Suggestion on Subeta Forum Rule

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Suggestion on Subeta Forum Rule

Post by Jessi »

This is something that has started to really irk me about the Subeta section of the forum, and I'd like to bring up a discussion about it becoming a rule, or some such thing.

I think it's fine when people post "I'm having an issue with (blank), is anyone else having this issue?" After all, we do this on the Neopets section and a lot of times we all help each other and get something fixed.

I do think, however, that it's rather rude to constantly be posting "Attn: Staff, can you fix this?" or "Keith, can you look at this?". We all make little comments in the middle of other topics that say "Like fix the pet order *cough*" - which again, I don't think is as blatantly rude as making an entire post that says its directed at the Subeta staff.

Really, Subeta staff doesn't have to tell us anything about the site here. They're here as members of Neocolours, not as the Subeta Help Team. I don't think it's fair to them - or really, to the rest of the members - to have to do tech support here.

I'd really like it if in the future these posts are completely discouraged, and rather, people either contact via PMing the Subeta staff here - if they don't mind, considering they get paid to work for Subeta, not work for Neocolours - or to do it where it should be done: on Subeta. People are taking advantage of not just Subeta staff, but Neocolours members, and... well, that's never a good thing.
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Post by Xelio »

Normally I'd add my own two cents in on a matter such as this, but for once, I can be lazy and just say I concur. I agree with pretty much everything mentioned. It's not the Subeta staff's job or desire to come here to get whined at. The fact that they read and acknowledge the existence of this site and the members at all is enough for me. I've never felt from Subeta the 'screw the users' sentiment we get from TNT. There's no sense giving them a reason to want to do so, which I feel pestering them here would in time do. I'll admit though I can't see necessarily laying down hard-set rules as I feel this is more an etiquette issues. If it's a consistent problem from a select individual or two, sure, I think its perfectly acceptable for a mod to contact that person. Otherwise, I think the trend of not doing those sorts of topics by the normal members and gentle self-policing would work to curb the problem.

I'm going back to my semi-lurking status now. K, thanks.
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Post by bonecrivain »

I mostly agree with Jessi as well. I appreciate that so much of the Subeta staff does come here and answer questions, fix people's accounts, etc. But it makes me a little squeamish, to be honest. Perhaps we could strike a compromise? Have a sort of "help me!" thread that the Subeta staff can check if and when they want? Even that, though, seems a bit demanding, so I don't know.

We aren't a Subeta help forum, and I don't like the increased tendency for people to use this area to bypass other methods. When I first started playing Subeta, there was a mix-up with my account and my email address, and my account was promptly frozen. I used the Subeta support email and got a swift response. Perhaps the email response time isn't as fast anymore? I don't know.

The favor-asking is still not too bad, but I'd like to keep this tendency from expanding much further.
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Post by adi_gallia »

I think part of the reason some people make posts directed towards Keith and other staff is because in the past someone may have done this and Keith responded, so people (including me I think) saw this as something that is okay to do, especially as they do respond and don't appear to mind. But if it bugs them I think we should stick to PM or sMail.

About the 'Help Me!' topic, I think it could work, but we should ask Keith/Luxe/other staff if they would be willing to read and answer questions on the topic when they see fit, otherwise it might seem a big assumptuous (sp?) to post that and think they are going to answer.

I say that if the majority of the staff give it an okay, thats what should happen. Maybe the individual topics are easier to respond to. I think the people we should confront are the staff members involved. Unless we don't want the Subeta Staff to have to help us here at all, even if they don't mind.
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Post by Huggles »

I agree. I cannot abide trying to navigate Subeta's forums, so I appreciate that they actually post here. But, I think completely personal problems should be left to private messages or email. It's not the same as trying to scrounge up any information you can find to maybe get in touch with a human being instead of a bot like Neopets. Although. I think things are generally still kind of messed up from before.

However, I'm either too lazy or too dumb to figure out where the official forum topics are on things like revamps when they aren't listed on the polls. I'm also not sure of how much stock they put into the news comments. So, this is me raising, but not doing much to solve the issue. Go me!
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