Angelic Terracoon and Angelic Kerubi

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by Huggles »

Whoa. The new kerubi has a giant butt now. I don't like the sitting pose and don't get why it was changed.
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Post by Wingsrising »

Thanks for the old images.

I think the new Terracoon is 1000% better. The new Kerubi I like from the waist up, but I think the rump and sitting pose looks funny and, as already noted, it's not clear where the tail attaches to th body.
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Post by Figment »

I looove the new terracoon. I like very few angelic pets -- just the antelphore and the darkonite, really -- but this one is really lovely for what it is. Scads better than the old one. It gets full marks from me for preserving the tone of the pet. I missed out on commenting on the terracoon revamp, but I actually like it a lot -- I despised terracoons before, but the revamp makes them really cute and unique, where before I saw them as the retarded cousin of the pherret. They look so cuddly. And this one particularly so.

The kerubi... mmm. I don't like kerubis much at all. I seriously disliked the old one -- sorry El, but its eyes and face looked really odd to me, especially the way the eyes were so darkly outlined while the rest of it was soft, and the tail looked broken, the way it was notched like that. So I think the new one is an improvement in art quality (love the eyes) but I do sympathize enormously with people who lost a pet they loved. I'm not liking the way it appears to be sitting, not flying. Fantastic antelphore aside, no angelic pet really has any excuse not to be flying. The kerubi loses a lot of any dynamic appeal it might have had in its new sitting position. It simply isn't very exciting.

But, as I said, I sort of hate kerubis, so it doesn't really matter to me either way.
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Post by Luxe »

Huggles wrote:Whoa. The new kerubi has a giant butt now. I don't like the sitting pose and don't get why it was changed.
I hope you'll forgive me for somewhat copy/pasting what I put on our forums.


If you compare the old angelic kerubi to the common (which is what all kerubis should want to look like), the face shape was completely wrong. It was a long narrow face, whereas kerubis should have a face shaped kind of like a football (american football) at the bottom and a narrow forehead up top.

It should have a short, wide snout, with cheek fluff fanning out, not just downward.

The ears should point down, not up. Never up. The eyes should be almost as wide as they are tall, and rounded only at the top. They have pretty huge thighs, that almost cut into their ribcage, and their chests are not that large, as the angelic insinuates. And lastly, they do not have that big of a hair tuft on their heads.

...this is how I do my job determining what needs a revamp or not. :) Not to mention it had colored lineart. The angelic kerubi got what it had coming. If a pet artist came to me with the original angelic revamp and asked me to release it, there would be no way I would give it a second thought. The old angelic kerubi was pretty as a piece of art, but it was fanart of a kerubi, not the real thing. There were far too many inconsistencies.
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Post by Jessi »

Luxe ,i think she meant she didn't understand why the POSE was changed - not the entire picture. I think we can all agree that the old angelic kerubi was pretty outdated, but I'm 90% sure Huggles just meant the pose.
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Post by Luxe »

Ah, you're probably right. I may have misunderstood that.

I'm sorry. I've been answering "OMG WHY DID U RUIN MY KERUBI?" all evening, it seems. The pose just ended up being about what fit in the canvas better, really.
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Post by kerg »

I do like the new Kerubi, but I think I still prefer the old one. I definitely understand why it was changed though, it doesn't match a common Kerubi. But I think the reason I liked the old one was because of the different face shape, it's just always looked better to me for some reason. I do love the art for the new one though, very fluffy looking and the eyes are adorable. :D
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Post by Reify »

Hmm, the art is unquestionably better for both, and I definitely think the Terracoon is one of the better angelics now. It's flying, cute, and perky, all things I respect in the average angel. And I really do love the new style of shading for Terracoons, they really pop in a way they didn't before. ♥

But, the Kerubi... the art is again improved, but it does feel a little lobotomized sitting next to the old version. I liked the vague sense of mischieviousness one got from the old version, now it looks like an obedient puppy. I'd love it if it were a new color, but it just doesn't capture what I found interesting about the old one.

Though I have to admit, both are extremely cute.
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Post by Huggles »

Yes, just the pose. The old one did not resemble a kerubi in any fashion, but the pose was better. That's all.
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Post by Xelio »

Well, least the knocks one pet off my 'want' list now. I really loved the personality of the old angelic terracoon. While the new one isn't exactly bad, I still don't like the new ones. Mostly its the ridge on the back ending nowhere that gets me, and the loss of something appealing in the face.

The kerubi has some clear improvements, like the far hind leg and the definition of the halo, but I liked the soft outline on the old ones wings so much better. Ah well, its the nature of revamps. You gain some stuff, you loose some stuff.

Unless its Neopets revamp where its a lose/lose situation 9 times out of 10.
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Post by Alicorn »

They are both greatly improved I say! I never really liked the angelic Terracoon or Kerubi but the revamp is much improved. My favorite is defently the terracoon. The colours of it are so nice, the wings are beautiful and the face is so cute!
I like the kerubi as well and I'm not really a kerubi fan at all. Again I like the colours and the wings on it. The front paws don't really bother me. They remind me of my brother's dog when he sits up and begs, they always do that. I also have to agree the tail looks odd and I'm not a fan of the pose. But other then that, it's defently a much improvement.
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Post by AngharadTy »

The kerubi's legs are stupid now. Its arms are fine, but the legs are just dumb. They don't look right at all

Whenever I hear someone say that colored lineart is a problem on pets, I scream inwardly and hide Bonechewer. Reborn kumoses do <i>not</i> need editing.
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Post by Sayle »

I personally love both of these, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a staff member or because Rah is a sweetheart. ^_^;

I was never a fan of the old terracoon, and while the update was nice, I still wasn't sold. This, however, really makes me want to own a terracoon, which is something I didn't ever think I would say (and er, does mess up my pet plans a bit). It's odd what a little tweaking can do! I love that the pose was kept, but that the face, tail, and wings were updated; all much lovelier, in my opinion. The colours are especially lovely. I'll miss the way the terracoon was looking upward, but I understand that change and the overall improvement in the artwork and shading is more than enough to compensate.

The kerubi is also adorable. I've always liked kerubis as a whole, but the angelic kerubi never particularly impressed me; it was just so different and didn't look very much like a kerubi to me. To be honest, I'd prefer it not sitting, but again, I think it worked out better this way, and changing it would have been to sacrifice the other nice features about this pose.

In conclusion... these two make me very happy!
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Post by Rah »

Wow, thanks for some lovely comments here guys :) I know that there was a lot of people that loved their old angelic Kerubis, but I couldn't just reline it because of its inconsistencies. I hate making people 'die a little inside' :(

But yes, its the sitting pose which makes the Kerubi a little chubbier than ususal, as I know my belly looks bigger when i'm sitting - and it's sitting because I tried about 3893923 different leg poses to make it look like it was flying - and it either looked really small in the canvas, or like it was peeing. The leg-cocking thing worked for the Terracoon, but I couldn't do it for the Kerubi! And I knew that a bunch of people liked the angelic Kora, and that was sitting, so I hoped it wouldn't be TOO much of a bad thing to make it sitting!

If it helps, you can imagine it's resting on a cloud? Because that's what I imagine anyway :)
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Post by Jor »

I really like them both!! :D
The art is great!

For coming Angelic pets or revamps I would like to see some other wings than just the standard white feather ones... or is it just me? :P
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