Bookshelf thread

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Bookshelf thread

Post by Seerow »

Inspired by LadyNight's comment in the Desktop thread, I present to you the Bookshelf thread!

<a href=" ... .jpg"><img src=" ... 1.jpg"></a>
Hope the picture isn't too big. As you can tell I love fantasy novels. Favorite authors would be Anne Bishop, Kelly Armstrong, and Amelia Atwater Rhodes. Hence why books from them are in the in the first layer (the book shelf is two deep).

And cause I love the top of my bookshelf, here is a picture of that:
Yup, that's a coyote skull and a knife made out of bone along with some random teeth. And the little guy you see on the shelf below I made in art class a few years ago.
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Post by anzuronamin »

I think Saphira has that Dragonology book :0 I've seen it on her shelf. ... ewhole.jpg ... kcase3.jpg ... kcase2.jpg ... kcase1.jpg
Not very interesting. I actually just cleaned out my bookshelf...yet I still have too many books >_>'
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Post by Kidnemo »

I only have tiny pictures from my camera phone.. which I posted on my LJ a few months ago so some of you will have seen them but I want to post for once (twice in one day?!)
There you can see A Series Of Unfortunate Events, His Dark Materials and a few Harry Potters at the top ;P

<a href=' ... 1.jpg'>The Old Kingdom Box Set!!!</a> and a Pokémon stopping the dead from escaping.

Oh and here's some of my DVDs which should technically be in my bookcase.
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Post by oogabooga »

The thing about my bookshelf is that the one in my room actually doesn't have very much, being mostly taken up by the Agatha Christie collection inherited from my grandma. The rest is Discworld and back issues of Cicada.
Most of the other books I read are in the rest of the basement, but they're mixed in with everyone else's, mainly my dad's.
An overall view of the basement shelves (my desk is hidden behind the nearer shelves that form a corner)
Most of the fiction, alphabetized by author thanks to Mom, plus the encyclopedia and various foreign language books
Series, including Harry Potter, Wodehouse, and Horatio Hornblower
Other reference books and short story collections
Politics, religion, and math/science
History, and more politics
Computer stuff - programming languages, mainly

All three bedrooms upstairs have sizable collections as well, and the living room generally has at least ten lying around.
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Post by tallan »

No pictures, just need to squee:
Seerow! Anne Bishop! Awesomeness on a stick! Wasn't too blown away by Ephemera, but can't wait til March when Tangled Webs comes out as the Black Jewels books are among my absolute top favourites. =D

Need to bring my friend-with-digital-camera over so I can have pictures of my own shelves. Maybe next week. *ponders*
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Post by Seerow »

Yeah, I don't like the Ephemera series much either. I only have that book cause I picked it up at my work garage sale for a quarter :P
I didn't know she was doing more in the Darm Jewels series, whoot! You just made my day Tallan :D

You can bribe your camera-owning friend with cookies? I got my room mate to lend me her camera as I lack on too.

Anzuronamin - Chrono Crusade is awsome :) Too bad I lack the money to actually buy any more of them. Manga are so expensive so I don't usually read em.
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Post by Kari »

I don't have too many books right, and when the rest of them arrive here, none are "real" books - it's all manga. All the books I have I've read, and I wouldn't read any of them again. Plus the real shelves in my apartment are out front, and...don't have any books on them. So you get pics of the crates in my room.

All the manga I own now, plus the case of the GBA game I'm playing.

Computer games, artbooks, and cards.

Lots of DVDs...

More DVDs with some VHS splashed in

And that's the top of my "shelf"
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Post by Alicorn »

I like threads like this. I find it intresting to see what people own and such. That sounds kinda weird. ^_^" You guys have some intresting stuff! Now on to mine, warning, will be image heavy. Sorry about that.

All the books I have. I started collecting manga just shortly ago, I hope to expand my collection soon. And yes, a good chung of them on boyxboy. I can't get enough of them! Also youc an see I'm a total Animorph nut, I have all the books and re-read them quiet often. I also happen to have quiet a few romance novels **shameful** I use to tease my mom about reading them and now I am. But I only like fantasy based ones really.

And now cause I like to jump onto bandwagons...
All my dvds, yay! I'll be adding to my anime collection soon I hope after buying stuff for moving and such. I love all sorts of different movies as well but become picky when it comes to buying them. Oh and tremble in fear of my Mew figure, muhahaha!
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Post by AngharadTy »

Animorphs!! Mm. When I'm rich, I'm going to buy them all in one fell swoop. I don't have any. I realize that my years-old memories of them might be better than the books actually are, but I don't care. I have such a love for Ax. And Tobias.

I'd post my bookshelves, but I have too many. And I'm lazy. And I'm working. So nyah.
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Post by Alicorn »

AngharadTy wrote:Animorphs!! Mm. When I'm rich, I'm going to buy them all in one fell swoop. I don't have any. I realize that my years-old memories of them might be better than the books actually are, but I don't care. I have such a love for Ax. And Tobias.

I'd post my bookshelves, but I have too many. And I'm lazy. And I'm working. So nyah.
Yay to fellow Animorph fan! I got lucky with my collection. My brother started to collect them and half way read them. I picked up one and started to read and fell head over heels for them. Then I pretty much stole them from him and from there my parents helped me get them from used book stores and when they came out new. I even have some animorph nicknacks! I'm such a hopeless fan girl. ^_^" I also love Ax and Tobias...ah heck I love them all in their own way. Okay I better stop now before I keep going on and on...which I could.
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Post by AngharadTy »

Sadly, there's no (good) used bookstores where I live. We do have the stereotypical used bookstore, with a crotchety old man who sneers at you over his glasses and shelves full of dusty books, but they're all books no one would want. Not old, lost treasures, just old, lost crap. Hee.
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Post by sureq »


Top shelf holds Anne Rice and Harry Potter.
Next down we have Douglas Adams, Animorphs, Ian Irvine (Of which I have never read) and John Marsden's Tomorrow Series.
Next shelf is a bunch of random stuff including Lord of the Flies, Dune, Encounter and other such goodness.
Then I have my Alien comics, Some more random books including Chuck Palahniuk's Choke, some Steven King and at the far right some Choose Your Own Adventure Books a got for 20c a piece.
Lastly the bottom shelf holds mostly 'non-fiction' but I do have works of The Brothers Grimm and Oscar Wilde. I also have the Dragonology book and also The Dragon Chronicles.

Steve the Xenomorph says "Hi" as well.

Edit: oogabooga you have your own library, I'm moving in.
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Post by Arviragus »

I need to preface this thread by saying that when you move twice a year for three years running (damn college dorms), you have to keep the books you bring with you at a very bare minimum, as they are heavy and take up much space. Besides the books I post here, I've got a whole bookcase and a half at home filled with some of my other favourites that I just don't have space to have with me at university :(. That being said, here are my bookshelves in my apartment right now; their contents consist of both some of my favourite books of all time, nostalgic treasures, and some of the new stuff that I had to have since moving to the city. I've got another blue crate that I'm going to set up once I rearrange my room to house the stack of books on my night table that keeps growing :(.


My first shelf, which has probably two of my favourite series. This crate contains the entire Harry Potter canon, including Fantastic Beasts and Quidditch Through the Ages, and my His Dark Materials collection, including Lyra's Oxford. The wait for that movie is killing me, but I digress.


My other "bookshelf", containing some other good series (I'd recommend the Temeraire series by Naomi Novik to anyone who's into fantasy, and the Otori series by Lian Hearn to anyone who's interested in samurai). I've also got a few randoms thrown in there, as well as my three residence yearbooks and my last high school yearbook. Oh memories :P.


For kicks, here's the top of my shelving unit, which also contains crafty stuff, extra school supplies, and all my electronics. The dinosaur is from a road trip I did with some of my best friends, the Highland cow is a gift from my best friend when he came back from England, and the Care Bear is a prize I won at the carnival this summer.
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Post by Joey »

Currently in the process of reorganizing my bookshelf. As in, I got as far as adding another shelf for the manga and got bored and left the rest of it sitting on the floor. And you don't even want to see the anime. It's embarrassing.

[Watch this space]
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Post by gomababe »

I don't have pictures, unfortunately, but only the bottom shelf of my bookcase is filled with books. The other three shelves have ornaments and stuff on them because my mum and dad can't be bothered to find space on my walls for more shelves for them all -_-. I have so many books I'd love to show off but can't because of that :x.

Anyways my bokos consist of many fantasy and science fiction book, including the whole Harry Potter series, about three Dragons of Pern books, a bunch of Horrible Science and Horrible Geography books, a couple of Biographies, book on conspiracyand varuious scientific theories, a couple of Digimon manga and a Dragonology book ^_^ {Working with Dragons if anyone was interested}. I'll try to get the camera to be able to show you all later.
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