Editorial Time!-split 2/16/09

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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by Cranberry »

I wouldn't like to see my equipped BD weapons on my pet, because I use them for their power, not their looks, and if I get into two-player, I wouldn't want people knowing everything I had equipped. I'd imagine we could choose whether or not to have them show up on the pet, though, so I'd just disable that.
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by Wingsrising »

I assume we'd be able to choose not only whether to show BD weapons, but which ones to show... otherwise it would look awfully cluttered with all the pets walking around with 8 weapons stuck to them. But then again, that would be sensible, and this whole customization system has resisted being sensible from the beginning.

If we could select just one of our equipped weapons to wear, I would have to free up a slot and find something I could equip just because it was pretty. :-)
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by Sagrei »

Or they'll do it the way Subeta does and make weapons/armor have the option of being worn or equipped. What that would do to prices I don't even want to imagine.
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by mellaka »

Wingsrising wrote:I would love, LOVE to be able to add my petpets as trinkets to my pets (wonder what that would do to the price of petpets?) although it would show up the fact that two of my four petpets no longer match the pets they're attached to...
yeah, i would really like that too. petpets are one of my weaknesses on the site.

as for bd weapons, meh. i hate the fact that most neopets have those closed hands now so i wouldn't like anything that drew attention to that fact. though my wand of reality would probably be a pretty one to equip.

plus, my battle pet is a mutant draik, so he can't wear anything anyway.
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by Darigan »

zebru wrote:I thought this major thing in march is the already announced Keyquest. It is not?
I also think the major March thing is Keyquest.
Sagrei wrote:Or they'll do it the way Subeta does and make weapons/armor have the option of being worn or equipped. What that would do to prices I don't even want to imagine.
I don't see TNT suddenly making all weapons wearable at once.
I see more in the lines of them making weapons double purpose items (like the some wereable items releasing during the Advent Calendar that were also toys/furniture). And I also think it's going to be a slow procedure, just like they are doing now with the old Clothing Shop items.
I also don't see them forcing our pets to show the weapons they have equipped, since most times it would not match with the pets' actual clothes.
Actually I think when they start to make weapons wearable many of cool looking weapons (specially species weapons) that are useless on the battledome will have some purpose in life.
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by Officer 1BDI »

Recently a screenie was taken of someone getting a pirate paint brush from the underwater fishing cavern. About 20 minutes later, another user posted a screenie of them getting a Maraquan paint brush from the cavern. Did you just start making paint brushes available from fishing, or have we just discovered it for the first time? Also, please leave my name out. ~[username removed]
Yes, it is possible to win paint brushes from the Underwater Fishing activity. We cannot, however, express how terrifyingly low the odds of this happening are, so don't hold your breath waiting for one. You're more likely to reel in a paint brush from out of the ocean in real life.

Well, shoot, I guess I'll have to start fishing again.
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by Wingsrising »

I noticed that, too. Wouldn't that be cool? Of course, my pets are currently at fishing levels 277, 297, 297, and 299, and I've only ONCE pulled out an unbuyable (Flask of Rainbow Fountain Water). This must indeed be very, very rare.
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by Sagrei »

Darigan wrote:Actually I think when they start to make weapons wearable many of cool looking weapons (specially species weapons) that are useless on the battledome will have some purpose in life.
That I could go for. I've wanted to put the Iron Lupe set on my Lupe ever since I first saw it. (I did, in Photoshop, somewhat clumsily. It still looked neat.)
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by Officer 1BDI »

Due to popular demand we will be updating the Beauty Contest so that players will now be able to enter Neopets that are on their side accounts! Yay! Starting on April 4th we will be removing the NP/item rewards (but the trophies stay of course!) so that all of you wonderful artists out there can enter any of your Neopets without risk.
Oh happy days! :D Now I can start entering Mokoxo again!
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by Goldenchaos »

No more orange spots..able to enter the beauty contests on side accounts..whats next..RETURN OF THE POUND?? SAFE TRANSFERS? D: FIVE PETS??
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by hebdenhippy »

You mean... TNT are.... listening!?!? *Gasp!* I'm so glad! I might actually get a purple pet now that they're actually purple! And side account pets, whoop de doo! -Really- happy now (of course this will mean a lot more competition in the beauty contest) but I can live with that
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by FourEyes »

While I was reading the editorial today, I also noticed TNT sounded less corporation-y and more, erm... human-y. Or was that just me? ._.;; Anyways, this is great, it might mean Neopets is getting back into top shape.
...Oops. *searching for a smaller sig*
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by oogabooga »

Hey TNT! I have a problem that has been bugging me. If you battle the mad scientist in the Battledome there is a chance that your Neopet can change genders, right? What would happen if an unconverted royal boy Draik battled the scientist and got a gender change? Would the Neopet change to a converted female Draik, or an unconverted version because it was unconverted to begin with? Is battling the scientist risky using an unconverted royal Draik? Thanks so much! ~coffeeluvr1992
If you go into the Battledome with a royal boy Draik and the Lab Ray Scientist changes the gender of your Neopet, you will then have a female royal boy Draik. The gender will change, but the clothes and the colour will not change.
Way to not answer the question, TNT.
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by AngharadTy »

I think they mean it just changes the gender, nothing about the picture.
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Re: Editorial Time! (With yet another new editorial!)

Post by Iggy »

I found the answer quite clear, actually.

I am sad, because my question concerning the Caption Contest avatar (Why we didn't get it with our other rewards) wasn't taken. :(

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