Glacier Pets - New Colour

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by Goldenchaos »

Lovely Escalade, too bad I wont ever get a frost potion..>:| ..I keep loosing on the ice fields
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Post by Rajface »

The newest three glaciers don't seem to be up to the same standards as the original four, or even the three that came after that. :?

The lines are all sorts of screwed up- I know they want weighted lines now, but these three take it to the extreme. Jill's lines, I think, are the way to go.
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Post by Tom »

I like the Escalade the most out of the latest three. I think the lines just look very thick as the lines on both the Darkonite and Mortiking are just too thin, in my opinion. Being sat between the two of them makes them appear much bigger than they are, I believe. I like the expression of the Mortiking and Escalade, but the Darkonite really isn't doing it for me. It just looks a bit drunk, in my opinion. :/
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Post by Huggles »


Hmm...Yes, better, but I think the horns stand out even more this way.
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Post by AngharadTy »

Ugh. I think the lines on the Escalade are the ones that are just right. I can't stand this too-thin stuff that's been going on lately; the spectrum Darkonite suffers it, too. The lines are so teeny that sometimes they fade out entirely.

But I feel I'm in the minority. Everyone else just loves skinny lines. ;P I don't want fat lines, just... <i>lines.</i>
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Post by Huggles »

I guess they don't bother me on the darkonite because it's got a whole lot of stuff going on, even when compared to the common version. All the little icicles and its brain casing have little ridges. I can't speak for the spectrum, since I dislike it for a whole different set of reasons, but I think the ridges would have to be removed and the body length definitely fixed for thicker lines not to look cluttered. The escalade also uses more colors, on more surface area, than the other glacier pets and I think the thicker lines make it look much darker and um...clashy?
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Post by Jessi »

Ty, I agree with you 100% - I think the lines on the mortiking and darkonite were WAY too skinny, and it makes the escalade's lines look thicker than they are.

That being said, I do like the glacier escalade - after I told Lindsey that it was released today and asked if she did it (of course she did e_e) she told me she had a lot of trouble with it, but I think she did a nice job. And I LOVE the sheeta - enough where I must get my hands on one of these potions to get one.

And I think comparing the escalade and the kumos are like comparing two very huge extremes - the escalade has a lot of ice, maybe a tad too much, but the kumos (while lovely), barely has any. It almost doesn't look like a glacier pet at all, just.. white.
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Post by Huggles »

I know. I usually hate kumoses...kumosi...kumos...whatever! But the horn things and colors bother me the more I look at them, and I like these pets less the more I see which is the exact opposite from the first batch.
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Post by Twofold Black »

Huggles wrote:I know. I usually hate kumoses...kumosi...kumos...whatever!
I insist on calling them kumoi (it's Greek!) and will continue to do so until it catches on, like the <strike>hentacle</strike> headtentacle thing.
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Post by Kari »

Bah, I don't like the Darkonite. The expression looks more angry and the brain creeps me out.

I like the Escalade's lines, though it does make it stand out from the rest. I like the pose too.

I'm neutral on the Mortiking. But the lines up top look thinner than the lines at the bottom to me.
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

I want to like the Escalade, I really do, but the horns are a turnoff for me. If they were more defined like the Sheeta's, then I'd probably appreciate it more, but as it stands I think its head just looks "clunky."

The Darkonite is ok, but its left front leg looks odd at that angle (although now that I notice its right paw is lifted, like it's walking forward, I'm inclined to believe it's walking forward, so maybe that left leg is appropriate after all); the thin line art is painfully obvious on the Mortiking, especially around its head and chest (although I LOVE the icicles running along its back).
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Post by zebru »

I for one really like both darkonite and escalade. Darkonite screams snow - I prefer its wonderful blueish shading to the first batch of white pets with blue markings (what is the official name for that colour btw? light turquoise?). And frosted horns and tail - much love there. I do admit the lines are a bit to thin and jagged in places though. And also I'm slightly biased as anything that has strong snow connotations is good in my book.

Escalade, I'm contemplating on getting (if I EVER get through that bloody field *insert more swearing*). I like the blue-grey of its body, and I love the icy helmet, and the tail colour, and the markings on its behind... well I love pretty much everything about it (the only complaints I have are a tad to thick lines and that place on its back where it looks like the line of the tail accidentally escaped on the body). Every detail is so well thought out. Oh, hell - I'm very close to giving up the f-ing field and buying the god damn bucket.

As for mortking, there's something funny going on with upper body lines. They are so thin in places they feel faded.
Last edited by zebru on 10 Sep 2007 12:39 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Figment »


I am so, so vastly disappointed by this pet. I was hoping I would adore it and that it would be perfect for Yansa for when I get bored of hydrus, but no. I do not like it, not one bit. Here's why:

--The legs look rubbery, as if there is no bone structure beneath them. There is not a shred of anatomical believability in those paws -- they look like they are made of sculpey. Also, CANKLES argh.
--The wings themselves are lovely, but the right one (our left) seriously looks like it's coming out of the Montre's head. Aren't montres' wings supposed to originate from, um, the shoulder blade?
--The fur on the chest is too ploofy, and the lack of any fur-like signs on the rest of the body makes the poor thing look shaved. Also, I find the blue a shade too dark -- I much prefer the lighter colour used on the sheeta. The dark blue combined with the darkish grey wings combined with the white of the body does not work for me as a colour scheme -- the blue and the grey fight with each other in my eyes, and the end result is a sense of disjunction and indecision.
--The tail, as has been mentioned, gets annoyingly thin near the tip.
--THE FACE. Oh god, the face. I could possibly overlook all of these other flaws and consider it simply "okay," but the face kills it so dead in my mind. One of my best friends is a total pot-head. She makes that exact same expression when blowing out a lungful of smoke.

Seriously. It doesn't look haughty to me, or elegant. It looks like it's smoking -- I'll give it some leeway and say that it might be a cigarette, but those small half-closed eyes make a case for weed -- and forcefully blowing out the smoke. Not like it's breathing and emitting icy air because it is glaciery. It's stoned.

Galactic and now glacier have me looking towards a montre revamp with sick dread. Here's hoping it's a long while before they get to it.


The sheeta, however, is really lovely and I would get one in a heartbeat. The kumos is likewise very elegant. I'm fond of the telenine because I am generally fond of telenines. Rah's kerubi is gorgeously haughty. Not so pleased with the newest batch for the same reason as everyone else -- the lines, the lines, the lines. I almost like the darkonite -- I think the species has loads of potential -- but both its front legs and its tail seem too short, and the random tuft of fur from the ice-cased brain is just weird. The escalade's lines are too thick to me, even when placed beside the thicker-lined sheeta and kumos, and they look a bit fuzzy for it. I do think its ice helmet is really nice, though, and the fur looks lovely. I almost forgive the mortiking it's superthin lines because I think that, in this case and this case only, the thin lines make it look more as if it's made of ice. Snow is ephemeral. Thin lines are ephemeral! It sort of looks as if it's emerging from a blizzard. But I don't care for mortikings in general, so it's impossible for me to truly like it.

Oh, also, a general comment on the species as a whole: I reallyreallyreally love the colour scheme, and I'm totally liking these fake rune markings that most of them have. They're especially lovely on the sheeta. *hearts* to the sheeta.
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Post by Sunwolf »

DARKONITE! <3 Heh, it looks properly disdainful too. I love how you can see its brain through the head-ice, brilliant! All the little ice touches are great, too. The only think I don't like is the ears - they are way to thick, and look like horns.

The Escalade is very nice, I like the teal tail-fur. The lilac seems a bit overwhelming, and the head piece looks like it's melting and falling over. The puff of ice breath looks odd against the fur.

I really like the Mortiking - it's the perfect big bulky dinosaur! The icy spines look great. It's expression reminds me of a Neopets Grey pet, though.
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Post by Mayhem »

I very, very much agree with Figment on all accounts. The recent art of the Montre doesn't leave me with very high hopes at all, which is really depressing, since my Arid Montre was the first pet goal I ever achieved. :(


As a whole, I enjoy this color a lot. I had been hoping for something Christmas-y/Ice-y/Cold for some time, and I'm so excited that it's a redraw color.

But, that said, I can't say that any of the ones that have come out so far are really doing it for me. None of them have immediately struck me as HAS TO HAVE. I like the Kumos, Sheeta, and Mortiking a lot, but none of them enough to own one. D:
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