Possible Feli Revamp - Now official revamp

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Possible Feli Revamp - Now official revamp

Post by Slugawoo »


I'm not sure whether I like it or not. The front half of the body looks fine to me, but I'm not so sure about the back half, if that makes any sense. I know it's just the perspective, but it looks small to me.

Other than that, it's still way better than the current one. I'll take just about anything at this point.
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by danceu4ia »

I must be frank, the chest fluffs look a wee bit like boobies to me. would there be a way to fix that so that felis are not eternally female in my mind? XD

I'm not an artist but between the chest fluff and the smoothness of the back legs, I'm afraid of an angelic manchu scenario, maybe less kinky.

What happened to the last "revamp"?
*goes to check*

EDIT: Alright, am I totally crazy? I thought there was already a potential revamp for the feli??
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Seerow »

I like it in general, but I think it needs a lot of work.

The front half is far too stiff and the pose is just wrong. Cats don't lay with their head propped straight up on their necks, they are leaned forward and the shoulders are slightly hunched. Plus, the way it is now, it doesn't seem like the Feli is supporting any of its weight on its front limbs, which looks really awkward.
The back legs could also be tweaked a little and some fur added to them. Like Danceu4ia, it looks like the Angelic Manchu.

I rather wish the old proposed revamp had gone through though, I loved that one :(
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Chandi »

I'm not awfully fond of it. It's... small. There's a lot of white space, both above and below it. I compared it to the other Felis, the current one and recolors, and they all fill up the space a lot more.

And I know cats sit like this, but I can't help but feel it's vaguely sexual. Especially with fluff boobies. Am I sick, or not the only one?
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Wingsrising »

No, you're not the only one. The first thing I thought when I saw this was "pin-up girl."

I think the pose has potential, but needs work to make it look more like a cat and less like a pin-up girl.

Also, the back legs are so smooth they look naked.
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by AngharadTy »

It's interesting that we've gone from dragging-ass-on-carpet Feli to sexy-bedroom-pose Feli. I guess that's an improvement, though. ^_~
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by varii »

Even with the fur-boobs, I like the front half. The problem is that that is what it looks like, a disconnected half that is placed in front of some humanesque legs. The front half has the fur texture and the back is rubbery smooth.

Cats may really sit like that, but they for sure don't look like that. From the comments in the news post, I was surprised that the staff were so shocked at the general reaction, as it seems to be the first impression for a whole lot of people.
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Oh boy...

Yeah, I see I'm not the only one here thinking this stuff, including the "I know cats like to lie like this, but...".

I voted against it because it looks a little too...um..."here kitty kitty." Boob fluffs don't help matters.

If someone on staff could make it cat like without making it look like a sex-kitty and keep the general QUALITY of the new art, then I'd readily vote for it.
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Cranberry »

Adding my voice to the chorus: The first word that came to mind when I saw this was "coquettish," and that is not a word that should be used to describe a cat.
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Kantark »

It's a very, er, human pose. At least it doesn't have the odd 90-degree twist in its body, but otherwise 'coquettish' does sum it up perfectly. Bizarre.
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Cranberry »

A lot of people in the news comments are saying that cats lie like that all the time. They do, sort of, but this one's leg is tucked a little too closely behind the ankle, I think, contributing to the human look. Something like this or this or this would have looked more natural.

The other argument I'm sick of: "Well, it doesn't need to look like a cat, because it's not a cat. It's a Feli." Perhaps its name should be changed to one that's not obviously derived from "feline," then.

I was also (mildly) offended by one of the staffers, I forget who, saying that we all need to get our minds out of the gutter if we think the pose looks sexy. First of all, female sexuality is not a dirty thing; if we recognize a classic sexy girl pose, that doesn't make us perverts. Secondly, the damn cat is in a sexy pose. When every second comment is saying this, you know there's a problem.

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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Twofold Black »

Kantark wrote:At least it doesn't have the odd 90-degree twist in its body
It kind of does. It looks to me like the torso (from the ribcage up, anyway) of an anthropomorphic cat that is leaning its elbows on a ledge or something, stuck to the back half of a zoomorphic cat that is lying down.

And you're not crazy, danceu4ia. There was an earlier proposed revamp, and I actually liked it more than this despite the ass/carpet issue. I don't care much about the Feli, but it should look like a cute kitten and not like it's trying to get me in the sack.
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I actually saw my (male) kitten in this pose about 2 hours ago, but of course not all sexy-anthro-like. As soon as I got out my camera to take the "see this is more like it" picture, he got up and sauntered over like "ooh whatcha doin'?" Drat it. :P

I think it's mostly the boob-shaped fur and the way the front legs look like arms, but the particular way the hind legs are positioned doesn't help. I don't like the shape of the face (too round and looking like the tiny muzzle was forceably stuck on there thus smashing the head inward). I'd also like the tail tip not hiding behind the head. The eyes bug me too.

No, none of it works for me, and the pose really makes that first bad impression. Otherwise the art is smooth, the mostly-visible wing is well done, and the coloring style is typical of Subeta pets.
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Jessi »

Cranberry, I saw that comment from staff too - and one from the actual artist, Jag, that said something along the lines of "Sexual? uh, okay" and was mildly offended as well. It really irks me how some staff is so willing to listen, and the other gets EVERYONE commenting on how it's a sex kitten (seriously - everyone) and has to get snippy about it.

In fact, the very first thing I said when I saw this was "Wow, it looks like a whore", which about sums it up. I really hope they change SOMETHING about this x_x
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Re: Possible Feli Revamp

Post by Goldenchaos »

Even if its not, it is WAY too anthro...looking , and a lot less like an animal. I did like the previous revamp better as it kept the spirit of the original. This one is just far too kinky, and thats on the first glance.
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