Three new galactics!

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by Huggles »

Well, most galactic pets use the light blue as an accent color. On the legeica, much of its body is covered in bright blue scales, and the constrast makes the dark blue and black seem even darker. The scales also appeared to be outlined in black, perhaps this is dimension you two were speaking of, while the other legeicas use colored outlines. That draws more focus away from the overall look.
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Post by Arbor »

Image Image Image

If the dark is in complaint to the fact that the mane is the grey..

..there were your other options of Legeica, if I stuck to the palette. XD -tries not to flinch away from them.- Truly painful, and horrifying. XDDD


Oh, the lineart on the scales is a dark blue. It was a pretty dark colour though, so as to not make the lineart against the darker blue body look icky.

(I'm not trying to be defensive. I'm not sure if I'm coming across that way. I'm really trying to figure out what y'all mean, so I don't make the same mistakes in the future. ;3)
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Post by shaelyn76 »

I actually prefer the version with grey hair or the light blue hair to the actual color on it now as those give more contrast between the body and the hair. I am having real trouble with the main and tail blending almost seamlessly with the dark blue body on the color that was released and making it look like one big dark spot (with a patch of light blue on its back). It's very pretty artwork, I am just having trouble with seeing the details on the actual release version. This may just be my monitor resolution, but there seem to be quite a few pets that become blobs of darkness when dark blue or black are their primary colors.
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Post by Twofold Black »

Hmm. Okay, those are kind of awful, you're right. Though, as I look at it more, I begin to suspect I like the first one a little, with the gold mane. What does it look like with blue scales?

I appreciate that your hands are tied as regards color palette, and you seem to have gone for the least of several evils, but it's still ... the least of several evils. Even with the galactic Legeica blown up to fill my browser pane, my eye tends to get lost in all that dark blue and black. I see the eye, and the scales, and the hooves, and the swirls, but unless I concentrate the rest is an undifferentiated mass. Which is a shame, because the lineart and shading are sooooo preeeeetty. I think the real solution is for the standard galactic pallette to be changed so that the dark blue is a little lighter, because I've had this problem with other pets, it's just most pronounced on the Legeica because of its anatomy. Can you show us a verison with a slightly lighter body color? Dance for our amusement, artist! <i>Dance</i>!
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Post by mellaka »

i know nothing about art and am very new here, so my comment probably doesn't mean much, but for me, my torn feelings about the legeica are more about the pose than the colors. the back right leg kind of gets lost and creates a little bit of a "what's going on there" effect for me. then again, i don't have a problem with any of subeta's pets being too dark to see (that i can think of). and i'm starting to realize that i don't get many of the galactic poses.

but it's a very minor point for me -- i think it's very pretty and got one anyway :)

and i'm still really looking forward to seeing the other special legeica colors.
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Post by Arbor »

I'm starting to think it's y'all monitors, since the gray on my screen is positively /dull/ XD

The grey hair one makes me think of an old grandpa. I'll never be able to like it, personally.

I didn't have mustard mane saved as a layered file, so a slightly sloppy redo:


...babypoop. thats all I have to say. XD


-dances for your amusement.-

If the body didn't have to be blue, I was kin of fond of this:


It still has the dark blue and gray together (though I lightened the gray. ;P)

...:"D Why no, there isn't anything productive I feel like doing right now. xD

But the problem is y'alls screens, and not the pet, it seems, so I can't really do anything to make it better the next time I run up against something like this.
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Post by tallan »

This? This is really really good. This, I would actually want, if I was a horse person. Thankfully I'm not, since if I was, I'd have to be upset that this is not the official version. :p

*stares at some more*
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Post by Aqua »

I think the current, released legeica is the best one.. I don't like the gold mane at all. I do like the light blue one, but I like anything light blue. :D
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Post by Mayhem »

Arbor wrote:Image
... I reeeally like this one. I wish you could've used it, too. Although I wonder what the blue scales would look like on this, also.

The more that I look at it, the more the background bothers me - the texture of it is just so different from most of the other Galactic pets. :/
Last edited by Mayhem on 07 Aug 2007 06:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by daisybell »

Weirdly, after looking at all the unreleased versions of the legeica, the official one looks much more defined. Or, it could be the change in lighting. After turning the light on, it goes back to being a blue-black mass rather than having a distinct form. The trouble is, with so much black and dark blue it does merge together in to a dark blob, where it tends not to in other galactic pets because they don't have as much black.

As for the Tigrean, it looks like it would flop like a plushie or a rag doll when it tried to stand on its hind legs, because there's just no muscle definition or pelvis. Smooth and sleek is good (and perspective, too) but not to the point of appearing deformed.
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Post by Figment »

Arbor wrote:But the problem is y'alls screens, and not the pet, it seems, so I can't really do anything to make it better the next time I run up against something like this.
I think you might be on to something with this. With some pets I would agree that the colouring is way too dark, but with most of the ones that people mention as too dark never really seem that way to me. Either my screen is slightly lighter or some peoples' are slightly darker. It's sort of unfortunate, but the colour palette of galactic is in that borderline area where it might show up as too dark on some computers and just fine on others...

That said, I really like the grey-bodied legecia. The crystals on that one remind me of the dream crystals you can dig out of the coda caves -- which are my favourite of the bunch. I like the pet quite a bit -- it makes me excited to see the other redraws -- but I can see where people are coming from in their comments about it being too busy. The pose is gorgeous and the flow of the mane is incredible, but the whole thing does have a lot going on -- which I don't mind, but some people might. It's just the nature of the pet and the colour. *shrugs*

The tigrean looks a little rubbery to me. It's really hard to imagine any bone structure beneath some of those limbs. This is not a problem of perspective as far as I can see; rather, it lies in the style itself. That said, I ADORE the expression on the face soooo much. <3 The wee sun on its forehead is a lovely detail.

The ghostly.. meh. I don't care for ghostlies (with the exception of Neocolours, of course). It is nice, though, for what it is. Wish its hands were a bit more dynamic, but the folds are prettily done.
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Post by adi_gallia »

I like the Legeica with the Black body too, darn pets being consistent. *looks at cream pets* half of those have a disgusting shade of turquoise on them! >=(

Oh well, I think that these three aren't the sort I'd get, but I don't hate them. I'd like the Legeica better in black, but I would also like the current one with blue scales perhaps. I think I have a really bad screen, I made it as light as possible an the Galactic Legeica (as well as Arid and Common, like I pointed out before) have really dark manes. ;-;
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Post by Xelio »

Arbor wrote: If the body didn't have to be blue, I was kin of fond of this:

I'm with you on being fond of this color option. Makes me think of a proud, dark warhorse...just perhaps one in training as the face is just too sweet for anything brutal. Mystical I could give you, but anything dangerous, heck no. Too serene for that.

I concur, baby poop on the yellow. Its the only word I could think of for it, aside form the similar, mushy baby food.
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Post by Sushi »

I really do not like the ghostly as a species, but this one looks quite lovely with all the drapes perfectly drawn and shaded. Also, I love its little scarf/jabot because it makes the pet look like a distinguished deceased englishman. Aw.

The tigrean seems to me quite meh, for all the reasons previously stated.

About the legeica, I really don't see what's wrong with it...I think it looks really lovely too, my main problem with it is, perhaps, what mellaka said about its back leg, but I believe that's due to all the hairyness going around (which I really like, by the way). Maybe my monitor is too bright, or yours is too dark, I don't know, but I can perfectly distinguish between the dark blue/black scheme. :\

I was /this/ close from creating a galactic legeica -- as I'm still undicided about which galactic pet to choose -- but as I'm probably going to create a field one and don't want to repeat species, I guess I'll wait until all galactic pets are out.
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Post by Iggy »

adi_gallia wrote:I like the Legeica with the Black body too, darn pets being consistent. *looks at cream pets* half of those have a disgusting shade of turquoise on them! >=(
Most of the recents cream pets have them, and I do not mind the turquoise on cream pets, it's one of the best accents there is.

Yes, more so than the Yellow on the Turdle.
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