What are you playing at the moment?

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What are you playing at the moment?

Post by Kidnemo »

I think this goes in Offsite Games, basically I'm just interested to see what videogames you lot are playing at the moment (meaning in general, not right this second), just a fun thread really.
I recently restarted Animal Crossing Wild World but I'm slacking at that again. I'm about a third through Metroid Prime 3 but I got to a tricky bit which I just found frustrating and so stopped.. I'm sure I'll go back to it soon though, same for SMG actually; but the payoff for re-completing the game isn't worth it in my opinion. So I suppose the only game which I'm actually really playing at the moment is Paper Mario on the Virtual Console, (what a great invention!) I forgot how awesome that game is. I also try to play Wii Sports daily but I very rarely get round to it.
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Re: What are you playing at the moment?

Post by Joey »

Mmm... Well I'm always playing Pokemon Diamond, with some degree of frequency. Right now I'm between games on my DS, since I just finished Phoenix Wright 2 and have yet to start 3. On the Wii I still need to finish Mario Galaxy, I've only gotten around to playing it every now and then and I'm right near the end. I want to beat it before Brawl comes out though. And at some point I want to go back and play all the Star Fox games again because all the talk of various characters in Brawl have given me the fiery urge to do so. I think I also left off in the middle of Banjo-Kazooie back near Thanksgiving, I may pick that back up.

And on my list of games to play in the near future but not as near as the above, I've got Final Fantasy XII and III, Pokemon Ranger and Pearl, various other pokemon versions I want to train on, Super Paper Mario and both Superstar Saga games, and the three Kingdom Hearts games.

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Re: What are you playing at the moment?

Post by Goldenchaos »


Currently the sole game Ive neen playing is RO. ..though not the iRO (But I did play on Beta for this, many years ago!) , private server called RebirthRO. x3 its insanely addictive , more so for having all my chatroom friends in on it now.
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Re: What are you playing at the moment?

Post by Kari »

I've been playing around with Flyff and Cabal on my PC, the latter more than the former. I haven't touched my consoles in a while, but this is what I'm working on:

Wii - Super Mario Galaxy
PS2 - Ar tonelico II (freaking amazing game, even if it's in Japanese), Disgaea
DS - Rune Factory, Final Fantasy VI Advance

I also just puchased a copy of Tales of Symphonia, and will probably start that when it arrives. Also preordered Smash Bros. Brawl, waiting for that along with my other preorder of Mana Khemia, and when April comes around I'm buying Baroque and the Persona 3 rerelease. Add those to the waiting list of 33 other games I haven't finished (seven of which I haven't even started) and I'll be a busy gamer.
Joey wrote:I think I also left off in the middle of Banjo-Kazooie back near Thanksgiving, I may pick that back up.
That game was so amazing, though it took a couple years for me to beat the final boss.
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Re: What are you playing at the moment?

Post by Monkeyguy »

I generally only play video games socially, so the only ones I've been playing lately are Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and Halo. When I feel the urge to play alone I pick one of my 3 games that I own: Burn Out 3: Takedown, Spiderman 2, and Kingdom Hearts. None of which have been beaten, though I'm very close on KH.
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Re: What are you playing at the moment?

Post by Joey »

Oooh, I forgot about MMOs. I've been getting back into Maple Story, along with playing iRO with Jessi and Lindsey, where I have an awesome cute Bard :D
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Re: What are you playing at the moment?

Post by mellaka »

i just finally got a wii about 2 weeks ago (thought it would be in less demand this past holiday season - dumb assumption). so i'm in the process of re-playing twilight princess on wii after nearly completing it last year on gamecube.

i can't remember why i stopped playing on gc, and figured i would have had to re-learn everything again if i wanted to pick up where i left off, so might as well start from the beginning. i think i'm a little more than halfway through (between third and fourth temples). plus, i almost always re-play every zelda game anyway.

i did nearly the same dumb thing on wind waker a few years ago, but i think all the mindless sailing near the end was at least a better excuse for my lapse. though i waited until after all the mindless sailing to quit for some reason, and did pick up where i left off with that one rather than re-playing the entire game.

i also got mario galaxy as part of the wii game package, so that's what i will play next.

oh i also have the buffy: chaos bleeds gc game sitting in limbo, which i plan to try to finish again at some point. the controls on that are just so horrible that i can't get past a certain part.

eek sorry for the long post (for me anyway). i just don't get to talk about video games too often.
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Re: What are you playing at the moment?

Post by Alecko »

I've just finished up a run through of Fire Red. I restarted in order to get a decent Articuno and after not many resets I caught an Adamant (ergh) one with pretty good IV's so I decided to keep it anyway. Just got the Network Machine up and running a couple of days ago and caught Moltres yesterday so I'm basically done (got Zapdos before I beat the Elite 4). Tomorrow I'll probably transfer the bird trio and my main fighters (Blastoise, Fearow, Nidoking) over to Diamond.

I've also been doing some levelling on Diamond recently. Raised a shiny Starly up into a L73 Staraptor and I'm now working on bringing a Honchkrow (L50) and Chatot (L43) up as well. Along with the ones from Fire Red I might transfer stuff from my restarted Emerald (I think I completed that back in September- shows how lazy I can be), including the Kyogre and Rayquaza for my uber team.

Pokémon is really all I play. Only other games I've got that aren't Pokémon is Nintendogs and Digimon World: Dawn for my DS and Spyro 1-3 and Final Fantasy 7 for Playstation. Speaking of which, I need to get a new controller for that; the X button has broken for some reason and all my games are unplayable. Spyro can't jump/fly and in FF7 the menus keep cancelling. Annoying.
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Re: What are you playing at the moment?

Post by Slugawoo »

I'm working on Tales of the Abyss and Valkerye Profile 2, at the moment. More TotA, because Valkerye Profile is haaard.

I've also been playing Flyff and Cabal, too. Flyff not as much, since Cabal doesn't try to shove a cash shop down my throat every chance it gets.

And Pokemon Pearl. But not too often. I find it difficult to stay focused. Which is a bit of a drag, because I'd like to get my final team finished before the convention I'm going to March 7th.

I would be playing my PS3, but apparently "it's for everyone" actually means "you only have ownership when you're home." Which lately, is never.

I miss Ratchet. ;^;
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Re: What are you playing at the moment?

Post by Saturn »

Right now I'm alternating between Apollo Justice (<3!!) and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue (which I bought for no real reason even though I've already played the GBA version o_O). My DS is the only system I own that's getting any attention right now (I've beaten all my Wii games and all my other game systems are about three hours away at the moment), though that'll definitely change once SSB Brawl comes out. :)

Also, I totally typo'd "Wii games" as "Wiigasm" right then. This is officially my new favorite word ever. (and will probably be a good descriptor of my mental state once I actually get a copy of Brawl :P)
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Re: What are you playing at the moment?

Post by nanabobo567 »

I'm... in the process of beating Kirby 64, stuck for what must be the eighty-thousandth time on the water temple in Ocarina of Time, always dabbling on and off of Pokémon Diamond, trying to get back all the save data I lost on my Gamecube with Kirby Air Ride, and... Erm... It's not really a game, but... Gaiaonline. Don't get me wrong, I'm not "playing" it because I want to! It's because there's this one person I know that I happened to see on the website one day (might I say while we were supposed to be doing schoolwork), and I've been wanting to get closer to this person, so... yeah... I...
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Re: What are you playing at the moment?

Post by Spivsy »

Right now I'm playing through Burnout paradise, Assassins creed, Mass effect and Overlord -all on 360. And a little bit of worms battlefront and the Beautiful Katamari demo.
I haven't played my wii in months, since about christmas. None of the games interest me anymore, I complete mario galaxy and played to the credits of mysims-and my copy of super paper mario broke and I had to return it to play.com, but they never sent another copy.
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Re: What are you playing at the moment?

Post by Officer 1BDI »

I'm going to replay the last case on Apollo Justice today. I'm absolutely in love with that game. I'd really like to start Hotel Dusk, but that might have to wait for spring break.

I haven't had time to pick up multiple games at the same time lately. This is why I don't own a Wii yet, or have yet to buy Portal. :P
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Re: What are you playing at the moment?

Post by Ierosbats »

Like Joey, I've been playing Diamond fairly frequently since its release, although I'm now at the point where I'm starting to run out of stuff to do. I'm in the middle of raising my EV-trained Sunflora to level 100 and trying to catch a male Nidoran, but once I've finished those I'm not sure what I'll do. I haven't touched the Contests aspect of the game yet, but that would really only be a last resort. I just can't bring myself to make my Pokemon dance.

My friends and I have been enjoying Rock Band more than we probably should. We call ourselves The Grackles and we're awesome. Just so you know.

I was briefly replaying Starfox Adventures until I got to the part with the sun and moon sliding block puzzles because I can never EVER for the life of me complete those without using a guide. (Same goes for the ice blocks in Twilight Princess; my brain just isn't wired to figure them out.) It's at the point where I've played the game so many times that it's just embarrassing to still have to use a walkthrough, so instead I just gave up. The ending isn't that great anyway.

I've been replaying Melee a lot as well just to be extra prepared for the 9th. I'm kind of bummed Roy isn't returning for Brawl, I've only recently realized how often I use him. Hopefully Ike doesn't suck.
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