Merry $^(&@ Christmas.

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Merry $^(&@ Christmas.

Post by Jessi »

So people here don't like to comment on art unless it's pet art :P Well, this isn't pet art, so I don't expect it to receive any acknowledgment, but here it is anyway.

This is the picture Lindsey and I drew together to throw in with our Christmas Cards. I draw a picture every year for Christmas, and this year Lindsey participated. It's uh, inappropriate for the holidays, but sometimes you need to draw something funny. Not something happy and snowy and Christmasy yay. (and NC card exchangees, this is your time to tell me if you'll be offended by receiving such a thing with a note on it from us :P Shut up, it's fun. and cute, more Christmasy pictures will be included to combat this one xD)


The one on the left (our left, not theirs...) is Ferro, one of Lindsey's oooold characters who wasn't made for Ragnarok Online but eventually went there to live. He's a whiny, snarky little brat who has a bark much worse than his bite.

The one on the right is Fyfe. Anyone who's talked to me outside of NC probably knows who Fyfe is. He's one of my RO characters. He doesn't like you. Don't take offense to it. Fyfe doesn't like anyone. He just doesn't like you, either.

Linds drew the one on the left, I did the one on the right. Our styles are totally different, so this was interesting, heh. I actually did my picture first ages ago, but we colored them around the same time.

So unhappy holidays and unmerry Christmas. Ferro and Fyfe hate you guys, but Linds and I love you anyway.

As a random exit note, I hate my art. I know all artists hate their art, but there's a reason I never, never, never post my art here. This is a big step for me :P
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Re: Merry $^(&@ Christmas.

Post by Kari »

Your shading is so bright and beautiful. You make the really light and dark colors for highlights and shadows blend so well into the base color. Whenever I try to shade like that it looks like everyone's wearing plastic XD
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Re: Merry $^(&@ Christmas.

Post by Monkeyguy »

Nice. Overall your styles go together really well. It's only when you start to look at the details that you notice all the differences.
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Re: Merry $^(&@ Christmas.

Post by FourEyes »

I just can't find a word to express how much I like this, really. I love the lineart, I love the shading, and I love the concept in general. Overall, it's pretty much lovely. I definitely want to see more of your art.
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Re: Merry $^(&@ Christmas.

Post by Dollfie »

I love that you both contributed to the picture for your cards... I think that makes it so much more meaningful. The concept is completely awesome as well. You have pretty much inspired me to do something similar if I get around to sending anything this season. The different styles work well together too. I find it quite interesting to sit and pick out the differences... basically because I'm weird like that.
I sympathize though about being self critical... if I ever get the nerve to post any of my art here, it will be a miracle.
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