Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

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Twofold Black
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Twofold Black »

Cranberry wrote:the entire Maya/Alejandro/Sylar plot served no purpose other than to bring Sylar back to New York
And get Sylar wet and shirtless.


... sorry, were you saying something?
Cranberry wrote:(what happened to Caitlin?)
Well ... at a guess, since the future in which Peter lost her no longer exists, neither does she. Good job, Peter! It's not often a character I can't stand gets done away with so decisively, and that subplot gave us the most shockingly blatant ten seconds of fanservice I have seen in my life. And by blatant I mean erotic. Because I am part of the problem.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Cranberry »

Monkeyguy wrote: Secondly, to anyone thinking about quitting the show: The reason this episode was treated as a season finale is because TPTB knew most fans were unhappy with how things were going and they plan to come back after the hiatus with some of the things we loved so much about the first season that were absent in the second. So at least give it a week or two after the break before you decide to leave it behind.
It was treated as a (possible) season finale because of the writers' strike, but they had intended for the season to be split into two volumes all along, and Volume Two was always supposed to end with episode 11. They were prepared, is what I'm saying, and they still dropped the ball. Besides, I'm not claiming I'll quit watching because of this one finale -- I haven't found the show exciting or original all season. That said, I will give it another shot to win me over, but I expect quality from my TV, and I get it from shows like Pushing Daisies, Chuck, Friday Night Lights, Dexter (best show on TV), and even Supernatural. I don't need Heroes, and I won't stick with it if we get another messy, contrived, anticlimactic "volume" like this one.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Ailiel »

Too late. Already quit it. :P

Honestly, reading snippets here and there of the last few episodes, not feeling sorry about it.

I've moved on. The show was good, now it sucks. It happens.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Monkeyguy »

I'd just like to add that if we ever find ourselves in the Heroes universe, remind me to never piss Hiro off.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Huggles »

I will watch it until it's done, most likely. It's usually quite hard for me to leave a series once it's started, unless it's by accident. House and Lost are good examples. I've only seen about a half a dozen episodes in random order from each show, and I'm too lazy to go through the however many there are now.

I'm sad that Maya isn't dead for good. She didn't deserve the right to even think my name, let alone use it. I spit in her black eyes. *patooey* Sylar living makes me happy. Claire makes me nauseous. Her dad should be deads for reals also. Mohinder, wtf? But, I wasn't too fond of him from the beginning. Everyone seems to have gotten stupider overall, even Mica.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Joey »

So I actually was spoiled on Nikki's death like halfway through the season. Which still really sucked, I was expecting it the whole time. Still really sucks like hell for Micah. And after DL too...

Yeah I've been dissapointed with this entire season. I'm on the side of the fence that thought Sylar's entire storyline sucked except for the wet and nekkid parts. I liked Alejandro and it sucked when he died, and I didn't like Maya and it sucked when they revived her. And what's with all this reviving crap anyway? Is it just a temporary life saving thing or is everyone with Claire's blood now gonna be healing all over the place? And dayum, Adam's fate seriously creeped me out. That was cruel of Hiro, no matter how evil Adam was. And I'm sad that Nathan died, though maybe this will result in Peter regrowing the emo-fringe?

So my speculation, Matt's totally going evil. And I'm betting Noah was the one who shot Nathan.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Silverevilchao »

I think one of the main, big, HUGE reasons why this season wasn't as good the first was because the villain wasn't as good. Yeah, Sylar's manipulating behind the scenes, but not as much as the first season, plus, all that he's doing is getting to NY. In the first season, Sylar was a twisted, pissed off, totally messed up individual who manipulated people and looked like he had great chance of beating the good guys at their own game. Come on, a guy who scares the crap out of his mother, accidentally kills her without showing ANY remorse whatsoever, and then paints the future using her own blood HAS to be an awesome villain. And even then, you FELT for him at times - a rarity in TV villains these days.

Adam just didn't seem as threatening as Sylar, despite the fact that he's nearly unkillable, and the reason why he was able to get ANYWHERE was because of Peter's guillibleness (is that a word?). That said, Peter trusts (or trusted?) Hiro, why didn't Hiro tell him he went to the past and saw Adam's true intentions? Or, why didn't he let them open the vault, then freeze time and grab the virus before Adam does? Anyway, Adam was one-dimentional in personality and intentions, yes, he had somewhat of a cool power, but it was ill-used, and he's not NEARLY as openly twisted as Sylar is. Sylar > Adam.

Mohinder wasn't stupid, though. I mean, you have to obey Sylar's huge eyebrows, especially if they're pointing a gun at you; also, he may have been manipulated by the Company, but, like Sylar, the Company plays off of your emotions till you give in, so that makes sense. Pissed off Maya, though, was awesome. I was happy to FINALLY see her lift the veil of stupidity and try to turn on Sylar. She looks SO awesome when angry.

I'm happy lightning-girl isn't such a bitch anymore, and I like how twisted she is (was?). I'm also very happy that Mr.Bennet lived, because he was one of my favorite characters in the series. West needs to go away for good, his wooden acting, while not as bad as Keanu Reeves, doesn't fit the Heroes cast of awesome actors and their awesome acting.

And, lastly, I'm really happy that Peter isn't puppeted by Adam anymore. Maybe he'll actually DO something next season. And where the hell is the hawt Haitian?
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Seerow »

Okay so this really doesn't have much to do with Heroes directly, but I couldn't think of a better place to put it.

I've been rewatching Joan of Arcadia seasons 1 and 2, and in one of the episdoes (season 2's episode Point of View), the actor who plays Sylar appears as God. I'm having a hard time making the mental leap of "Ohh look mass killer" to "ohh look its God" XD
Sylar as anything other then Sylar is just wrong.

And yeah, he has the bushy eyebrows in Joan of Arcadia as well.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Twofold Black »

I submit for your consideration, Seerow:

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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Cranberry »

Haha, that's excellent.

He's playing Spock in the upcoming Star Trek movie, as well. That should be interesting!
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by rebelheart »

Twofold Black wrote:I submit for your consideration, Seerow:


Oh. My. Never going to get that out of my head again.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Twofold Black »

You say that like it's a bad thing.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by rebelheart »

It's not, but it's quite distracting when you have other things to concentrate on. Like, traffic.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Silverevilchao »

Cranberry wrote:Haha, that's excellent.

He's playing Spock in the upcoming Star Trek movie, as well. That should be interesting!
Yeah, here's pics:

http://www.jfxonline.com/jfxonline/2007 ... ung-spock/

That's freaking scary, he looks a LOT like Nimoy.
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