Lol, I'm going to be in a Christmas Movie. xD

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Mistress Morbid
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Lol, I'm going to be in a Christmas Movie. xD

Post by Mistress Morbid »

So I work in the West Edmonton Mall and in the summer there was a movie being filmed there. We didn't know much about it except that it was a Christmas movie and for the entire summer there were christmas decorations up.

Anyways, the store I used to work at, Millennium (to put it in the easiest terms, it was the 'goth store' in the mall) was approached about filming a scene in there so all of the employees got to be in that scene. I'm the cashier at the end of the scene, and I think I'm in a bunch of the background scenes as well. I don't talk or anything, but still, I figured it'd be amusing to know. The movie itself will probably be horribly lame and cheesy, but if you happen to see it keep an eye out for me, haha. From what I've heard of the plot, it sounds like Home Alone in the mall. Some kids find a bag of stolen money and go around spending it then help catch the bad guys, or something along those lines. They come to our store to 'arm up' I guess with like spiked collars and jackets. xD

So yeah, it's called Christmas in Wonderland. Apparently it's out at the end of this month sometime. Even though I don't work at Millennium anymore, I'm still friends with all my former employees there and we're all going to go see it just to laugh at our scene. Then we'll probably leave. xD
Last edited by Mistress Morbid on 14 Nov 2007 02:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lol, I'm going to be in a Christmas Movie. xD

Post by Arviragus »

Morbid, I had no idea you were from my corner of the world. I used to work at WEM's Build-a-Bear, and I remember coming in one Friday morning to find my manager in a panic because apparently we were supposed to be setting up our Christmas window display because the store was going to be used in one of their panning shots, or something. Anyway, the closing manager the night before hadn't cleared out the other display, so there was a bunch of running around and digging through the seasonal stuff before she found a note from the closer the night before stating that the shoot's plan had been changed, or something. The number of mornings I was almost late for inventory because they had their fruit and muffin table in front of our store...*shakes fist*.
Mistress Morbid
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Re: Lol, I'm going to be in a Christmas Movie. xD

Post by Mistress Morbid »

Haha, yeah, the movie crew was a real pain. Since our store was on the main drag, there were a lot of times where they'd be shooting a scene like the motorcycle one and anyone inside the stores along that area would have to stay in the store until the scene was shot, so customers would get all grumpy because they couldn't leave.

And going for lunch in the foodcourt was a nightmare. if you had to pass by a set. You'd always have to stop at random times or walk by really fast.
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Re: Lol, I'm going to be in a Christmas Movie. xD

Post by bonecrivain »

Oooh, that's so fun! I'll probably go see the movie now, solely for that reason.

So is the entire movie filmed in the Edmonton mall, then? I wonder if that'll be weird for you to see, or fairly normal, since it's just mall scenes. Parts of Seabiscuit (the parts supposedly in Mexico) were filmed at the mission right by my old house, and that completely pulled me out of the movie. I mean, my friends and I filmed silly little videos in that mission in high school. It's clearly not some fancy villa in another country...

Anyway, tangent. I'll drag some friends to the theater to see you. =)
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Re: Lol, I'm going to be in a Christmas Movie. xD

Post by Kidnemo »

Wow that's awesome MM! I hope this move comes out here.. I love lame Christmas shit.. and now I have an excuse to see this :P it must have been hella weird with the decorations up for so long!
The Harry Potter movies are filmed in a church near me, it's neat. (And bon.. why are you not on MSN?)
Mistress Morbid
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Re: Lol, I'm going to be in a Christmas Movie. xD

Post by Mistress Morbid »

Just from seeing the trailer it's really weird, because for almost 2 years I worked in that mall, I saw it every day (and believe me, the novelty of it being one of the biggest malls in the world wears off really fast). I know every corner of that mall like the back of my hand, I can picture every scene that they show and where it was filmed and what's around it. You can see the trailer on the website, I linked it in the first post (the title of the movie is a link).

Oh, and yeah it was pretty strange to have the decorations up, I swear they were there for almost a whole year. I always thought that tourists must have thought we were crazy for having christmas decorations up in the middle of july, because if you were just visiting it wouldn't really be a well known fact that a movie was being filmed.

I think I've actually built up some sort of immunity to christmas after seeing that stuff every day, it has no effect on me now. xD
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Re: Lol, I'm going to be in a Christmas Movie. xD

Post by Arviragus »

That stupid movie crew. There were many times where I'd end up being a bit late for work because I couldn't actually get to the store. Of course, I'd have the boss yipping at me on my phone if I wasn't there within 30 seconds of shift start time, even if I was stuck waiting around the corner, so I quit, but I digress.

I hear you about the Christmas immunity, as well. When I quit at the mall I refused to come back for months because my theory was that if it's 30 above outside, I shouldn't be seeing Christmas trees and all the assorted trimmings in the mall. Especially in Edmonton. Just, NO. I'm oddly amused by the fact that the decorations they put out for the movie are WAY nicer than what West Ed usually gets for the holidays.
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Re: Lol, I'm going to be in a Christmas Movie. xD

Post by Mistress Morbid »

I remember the day they came to film in our store the director guy wanted all of us employees to line up so he could choose who he wanted to be the cashier. There would be 2 cashiers, one in the opening pan and one at the end who takes the money from the kids. The director pointed at me right away and said he wanted me to be the 'main' cashier. Lol, apparently all the crew there thought I was the ultimate 'goth chick'. xD The costume guy was flirting with me the entire shoot.

So yeah, assuming they didn't cut our scene or anything, I should be the cashier. xD I think it'll be kind of weird to see my face on a big screen. I don't really know what to think. :P By the way, for people who don't know what I look like, I'll have long black hair with bangs.

Hehe, I also chose to wear my For the Horde shirt. I don't know if you can see it in any of the scenes though. If they kept this one scene of the little girl standing next to a group of people, you should be able to see my boots. I'm wearing fishnets and have big, spikey boots on.
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Re: Lol, I'm going to be in a Christmas Movie. xD

Post by Monkeyguy »

Wow, I think that movie will be a hard sell for my friends lol. I'm sure they'll come with me if I tell them that someone I sort of know is in it though... maybe. If not, I'll rent it and when I'm all alone I can shout out "Oh my gosh there's MM!!!"
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Re: Lol, I'm going to be in a Christmas Movie. xD

Post by EofS »

If it's any comfort MM/Arviragus the crew probably weren't having much more fun filming in the mall than the staff and public were. Shooting on location in public can be a complete pain in the arse.
Mistress Morbid wrote:I think it'll be kind of weird to see my face on a big screen. I don't really know what to think. :P
It's weird, trust me. Very weird. Although not as bad as hearing your voice, because thanks to photos we usually have a reasonable idea of what we look like. So you don't get the double whammy of "that's me up there!" along with "I sound like that!?"

Also, it will be over in a flash. So make sure you're watching. Under no circumstances turn to see your friends' reactions to your big moment. I will forever regret looking to see my father's reaction to a particular moment in my graduate film rather than experiencing that single chance of seeing the moment myself on the big screen.
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Re: Lol, I'm going to be in a Christmas Movie. xD

Post by kuri »

Hahaha that's awesome MM! I'll be looking out for you :D

Hmm maybe I can convince my friends to come with me cause it has Tim Curry in it XD
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Re: Lol, I'm going to be in a Christmas Movie. xD

Post by Jessi »

ahh, MM, I know what you mean about knowing where every scene is! Similar to this, the first Home Alone movie was filmed maybe 20 miles from the house I grew up in. My dad traveled to that area a few times a week, and we knew what block the house was on, what house it was filmed at, what grocery store the kid buys water balloons from... all that jazz. So it made it a little... eerie to watch almost.

The funniest thing was, we didn't have a white Christmas the year that was filmed at all e_e So it felt very out of place for me xD

Still, it'll be neat for you to be in :3 I would say I'll watch it, but I hate cheesy Christmas movies xD So I'll have to wait a few years til its on TV XD
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Re: Lol, I'm going to be in a Christmas Movie. xD

Post by Alicorn »

That is very awesome MM! I bet it was annoying working while haveing it filmed there but to get to be in it is so cool. I'm tempted to watch it just to look and see if I see you. But it'll probally wait till it's on tv or something (even if it has Tim Curry in it, much love for him). It'll be cool for me to point at the tv and say "She's on the forum I post on!" heehee!
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Anna the Red
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Re: Lol, I'm going to be in a Christmas Movie. xD

Post by Anna the Red »

Wow, that is pretty kick ass. I will keep an eye out for it!

Don't suppose you got paid or anything did you? Did you have to sign waivers and what have you to say it was okay for them to use footage with you in? I always wondered....
Mistress Morbid
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Re: Lol, I'm going to be in a Christmas Movie. xD

Post by Mistress Morbid »

It was sort of a volunteer thing to be an extra, so no we didn't get paid or anything, but I didn't mind. I didn't sign a waiver or anything either, but we just filled out a profile sheet with some stuff like our name, height, picture, etc. I think they keep that on file or something if they want to use you again.
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