Altador Cup 2007

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Post by rebelheart »

If people were smart they'd let mystery island win so we can all get Mystery Island PBs!
I was hoping we'd get Plushie PBs if Roo Island won, but my plan didn't work out ;)

I like my trophy, but as Wingsrising already said, there's not much worth spending your points on nowadays. I haven't spent most of my points from the last few plots either.
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Post by Iggy »

Wingsrising wrote:It does seem to me that the quality of prizes hit a high for the Lost Desert Plot and have declined a lot since then. I don't think I even cashed in my points for the last few plots.
For a guessing game, I think the Cyodrake Gaze plot wasn't that bad. ;)

But otherwise, they sucked. Or the LDP prizes were too good. Your pick.
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Post by Fabled »

Meh. I have 2,592 points to spend but it was hardly worth it. I have all of the keyrings as well as the Altador Cup and Altador Cup Play Set because I purchased them last year. That hardly leaves me much of a choice. Shame on TNT for taking so long in getting this set up and recycling some prizes from the last AC.

Speaking of, does anyone know of a place that has a list of all prizes given out last year?
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Post by danceu4ia »


I have 13 points. A new record for me!
I just cannot play yoyoo ball for the life of me, so I played 4 rounds of slushie slinger...and that's it. :P
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Re: Altador Cup 2007

Post by Alicorn »

I have a grand total of 30 points, whoot! Yeah, I didn't try to hard. I played a few of athe side games and little to nothing of the main game. Luckly I don't really like any of the prizes. I would be more upset about looseing out on the Darigan PB if they darigan colour didn't get so messed up on the revamp. I'm real happy to have a nice new trophy now, yay!
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Re: Altador Cup 2007

Post by oogabooga »

From this week's editorial:
According to the first question in Editorial 296, you said that the old Altador prize shop would reopen with the new one, giving those of us who hadn't finished spending points from the first Altador Cup another chance to do so. I don't see a link to the old shop, now that the new one has opened. Could you point me in the right direction? ~parkersc
If it's not up by the time this is published, don't worry, we haven't forgotten about it. We'll be making it available again soon so you can spend your old points if you wish. Remember, though, that the points for each year don't stack. You can't use old AC points to purchase items from the new prize shop.
I still don't see a link for it anywhere, but at least they're planning to do it.
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Re: Altador Cup 2007

Post by Huggles »

I got like 13 or 14 points, considerably less than the 500 I got before. I'm not sure how that would translate into the new scoring system though. Recycling the keychains was dumb. I don't have enough points to buy anything new to give away. They could have made t-shirts or silly hats or some other wearables available for the lower prizes instead.
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