Materia Magica MUD

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Materia Magica MUD

Post by Mayhem »

Does anyone else here MUD? I don't do it as often as I used to, but this is my favorite haunt on occasion.

A MUD is basically just a MMO, but entirely text-based. Free, too! Some are large, some are small. Materia Magica usually has a few hundred people on at any given time. - Support site. Equipment stats, spell info, quest help, etc. - Clan info, another item database, logs, different calculators. - MM wiki.

If anyone else out there plays them, do you have a game you'd like to recommend?
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Re: Materia Magica MUD

Post by AngharadTy »

Not all MUDs are free. ^_~ I recently started up with Dragonrealms again--I do this periodically, hee--and even got Enri to sign up. They give one free month and you're not required to pay if you don't like it and cancel before that 30 days passes. DR is probably the best game I've ever played.... I may be biased because it's where I met Derek, but even so, it's really fantastic. There's no reboots (stuff you get stays with you forever, you log in where you logged out, etc.), and there's a strict RP code. Really huge world, rich history, detailed descriptions, real languages (if you bother to learn the words and grammar), fantastic races (I used to wish I could be a S'kra in real life--hey, I was 16 when I started playing; I also wanted a fire lizard), and really fun guilds. Oh, and the combat system is very realistic--you have HP, in terms of vitality, but you also have body parts that can all get damaged, and if you damage an essential body part too badly, you die even if you have full vit. (E.g., you can't live with a stump for a head, heh.) And fighting itself is just as detailed; you have to use real moves, in a proper order or you'll lose balance--parry, feint, jab, draw, sweep, slice, chop. (For medium or heavy edged weapons.) That sequence is burned into my brain.

Okay I promise I'll stop editing now.

I also play 3kingdoms, which I mentioned here before. It's a giant chat room where you also fight stuff and gain levels. I'm currently on hiatus, but I'll log in to guide you around a bit if you want to play and can catch me online. ^_~
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Re: Materia Magica MUD

Post by nanabobo567 »

I dabble a bit in MUDs, occasionally. I've been playing on Achaea most recently. Always a good time waster if you're, say, waiting for a game with graphics to load, or just when you're tired of the same old grinding game on Maplestory, Trickster, Runescape, and all the other stuff out there.
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(
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