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Post by Illuen »

So, these pictures are only 1 month late, but who cares? I know you don't, because any chance to see me with two hot lesbians is an oppertunity that is worth waiting for! Unfortunately, I must warn you that this post breaks internet laws, because there is now proof that neither Jessi, FMD or I are 40 year old men living in our mother's basements. Please, please stifle your tears.

I must say, from the second I walked off of the plane and into Jessi's big hug of doom (seriously, KCI is a tiny fucking airport, there was about 10 yards from where I got off the plane and where Jessi was waiting for me, and then about five minutes to the car, which took long because she parked on the opposite side of the building from where I was, but it was still nothing, because like I said, tiny airport!). Also; Jessi and I had fun naming hawks, of which there were many, and Jessi also taught me the wonders of the word dbag.

Unfortunately, the airports were stupid and my Wii (which was on my carryon and right next to me the entire time I was not at a house) somehow got b0rked, so Jessi and Lindsey did not get to experience the awesomeness which is my Wii. We made up for it by having a Super Smash party (including a wonderful breakfast smash event which was the talk of the town. I must also interject to say that Lindsey and Jessi are amazing cooks)

I have to say, I had an incredible time with Jessi and Lindsey. We had an insane amount of fun, and although we didn't get everything we wanted to accomplished (you owe me a trip to Priscillas!) there is always the future, and I do hope that they will have me again in the future.

Now, the best part: The pictures!

(note: I have absolutely no idea why these all say christmas in the file names. They were like that when I took them off of my SD card. I think my camera is kind of evil)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas160.jpg
Incredibly beautiful ratty hammock; all of jessi's hammocks were beautiful, and I cannot wait until I get the ones she made me =).

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas162.jpg
I don't think I need to preface this with anything but awwwwww

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas163.jpg
At Jessi's favorite Bubble Tea place (which I did like, even though she totally thinks I hated it). Jessi is adorable as always, and it was a beautiful shop. Both times I was in there, I was enthralled by their really nice loose tea selection, and I kicked myself afterwards for not picking some up.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas174.jpg
Jessi and Lindsey were interviewed while we were strolling down this really nifty street with half a million beautiful shops (except for the one where there was a christmas tree flowering out of a mannequin's vagina) for the local news, about swearing in bars. Unfortunately, we missed the airing of it on TV, but I'm pretty sure that Jessi is known throughout Lawrence as the Drunk Rat Lady. (I took about half a million pictures here, but Jessi would probably have a heart attack if I posted them, because she is silly.)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas176.jpg
Jessi looking extremely extremely adorable while changing out the contents of one purse to a new purse she bought while we were out (and again, I kick myself for not buying one of those pretty manpurses while I was there.)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas177.jpg
The elusive Lindsey makes the scene! Lindsey and I had a ton of fun, as we'd hang out in the mornings whilst Jessi was at work. Lindsey is involved with some kind of weird plasma vampire mafia, which I thought it best not to ask about, but she is incredibly sweet in any case. She was also incredibly kind in sharing her Mountain Dews with me, for which I am eternally grateful.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas179.jpg
Once again: Awwwwwwwwww

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas180.jpg
The Willbeast appears! Run for your life!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas181.jpg
And again, with an incredibly kind woman, and one of my best friends in the world <3.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas185.jpg
The girls are incredibly sad due to lack of crepes. I too am sad, but I took the picture, so you cannot see my frown. (the crepe shop was closed insanely early for some reason, and when we went back later in the week, it was closed again, so we went crepeless)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas188.jpg
Alys, the incredibly silly (although Jessi and Lindsey assured me she wasn't silly, just retarded) kitty who cuddled with me when I went to sleep.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas189.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas190.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas192.jpg
Pictures of the girl's FerretRatty Nation, which was incredibly awesome and is my new big want for when I get the extra money. The ratties were absolutely adorable, and I had fun just watching them.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas193.jpg
The piggies who, unfortunately, I did not get to spend a lot of time with. They were cute from what I saw, however.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas194.jpg
Hal, the incredibly cool bird (I'm ignoring the fact that he enjoys Shakira and the Backstreet Boys)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas197.jpg
Wyn is an incredibly fun, intelligent cat who took a long time to warm up to me, but near the end of my stay he would come and sit near me and let me play with him. I think he just hated that I was a man, however.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas203.jpg
More Ratties

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas206.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas207.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas208.jpg
Alys looking like a loaf of bread in a box.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas213.jpg
I had an incredibly time with Jessi, but I was glad when the airplane finally landed in Baltimore, because There's No Place Like Home, and believe it or not, I did miss my comfy bed with half a million blankets (and occasionally with my boyfriend).

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas214.jpg
My tied face is showing. I don't know why I took an unhappy picture of myself on the plane, except to possibly mimic the master's hillarious parliment joke about happy faces and angry faces.
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Post by Jessi »

Illuen wrote:I had an incredibly time with Jessi, but I was glad when the airplane finally landed in Baltimore, because There's No Place Like Home
Fuck you. Fuck you HARD.

God, that picture of me during our stupid TV interview is HORRIBLE. I look like a 500 pound beached whale ;__;

You only got pictures of the ratties in the small quarantine cage! Not the actual... rats and stuff xD Oh, and that first hammock picture wasn't made by me, Will, it was made by my friend Chelsey xD *Gives credit where credit is due*...but I do make awesome hammocks.

The FN looks totally different now though. We set it up differently, and there's piles of clean towels and hammocks under it.

And you know you are more than welcome to come visit again, I just figured you didn't want to ;__; But you can! Whenever! How 'bout tomorrow? Or something.
Illuen wrote:And again, with an incredibly kind woman, and one of my best friends in the world <3.
Aww, I love you too <3

ETA: Regarding the pictures of the cage and our apartment - WE ARE NOT SLOBS ;__; Will was taking pictures on cage cleaning day ;_; really.
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Post by Madge »

Aww! They are such gorgeous pictures! Jessi and Lindsay are both gorgeous! And of course so is the great William.

However these are NOT the THREESOMES which I was promised :( What is UP WITH THAT?

Seriously it looks like awesome fun and awesome times. Damn you for living in the US where everything is reasonably close together.
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Post by Iggy »

I look like a 500 pound beached whale ;__;
I have a kidnapping activity planned in March, I'll bring you pictures.

I look like a whale! Really much.

You're all gorgeous and I want your butts on my couch. I'll be the heterosexual oddball.
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

YAY PICS! And yay for friends having fun times!

I'm (mostly) hetero too, but I'm rather queer in different ways. ;)

And the USA actually isn't all that convenient as far as proximity to stuff unless you're in New England. Only via internet and airplanes.... It's still a good 4-5 hour drive for me to get to any city of recognizable status, and I'm not even out west. :P
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Post by oogabooga »

Yay, looks like you had fun :) It's always fun to see pictures of people here.
Fjorab_Teke wrote:It's still a good 4-5 hour drive for me to get to any city of recognizable status, and I'm not even out west. :P
The west is full of stunning landscapes and very very little population.
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Post by daisybell »

Madge wrote: However these are NOT the THREESOMES which I was promised :( What is UP WITH THAT?
There were three rats in a hammock... I suppose you just had so many things to do that it was never necessary to invoke rule number 99.1.

Will has a beard! I did not know this. Actually, you look rather like my uncle. Except less bald. ;P
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Post by EofS »

Illuen wrote:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... mas185.jpg
The girls are incredibly sad due to lack of crepes. I too am sad, but I took the picture, so you cannot see my frown. (the crepe shop was closed insanely early for some reason, and when we went back later in the week, it was closed again, so we went crepeless)
I knew it! I knew in any other country in the world they'd just have written 'closed'!

Yay for finally seeing these pictures. It looks like you had a blast. I am jealous of your blast-having.
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Post by Kantark »

Pictures of Will! I'll second Daisy's mild surprise at Will's beard. You lucky peoples, even minus the hot threesomes it looks like you had fun.
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Post by Huggles »

With the shortening of the thread title, I thought this was Will's Magical Advent Calendar. I was curious yet apprehensive about what types of things Will would put in an advent calendar since this wasn't posted on any Neo or Subeta boards.

Anyway, I think I like the actual thread much better. Yay pictures! Yay ratties! Boo lack of crepes! You're lucky you even live near an area that sells them. I wouldn't be surprised if most vendors around here wouldn't know what they are.
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Post by Illuen »

I am amused that people find my bear so funny. I look wildly different clean shaven, and also different when I'm just stubbly =D

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... anandI.jpg
This is me tired and grumpy and very hairy (ignore the massive unibrow, I hadn't waxed in a while D=) on Feb. 2nd =P.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ ... 040971.jpg
Here I am on V-Day, very clean and prettyful =D.

Also, say hello to hotboyfriend!
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Post by Spivsy »

I am amused that people find my bear so funny.
typo lolz.
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Post by Anna the Red »

You are so adorable Will, though I always picture you being blonde. Aw!

And the ratties are gorgeous too. Makes me want to get rats again. aw!
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