Computer opinions needed!

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Re: Computer opinions needed!

Post by Chandi »

Here's the difference I find between in-store and online: mostly in-store is certain models, all pre-built with factory settings, blah blah blah. However, you can often find good deals on these - my little sister got a decent HP model for $100 off. However, I usually go online and pick my settings myself, mostly because I am a picky bastard. There are good deals online, too - I think I built my HP one on site from scratch with an automatic $100 rebate, plus various discounts on certain parts. They also offered good rebates and discounts on accessories - I ended up getting a free all-in-one printer and some other discounted accessories. I'm loyal to HP (my aunt works for them), and haven't really had problems with them. I run two models currently, a 3 1/2 year old HP something or other, and a 4 month old HP Pavilion dv6000.

Oh! If you're into photography, I think the majority of HP models come with a universal memory card acceptor - mine automatically accepts SD, MS/Pro, MMC, and XD. Just plug the card into the side of the computer, click whatever option you want on the screen, and away you go.

More student tips: I got Office 2007 cheapy on campus (80 bucks, I think?). I also go there for my ink cartridges. EofS has the right idea on weight; if you're carrying it in a shoulder-strap computer bag, it's going to get heavy quick. If possible, spring for an extra USB port. I eat my 3 like crazy.
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Re: Computer opinions needed!

Post by Arviragus »

You can never have too many USB ports on a lappy; my computer came with two and I immediately went out and bought a hub so I now have five, and will be buying another one/getting another one for Christmas I hope, as I've got too much stuff I need/want to hook up to my computer.

Chandi made a good point about campus bookstores often having a good deal for students on things like software; I was looking at getting Photoshop for lappy and found it for 150 bucks cheaper there than anywhere else.

If you're going to be carrying it anywhere, I'd get a laptop backpack rather than a shoulder bag, as I will echo that they do get heavy quickly.
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Re: Computer opinions needed!

Post by danceu4ia »

Sorry to bump this, but I finally bought my computer!

All your advice was taken into consideration, (you have no idea how helpful it was O_o).

In the end, I am typing to you on my new white macbook! As a new PC convert, who has just set up her laptop literally 10 minutes ago, I'm still having some issues. (Where is the exit!? Oops, found it.)

But so far, it's lightning fast, already leaps and bounds better than my poor old Dell downstairs.

Once again, thanks to all! I really did write down your suggestions, and then found other people related to those brands over here. Talked to nearly every electronics store for Toshibas, Panasonics and hps, went over to the states for the nearest apple store, and went to a Dell store (also in the states). Apple impressed me with their remarkable salespeople, and some nifty features (OMG, you plug it in and it WORKS??!).

I think I've babbled on enough, now I need to find out how to have two internet windows at once. ^^ Have a great day everyone, I know I will!!
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Re: Computer opinions needed!

Post by Kidnemo »

Welcome to the club ^_^
Another great thing about Macs is the community, everyone is always so happy to help with any issues or problems you have, and in my experience 99.99% they'll sort it.
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