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Joined: 08 Jan 2006 01:03 am

Post by jeti »

jessibean wrote:I was telling her yesterday that really, that's the only thing that still bothers me about all of this - why were some pets from a certain color type grandfathered, and others weren't? Why were my faerie kyrii and draik grandfathered but my faerie acara wasn't? Or my Maraquan Ixi? They should have let ALL pets of the 'redraw' color types be grandfathered.
Hear, hear. I have yet to figure out why my mutant draik was auto-converted when he has absolutely NO clothing "benefits" (still being completely the wrong shape) while I get the choice on my mutant lupe--and don't get me wrong, I love mutant lupes, but as far as "re-draw" pets go they're little more than a normal lupe with some bony stuff tacked on and seem an obvious choice for auto-conversion considering the desert lupe has about the same amount of clothing-related variation as compared to a normal lupe and got a free upgrade, so to say.

I personally think that they could have at -least- made it a point to give a choice for pets that can't freakin' wear the clothes even if you do convert them. Although it irks me I can at least understand the idea behind royals getting converted (LOLZ NOW UR OTHER PETZ CAN WEARS DA CROWN!!1 w00t) but I can't figure out the justifications behind maraquan & a bunch of the mutants since customising won't even do much for them. e_e
Posts: 316
Joined: 19 Jan 2006 10:42 pm

Post by Bacon »


Anyway, I find it weird what tnt thought should be converted. The old mutant draik was so cool. Honestly, they only care about money. I do really like this Sunny Neo site. I also love how all the pets have transparent backgrounds!
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