Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by zebru »

I'm not fit to judge keeto - the species had so much potential if Centurymon stuck around. As it is, it's just blah and this one isn't an exception for me.

Graveyard sheeta I like, that's some very fine artwork... yet at the same time it makes me shudder. Considering it's a graveyard pet... that's a good thing I guess?
Last edited by zebru on 11 Jan 2008 01:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by iceburgundy »


I spent forever procuring the Graveyard Potion for my own Sheeta, and while I was expecting a revamp (freakily enough, mere minutes before I had a heartattack upon seeing that it had been revamped, I had thought to myself, "Huh, maybe I shouldn't have done that, as it's older art, it'll be revamped soon") I hadn't been prepared. It's not that I dislike this one, it's horribly freaky and beautiful art, but I had saved up for and toiled for the old one. Now... it's not what I had saved up for. I'm not keen on scary pets and the Sheeta is very scary, which is of course appropriate for Graveyard. Maybe I shouldn't have selected that color.

In short, I'll be saving up for something else now.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Officer 1BDI »

Kidnemo wrote:Here you go Jessi, and just putting them together so I can decide what to think.
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I definitely prefer the clarity of the new one but I loooooved the old one and was about to get one. I do like the new horns and tail and adorably dead/floppy ears but it's so emaciated, kind of creepy. I used to love the eye scar on the old one but the new seems to just have a random lump of exposed flesh.. and half it's face missing, I liked how the old version wasn't too graveyard-y.
The Graveyard Sheeta was the first redraw pet I ever made. Cruthiar remains one of the oldest pets on my account, and I basically built his personality around the scarred, shrewd-looking image I fell in love with. I loved it for the same reasons as Kidnemo: it was't too "graveyard-y."

This is a... well, it's a really big change. As a graveyard pet, I think it's lovely; the exposed skull and the creepy, raggedy form really bring out the emotions I usually associate with graveyard pets. As Cruthiar... it's a REALLY different look for him. I think I can still work with it, which is why I'm not going to pound or potion him, but it's going to take some getting used to. I can still see smidgens of his old personality in this new image, but it takes a bit of squinting.

I have little to say about the keeto beyond "I'm disappointed." I'm not a fan of keetos to begin with, but this one seems almost off-model.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Ierosbats »

I absolutely fucking despise the new Sheeta. It isn't at all the same pet I loved and created.

I'll come back and have a real opinion later when I no longer feel like strangling things.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Enriana »

I love the Graveyard Sheeta! So much! I saw it just when I was about to go to sleep and promptly contacted someone about a Miracle Potion II, and on second thought, I also grabbed a GY potion.

Personality ideas are already flying around. Love how emaciated and wobbly it looks! Love!

I'm still not sure how I'm going to obtain it; I can turn my new Graveyard Magnus with a Miracle Potion II. Or just dump him and think of a new name - it'd be much less expensive. I could also use the potion on my Angelic Darkonite, but what if I regret that? Angelic potions aren't cheap. And then there's the option to save up and buy a Mystical Montre Plushie... *ponders*

It is quite different from the original, which was quite lovely - and that's a shame; I wish this could exist without wiping out the other, heh. There are things I really like about the old one - it's so smooth it looks almost skinless, the face is excellent, and it looks like it's plotting something.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Title »

I actually like both of these very much. Although the shading on the Sheeta confuses me a bit. P: But that's ok, because I absolutely love it's horns. owo

The Keeto looks a bit unbalanced to me, with the front legs out and the back legs in, etc. I'm still wondering how that chunk of ice is attached to it's tail...One of Subeta's great mysteries. xD
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by AngharadTy »

Twofold Black wrote:The Sheeta I have a problem with because (a) it just doesn't capture the mood of the original -- it seems way too happy to see me and for the wrong reasons; and (b) what the hell is wrong with its feet? If the pet is skeletal, the feet should be skeletal. Not pudgy. Ew.
I agree with this. The feet are really jarringly squooshy, compared to the (actually quite lovely) emaciated torso. I also didn't like the forelimbs when I first saw it, and now that my initial impression has had time to sink in, I may actually hate them. They remind me of when I get stuck drawing hands, and I erase and redraw them a billion times, and finally just flail and go "good enough!" Only these aren't good enough.

The horns and tail and chest are very nice, but I can't stand the feet or forelimbs. =\

edit: Oh, and I like the glacial keeto; it would benefit from an aurora-borealis-aura, but the markings are quite nice, and I like the front paws for some reason.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by bonecrivain »

When I saw the post in the news, my cache hadn't emptied, so I thought, "Oh, good! I don't see much of a difference; they must have just smoothed out a few lines without massively changing the pet." Then I refreshed and realized I was wrong. I don't like the new one at all. There's a sleek, sly gracefulness to the previous version that the new one did away with completely. Normally I don't have much of an opinion when pets or colors are revamped on Subeta (it hasn't happened to any of my pets yet), but I don't understand the reasoning behind this one. The art wasn't outdated, and the pet was lovely. Now it's extraordinarily, inexplicably shiny, with an odd assortment of lumps. The bloated paws particularly bother me, since they don't fit with the rest of the body structure, and the front legs seem to have something wrong with them.

I do like the floppy, frayed ears, the tail, and (possibly?) the horns. It completely changed the style and personality of the old Sheeta, though, which is a fundamental problem an artist needs to take into account when revamping a color. In this case, I think it was a failure.

Seriously, though. Why is this pet so SHINY? I can't get over that. It doesn't fit with the skeletal, grimy look it's trying to achieve.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Sunwolf »

The Sheeta . . . when I first saw it, I thought "What the heck did they do to the Graveyard Kanis?" It has overly long bunny-ears. The skull poking through is nice though. But why is it so freaking emaciated? None of the other Graveyard pets are like that. It reminds me of one of those poor dogs that the Animal Cops rescue that have been cruelly starved - not what I want to be reminded of. The old Sheeta was one of my favorite pets, and my absolute favorite Graveyard :| Least I can use the sp I've been saving up for something else . . .

The Keeto is okay, but the chunk of ice on the tail bothers me. It seems like the ice would pull out a bunch of fur - ouch! Plus I like Goldenchaos' so much better that this one really doesn't get me excited.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Goldenchaos »

Ooh. Yea, the Sheeta looks lumpy? I do like the skull bone thing. Though..maybe it couldve done with less skin and more bones and exposed flesh..D: ..all...melting off ..

The Keeto is cool too (pun) :3 I likes it.

I have a Keeto of my own..don't know what Ill paint it, if Ill paint it..since potions are crazy expensive. But I will..Someday!

I hope Keshi doesnt mind, but... ... o-74264085 Here is the full version. Im jealous of the lines.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Teera »

Shame the old art is hardly ever scrutinized as much as revamp art. The old GY Sheeta did not fit in with the current Sheetas' look. The muzzle was too large, and the body shape was wrong. I can see how some may not like the emaciation on the new one, and I apologize if that has turned you off. I personally think GY pets should look dead, not merely green with random scars, but I was also aware of the users who didn't want this pet torn up a lot with dripping entrails and open wounds, which is why I opted for the emaciated look since it was still gruesome without being gorey.

As far as the feet go, I generally used emaciated dogs for reference(the only animals I could find online that had the look I was going for.. and that sounds so much more disturbing than I'm really intending...) and one of the things I noticed is that their feet remained normal. So you've got this incredibly thin animal, but its feet look huge in comparison to the rest of the body.
It completely changed the style and personality of the old Sheeta, though, which is a fundamental problem an artist needs to take into account when revamping a color. In this case, I think it was a failure.
Emphasis mine. I thought I *had* captured the same kind of personality, or at least the personality *I* saw in the old GY Sheeta. I'm sorry it didn't work for you, but I believe much of the personality of the pets to be in the eye of the beholder. I didn't purposely disregard the personality, I just interpreted it differently I suppose?
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Twofold Black »

Emaciated dogs' feet appear 'normal' because the bone to 'other stuff' ratio in the feet is high, so when they lose fat and muscle there there is still a lot of tissue present; but they are still quite discernably thin and knuckly, like, well, the hands of an emaciated person. This Sheeta has pudgy Sheeta feet. No way, unless the apparent pudginess is weirdly smooth, round knuckles or something.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Ontra »

I always thought Sheeta had hooves. o_o

But I honestly don't see a difference in personality between old and new Sheeta, they both have that tilt to the head, and the same smirk, even if half of the new one's face is missing. The old one was just as emaciated, although not in as much detail, and it lacked a ribcage.

Big fan of how it's now creepy. Officially the first Sheeta I've ever liked.

As for the Keeto, I think it's wonderful. I'm now having trouble deciding if I want to get the Glacier Tigrean I was going to get, or leave him arid and get a Glacier Keeto instead. I love the posture, the markings and the emotionless gaze, and while I admit the ice on the tail isn't the best I've ever seen, it doesn't detract from the overall image.

And while we're at it, Goldenchaos' Keeto, while a lovely piece of art, isn't Keeto enough to fit in with the species. The ruff doesn't go all the way up the neck, and the head seems a little misshapen. The tail appears to have been broken in order to get it to stand up the way it is, and the shading on both the mane and tail don't fit with the shading on the rest of the body. The aurora and the frosty breath both appear to have been scribbled on (whether they were or not, I don't know)- the lines are too thick, perhaps.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Goldenchaos »

Of course it has its flaws, unlike they official artists, I don't have anyone to redline what I draw out. So.

The tails like that cuz its too big...really only reason why it is like it is.

:O The lines on it are too thin too, I just noticed.

Oh well. I happen to like the real one too.
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Re: Graveyard Sheeta Revamp and New Glacier Keeto

Post by Luxe »

Sheeta's have camel-style toes, Ontra.
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