Lindsey and I are... grandparents! (pics!)

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Lindsey and I are... grandparents! (pics!)

Post by Jessi »

...I bet that scared you, didn't it?

After a scary, scary mix-up thanks to a mistake with a rescued guinea pig (our Meringue, an orange and white abysinnian), and Lindsey making a timely notice that Mint (a torti-and-white silkie) was looking very... erm, fat, Lindsey and I found out we were going to be grandparents.


This is the very, very brief version of a huge ordeal, and if you want to know all the details, message me and I'll share them - but it is a LONG story (and not our fault ;___; Dear god not our fault, I don't believe in breeding guinea pigs, especially for no reason!) and I don't feel like sharing the details here xD

What I will share is that yesterday, I came home from work to discover Mint had decided she wasn't waiting for Lindsey and I to get our act together, and had popped out her pups while we were gone for the day!

Sadly, one was born still-born, but the other is a healthy, happy, torti-and-white little bundle of joy! Here are her first-day-photos (we'll be taking more soon XD), and I proudly introduce: TRUFFLE!


Truffle weighed in at 123 grams yesterday (4.3 oz) and is a bit smaller today, at 115 grams (4.1 oz) which is normal for guinea pigs, or so I've been told. I think she's sooo tiny, but we've been told that's actually quite a big baby xD



Here she is with Lindsey's hand, for size comparison!

I'm about to go take more pics, so I'll probably add those to the thread later! Mint is doing fine - she came through like a real trooper, and is just a bit spotty with blood but otherwise healthy, happy, and eating like a pig - and trying to avoid taking care of Truffle xD

[Disclaimer: Jessi and Lindsey in ABSOLUTELY NO WAY advocate or endorse breeding of guinea pigs (or anything, really) - in fact, we highly do NOT recommend it. A lot of scary, scary factors came into play here: Mint's age, Mint's size, Mint being a guinea pig in general, the number and size of babies, finding a vet that could do an emergency C-section if necessary, etc. We could have easily lost Mint due to this terrible mess, and we've come through extremely lucky. So.. don't try this at home! Or something. Just enjoy Truffle when you need a quick baby-pig fix ^_~]
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Re: Lindsey and I are... grandparents! (pics!)

Post by Joey »

As I've been telling you over IM for like the past two days... she is sosososo adorable! And Truffle is an adorable name for her! Bundle of cuteness she is!

Post more pics!
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Re: Lindsey and I are... grandparents! (pics!)

Post by Cranberry »

Aww, she's so adorable, and I'm glad everything turned out all right! I agree with you about not breeding anything, too... especially smaller animals. My friend's mom got a tiny female yorkie and my cousin got a mini female dachshund, and both were talking about breeding their dogs when they're older. Small dogs can have major problems, so I shudder at the idea of laypeople helping them through a birth! I wish all breeders would be like my papillon's and spay/neuter before selling, or at least require a spay/neuter contract.

Anyway. Again, she's so sweet! And Truffle is a great name. :)
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Re: Lindsey and I are... grandparents! (pics!)

Post by EofS »



I'm not normally one to fall for animals *cough*Knutaside*cough* but that is the cutest, teeniest little thing. Her legs and paws look so massive compared to the rest of her body! Also, she looks a little like a baby panda. Tiny bit.
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Re: Lindsey and I are... grandparents! (pics!)

Post by Jessi »

She does kind of look like a tiny panda xD Hee!

Here's a couple more pics, from today - so day two!

Hiding under Mom...

Eating lettuce! So sweet!

I adore this picture - Mama Mint and Baby Truffle together. It came out so nice!

More lettuce!
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Re: Lindsey and I are... grandparents! (pics!)

Post by danceu4ia »

That is one of the most adorable things EVAR!! Congratulations on your new addition to the family!

Truffles is a great name for such a cute ickle-widdle thing. ^^
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Re: Lindsey and I are... grandparents! (pics!)

Post by Kantark »

Aww, I never knew!

Truffle is possibly the cutest thing I've seem this year.
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Re: Lindsey and I are... grandparents! (pics!)

Post by Kidnemo »

I love her. I love her. I love her. I love her.
(Why doesn't Ollie get a mention?!)
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Re: Lindsey and I are... grandparents! (pics!)

Post by Jessi »

Sorry, Ollie ;D

This is our other new baby, which is in no way a result of breeding anything or accidents or anything like that - at least at our house!


And her name is Olivia - AKA Ollie :P
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Re: Lindsey and I are... grandparents! (pics!)

Post by Kidnemo »

She is the cutest rat I've ever seen.
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Re: Lindsey and I are... grandparents! (pics!)

Post by Saturn »

Well, I think I just died of cute. It was a reasonably pleasant way to die. :D

I had no idea baby guinea pigs were so darned fuzzy! You'd expect them to be kinda... naked like most small mammals are but she looks just like the adults, just... tinier and chubbier. XD And I agree, she does look like a tiny tiny panda~

And omg, Ollie's adorable too. Ears! <3
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Re: Lindsey and I are... grandparents! (pics!)

Post by checkers »

Aw, she's so cute! She doesn't look like her mother, who I must admit is a beautifulbeautiful Guinea Pig. :P That hiding under her mum picture is adorable. :P Congratulations on being Grandparents! xD
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Re: Lindsey and I are... grandparents! (pics!)

Post by rebelheart »

Oh :) she looks so huge for a two day old, compared to her mother though. or ist that just me? I've only seen newborn mice so far, and they were a lot smaller compared to their mothers.
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Re: Lindsey and I are... grandparents! (pics!)

Post by Mesmirez »

Believe me, baby guinea pigs are *mass-ive* when they're born. It's really bizarre having dealt with other small animals my whole life and having them all being fingernail-sized jellybeans for the first few weeks. I had a guinea mom a few months back, she had *four* babies (would have been five, actually, but one was stillborn), all fully furred, bright-eyed and big as horses. She was as wide as a pancake and as big as a baseball near the end XD

Anyhoo, gorgeous baby :D though, me not caring as much for guinea pigs (got rid of all of mine because they were, basically, tribbles with far too many bodily functions), I was more blown over by that disgusting dumbo-eared vermin (I hate it when they make the face D: I'm trying to feed yogurt to my computer screen).
Thanks TheLoneTiel for the siggy^^

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