fine, but the buffer would help), it would also help to accurately gauge the chance of each event for those Pets, since they have two additional results.

Edit: By the way, keep an eye on this post for edits I make to it to include more data. I've been forgetting to mention a few things, and still haven't thought of everything that needs to be looked at.
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Post by Cranberry »

Btw, it's around that time of month again. I'm collecting labray results again! Attach the .xls to an e-mail sent to:
Send them in, guys. Kage loves getting results from Neocolours because you all seem to have multiple labs. ;)
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