How the heck do I customize??

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How the heck do I customize??

Post by galacticMel »

Hey, all. I am just not grasping this 'customize' thing. How do you know what item is wearable and what isn't? I bought some things but when I went to the customizing page nothing was there and I couldn't get anything to work - I just had those starry background things.

What am I missing?

Also, my pets image hasn't been loading on their look up page for a few days. Anyone else have that problem?
Dear Neopets God,
Please make the Mutant Gelert look like the three-headed dog of the underworld, Cerberus. There may be a fruit basket in it for you.

Maybe. -_O

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Post by Helmcargh »

Wearable items should say that they are wearable (although the blechy hat does not as far as I know). They can be put into your closet through quickstock by ticking the 'closet' box. Then you can proceed to customisation and try them on!
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Post by Nomtog »

There's one thing I don't get about the new customization stuff. I keep hearing people mention you can take the clothes off of paintbrush styles now? How exactly does that work?
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Post by varii »

There are only certain items of clothing that can be worn by certain pets. I don't think there is any way to tell that they're wearable when you're purchasing them, but I think it may say something once they're in your inventory. Which of course is little help when you're buying but oh well. If you're interested in buying clothes for your pets, I'd suggest looking over a petpage that lists all the wearable clothes first, just to get an idea. The one I've listed below is my personal favorite.

All of the pets images have been hardly working for me as well.

And the paintbrush clothes thing..the clothes that come from paintbrush sets are called Deluxe Sets and you can only get them if you paint your pet with a paintbrush (or color change lab zap/morphing potion/whatever). This can work in a few ways.

1. You have two pets, both Aisha. You have one pirate aisha and one grey aisha. You can take the clothes off the pirate and place them on the grey, so now you have a naked pirate and a grey pirate. Your grey pet is still grey, but is now wearing clothes. As long as pets are the same species and living on one account, they can share clothes.

2. You have one Blumaroo. It is painted Halloween. You go out and buy a pirate paintbrush and paint the Blumaroo. You can either leave it as it is or go into your closet and put on some of the Halloween clothes and end up with a pirate/halloween hybrid blumaroo. As long as your pet stays a blumaroo, it will be able to wear all the accessories you obtain from painting and mix and match as you please. Although I'm pretty sure you aren't able to layer.

Hopefully all that made somewhat sense. :)
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