The Wheel of Time has stopped turning

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Feral Koala
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The Wheel of Time has stopped turning

Post by Huggles »

Robert Jordan died nearly a week ago. I just found out today. This makes Huggles sad enough to speak in third-person. I believe I frequented the official WoT forums even before I started playing Neopets. That's a hell of a long time ago for the intarweb. I picked up The Eye of the World for 50 cents at a library book sale and was instantly hooked. I don't know much nor care about his personal life, but I don't think I'd be the same without the WoT.
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Re: The Wheel of Time has stopped turning

Post by Joey »

I'd heard the day it happened. I had given up on WoT after book 10, but was willing to give it a try again after there was an ending. I'd heard he'd made arrangements with his wife and publisher to finish the last book, but I'm not sure about any details.

I'm really sad about it though. My thoughts go out to his family.
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Re: The Wheel of Time has stopped turning

Post by Wingsrising »

Wow, I hadn't heard about this at all, probably because I'm not a Wheel of Time fan (I never even finished the first book).

But it's sad that he died when he still had so much left to contribute. :-(

It's also personally rather weird and scary since my uncle also has amyloidosis, although it seems to be going after my uncle's kidneys, rather than the heart like it did in Jordan's case. This spring my uncle had the same treatment Jordan did at the same treatment center, Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. (This is not surprising -- there are only a few major treatment centers for amyloidosis in the US and that's one of them.)

He got the same 4-year median life expectancy statistic, too. :|

So yeah, it's sort of weird. And scary, since obviously we're hoping my uncle makes it for more than 4 years, but it obviously didn't work that way for Robert Jordan. :-(
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Re: The Wheel of Time has stopped turning

Post by Huggles »

Daww, I hope it works out better for him as well. Apparently Jordan had written all of the major plot points, and presumably the ending, in advance—just in case. As to who would actually finish the series, I haven't a clue. It's up to his wife and Tor to decide.
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Re: The Wheel of Time has stopped turning

Post by Mistress Morbid »

That's really sad news, and I can feel for fans of the series. Personally I never liked the Wheel of Time novels, they just could not hold my interest at all. But I can sympathize with readers, it's always my greatest fear when discovering a series that hasn't been completed yet is that something would happen to the author before it could finish.
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Re: The Wheel of Time has stopped turning

Post by Jessi »

I've also never been a WoT fan, but I can imagine how hard it is for the fans that -are-. Not to mention knowing you're leaving something so unfinished... And he was a great writer, even if I wasn't fond of his style. It really is sad news, especially for his family and the fans who have followed his work since day one.
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Re: The Wheel of Time has stopped turning

Post by tallan »

WoT was my first fandom. :/ It's definitely the series that's had the most impact on my life. Without it, I wouldn't have any of the friends I have today. I wouldn't have met any of my ex-boyfriends. I probably wouldn't be here, either, as that WoT RPG I joined when I was 15 was what exposed me to online culture (and made me addicted to it). I'd probably suck at English. :P Although I'm not a real fan anymore - I've found so many other authors and series and books that are more to my liking since then - I have a hell of a lot to thank mr. Rigney for. So, yeah, I'm sad.
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Re: The Wheel of Time has stopped turning

Post by shaelyn76 »

Well Shit. I hadn't heard about his death and now i really bummed out. i fell in love with this series from the minute I got past the first chapter of book 1. I love it enough that i convinced my husband to read the series as well. (he's a hard sell on reading series of any kind other than Star Wars). I have re-read the books that are out at least 3 times each and have been anticipating the final book for almost 2 years now. I feel bad that the man died, but i am so very not happy that this series will not be completed now. I'm close to angry. Even if he had all the plotlines mapped out and such, his "voice" cannot be replicated. The final book would feel different. I should just know better than to start any series that isn't already completed. If i include the Wheel of Time series I am currently waiting on 3 books in different series to complete the stories in each. I need to know how Rand faces the Dark One and how it all hashes out in the end. Notice I didn't say want...I need to know. Anyway. Thanks for this thread...I would never have known otherwise and eventually I would have stormed into my local bookstore ranting about when the next book was due in and they would have looked at me like I was crazy...thank you for sparing me that.
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Re: The Wheel of Time has stopped turning

Post by AngharadTy »

shaelyn76 wrote:Thanks for this thread...I would never have known otherwise and eventually I would have stormed into my local bookstore ranting about when the next book was due in and they would have looked at me like I was crazy...thank you for sparing me that.
I'm pretty sure they'd give you that look, no matter the condition of the author. ^_~

I heard about Jordan's death from Neil Gaiman's blog, who knew him personally, and that was... quite touching. Even though I don't like Jordan's writing, especially how he writes his females, it's still such a shame that his work is incomplete. No one should have to work so hard and then miss out on the end.
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Re: The Wheel of Time has stopped turning

Post by shaelyn76 »

:oops: well...yeah. They probably would have been calling the men in white jackets to come get me no matter the heath of the author. I am a voracious reader. I love to read and find myself "falling into" the books I read. the WoT was so rich and complex and it felt close to real while I would be reading it. I always picture the books I am reading like movies in my head. I come to feel like I have met the characters and now knowing that the series may never be complete it is like hearing that not only one person I "know" has passed away, but many people. I'm really seriously bummed out by this. :( Truly good fantasy (that i haven't read already) is getting hard to come by. I suddenly feel the need to re-read Tolkien.
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Mistress Morbid
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Re: The Wheel of Time has stopped turning

Post by Mistress Morbid »

shaelyn76 wrote:I'm really seriously bummed out by this. :( Truly good fantasy (that i haven't read already) is getting hard to come by. I suddenly feel the need to re-read Tolkien.
Not trying to hijack the thread, but I thought I'd throw out some recommendations (that is unless you've already read the following): the Song of Ice and Fire series, and the Sword of Truth series. Both are my absolute favourite novels of all time, they certainly quench my fantasy thirst. =)
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