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Post by Foghawk »

"Steampunk is so bitchin'." —A friend of mine

I've noticed that the subject has been brought up repeatedly in only vaguely relevant topics, so we might as well just go ahead and have a thread for general steampunk discussion. Babble about your/other peoples' mods, art, whatever.

I'm actually getting into modding myself, and it is a lot of fun. For a while recently I've wanted to try steampunk mods, and yesterday I dug around in my toolboxes to see if there was anything cool in there. I found brass piping, these neat oval tacks, big corroded brass/iron/? screws, springs, felt footpads, clunky old brass-looking screws, washers, big brass bolts, cranks, knobs, old yellowed drill bits... It's awesome. I had a mouse lying around, so I took it apart. I'll probably go to the hardware store, grab some gears, wood, varnish, and chain and stuff, and put it back together next weekend. And take pictures. 8D

In the meantime, I made some steampunk-style sprites. (I would have included more gears, but they're really hard to fit in such a small space. xD)
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Re: Steampunk!

Post by Kidnemo »

I'm huge fan of the Hungry City Chronicles bu Phillip Reeve, I think they count as Steampunk..
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Re: Steampunk!

Post by Mesmirez »

<333 I LOVE steampunk. To the point that I bought a bunch of fabric and victorian dress patterns off of eBay which I will eventually make into dresses of my own design.


GOD yes.
I need a smokes.
Thanks TheLoneTiel for the siggy^^

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Re: Steampunk!

Post by AngharadTy »

Good god I want a pair of boots like that.
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Re: Steampunk!

Post by Twofold Black »

This is the best steampunk casemod I've ever seen. Datamancer has some other very impressive stuff (including a desktop casemod), but the laptop (which, sort of sublimely, is no longer really a functional laptop per se) is my favorite. The way he talks about the novelty period brings a tear to my eye.

I always want people to do this kind of thing to be as delightful as their creations, but have come, cynically, to expect them to instead be the pretentious quasiliterate douches they in fact usually turn out to be; therefore I was very surprised when I discovered Eccentric Genius and learned that it is possible to make desktop trebuchets and brass mind control instruments and still be very witty and charming. Go look at the gallery.

Ursula Vernon makes me a better, happier person. Most of her steampunk work is in the Gearworld gallery, but there's plenty of clockwork and concrete and sewer pipes elswhere if you dig. She is also one of the coolest, funniest internet personalities I know, and if I ever get around to writing Ringwraith No. 5 Has Two Mommies she will owe me a dollar. She also paints weird fruits, and rocks that look like naughty parts.

Observe the offices of Three Rings Design. Wish you worked there.
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Re: Steampunk!

Post by Wingsrising »

Interesting. I had never heard of this phenomenon before.

The guy who made the fancy laptop should have used a Tablet PC instead. Then he could have actually used his quill to write on the screen.
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Re: Steampunk!

Post by Sagrei »

Be sure to spend a moment thanking the great-granddaddy of all this stuff: Jules Verne.

The Smithsonian was kind enough to put a ton of his illustrations online, and they're nice and big so you can get all the detail out of the engravings.

Some of my favorites....
A projectile train to the Moon. I love how it's still got an ordinary row of windows. I guess everyone straps down into their train seats.
What does the enlightened gentleman do in space? Dance!
How many whimsical things did he write about that later were invented? Lots. I don't think we've got working submarine airplanes yet. Google says Lockheed-Martin is working on one though.

The National Air & Space Museum decided to make a replica of Verne's moon-bullet spacecraft. It's very lush. I like the red velvet.
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Re: Steampunk!

Post by EofS »

I love the aesthetic of steampunk. Thus I would be so very excited if I could get to work in this office. (Speaking of Verne...)
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