New "custom circle" code

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New "custom circle" code

Post by Jessi »

Does anyone know of a code that works to cover up the Neopet image on their lookup with another pic, like how people used to make custom circle poses? I'm trying to touch up my Neopets' lookups a bit, and I'd really like to use my own pics (and by that I mean ones FMD has drawn for me, heh) for the pets that are not grandfathered, yet I have no intention of customizing them. So... Anyone know anything? Thanks!
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Re: New "custom circle" code

Post by Jazzy »

Can you use position: absolute; on lookups, or is it blocked? You can either create a div with the image in and position the div absolutely, or you can apply position: absolute; to an image directly. As far as I know, that's the only way to layer an image above a Flash image with CSS (there may be a way of doing it in Javascript, but JS is definitely blocked on Neopets). I can't think of any hacks which are likely to work otherwise; you really do need position: absolute;, I think.
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