Nuclear Aeanoid, Chibi Manchu and Graveyard Antlephore

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Nuclear Aeanoid, Chibi Manchu and Graveyard Antlephore

Post by hebdenhippy »


The Aeanoid is nice, I like the bubbly green bits, and the glowing eye is very cool. I wish the arms weren't that colour though, they'd look so much better black. That dark turquoise colour just doesn't really work for me :/

The Manchu is so darn adorable! Cutest Chibi pet ever? Yes, yes it is. I love it's cute expression, and the pose is really inventive too - love it! OMG, must get one. :D

The Antlephore. Ew, and not in a good way. Honestly, I didn't know what it was when I first saw the picture. The pose looks SO off, in so many ways. It doesn't even look like an Antlephore to me :/ i suppose the concept is nice, and the sewn on paw is a nice feature. But the pose just wrecks it for me.
Last edited by hebdenhippy on 17 Apr 2008 09:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Nuclear Aeanoid, Chibi Manchu and Graveyard Antlephore

Post by Goldenchaos »

Is the Antlepore missing a leg?...or is its body simply twisted ackwardly? I like the Chibi manchu. Though its left ear is oddly angled
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Re: Nuclear Aeanoid, Chibi Manchu and Graveyard Antlephore

Post by Huggles »

I think the antlephore is supposed to look like it's been hit by a car, so its hind quarters have been twisted around. I don't care for any of these, and I find the manchu creepier than the antlephore.
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Re: Nuclear Aeanoid, Chibi Manchu and Graveyard Antlephore

Post by Arviragus »

That fur line around the Manchu's...hips? waist? makes it look like it's wearing a fur jacket and forgot to put on the bottoms.
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Re: Nuclear Aeanoid, Chibi Manchu and Graveyard Antlephore

Post by Silverevilchao »

I think the Antlephore's in a strange pose because it appears that its lower half is practically detached from the rest of its body. Look at that! - it's attached only by a few bits of flesh. Ew.
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Re: Nuclear Aeanoid, Chibi Manchu and Graveyard Antlephore

Post by Jessi »

I don't like any of these either and I'll quickly explain why:

First, the aenoid... well... the green just isn't right. I want to say 'isn't shaded right', but I don't think that's quite it - it just doesn't BLEND and glow as well as the other nuclear pets do.

Also. It's uh, missing the nuclear symbol. Isn't that kind of a essential part of EVERY nuclear pet?

The chibi manchu is my favorite of these three but that isn't much. It's left ear (our right) is positioned in a way that I think would have to make it broken in order to work. The different layers of fur/hair/whatever just aren't blending right - it looks very choppy, and like it has hairy armpits instead of a fluffy body.

The antelphore is a cool concept - deer hit by car - but the actual execution isn't very good at all to me. I understand it's graveyard, so it should look weird, but it looks WAY too bulky to be an antlephore. Its legs are very thick, as is the rest of its body. This was one fat ass deer that got smacked - I'd hate to see the car that hit it.
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Re: Nuclear Aeanoid, Chibi Manchu and Graveyard Antlephore

Post by Helmcargh »

I do not like this new trend of aeanoid leaf-arms being a separate colour to the rest of the body. They look way too stuck on. I will be very upset if this is the new way of doing things (the Galactic, Bloodred and Angelic have it too). I hope my Chibi stays the same.

The Bloodred Aeanoid isn't on the page with the rest of the Aeanoids, I'm not sure who can add them in but could someone? Please and Thank you.

The Chibi Manchu is quite cute but I don't really like Manchu's so it doesn't matter to me much.

I don't think much of the Antlephore. I don't like the colours used or the pose.
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Re: Nuclear Aeanoid, Chibi Manchu and Graveyard Antlephore

Post by Rustyblu »

Lovin' the Manchu and Aenoid.

Was I the only one who thought of this item when they saw the Antlephore?

xD Totally looks like he is wearing one.
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Re: Nuclear Aeanoid, Chibi Manchu and Graveyard Antlephore

Post by shaelyn76 »

The Aeanoid is nice. I agree that the arms look weird in that color, but the glowing green looks great against the rich black and the eye is really alien-esque. I don't care for the species as a whole, but this is a nice addition. (I didn't even notice the missing symbol until Jessi pointed it out and then I was all like ,Well, shit! It is missing!)

The Manchu is really cute at first glance. The pose is very childlike/babyish and friendly. The wide eyed innocent look is really cute. Then I took a closer look and realized that I don't care for how the fur lays on its body or the placement of the ears on the head.I wish the tail were fluffier and maybe a bit messier as most kids I know and see out and about have slightly mussed hair that just makes them even cuter. Also, the nose/muzzle looks slightly off center to the eyes. It looks to me like it is placed too far left(our right). This may be a perspective thing, but it just seems off somehow. Still my favorite of these three by far though.

The Antlephore...hmm, where do I begin. I get the point that it is a graveyard pet and therefore should be gory and undead looking. I get that it is supposed to look like a deer hit by a car and mangled up pretty good. With all that said, I really don't like it. The ear on its right(our left) looks like a lump of fur that is matted to its head, the toupee analogy is very apt as well, it has a paw instead of a hoof sewn on to its left arm and that seems wrong somehow, the extremely twisted back end held together by strings of flesh just looks gross, and what is up with the three flies hovering over it? Why only three and why spaced so far apart? The bloodshot, oozing eyes and nose look kinda cool and get that whole graveyard image across as does the emaciated top of the ribcage. I guess I just feel like it was taken too far and crossed the line into gross territory instead of scary or zombie-ish.
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Re: Nuclear Aeanoid, Chibi Manchu and Graveyard Antlephore

Post by Aqua »

I see the nuclear symbol. It's tiny though. :x

I like the art on all, but not pets I'm interested in, personally.
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Re: Nuclear Aeanoid, Chibi Manchu and Graveyard Antlephore

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I like all but the Manchu.

The Aenoid is nifty, but yeah the forest green is a little "off" to me. I did catch the number on the Aenoid (very sneaky little appearance), and unless I'm mistaken the only nuclear symbol I see on it is that vague blurb of it on the frontmost tentacle. Just out of curiosity, what's the significance of those numbers? They're all 103## as far as I can tell, so what's with the last two digits?

Rolling on, I rather like the poor mangled Antlephore. Honestly, nothing about it bothers me. It's Graveyard, so to me it's automatically supposed to be disfigured, creepy, gross, and generally offputting. (I'm just glad the Serpenth is done with a different frame of mind, as I LURVE cobras and that color scheme)

So the Manchu. The ears are wonky to me, and the placement of the muzzle is too far to its right (our left) given that angle. The waist-fur change doesn't bother me upon studying the other Manchus. But it is kind-of more noticeable because of the shape of the fluffing fur.
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Re: Nuclear Aeanoid, Chibi Manchu and Graveyard Antlephore

Post by adi_gallia »

Helmcargh wrote:The Bloodred Aeanoid isn't on the page with the rest of the Aeanoids, I'm not sure who can add them in but could someone? Please and Thank you.
Oops x: I fixed that. I remember that Subeta was down when I saw that it was released so the image didn't load for me, I was going to wait until the site came back and the image was working to add it but I never got round to it. Thanks for the reminder.

The only one of these that I was looking forward to was the Aeanoid, I like it on the whole, but I agree with the others, I find the "arms" look weird when they are a different colour. They would have been fine in black and the green used on the rest of the Aeanoid. I also don't like that the nuclear symbol is so vague and hard to see.
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Re: Nuclear Aeanoid, Chibi Manchu and Graveyard Antlephore

Post by Discman »

I really want to like the Antlephore. The body looks great, with the twistiness and the exposed gore. But something about the head is bothering me.

I think it's the right ear, the one that's drooping. I feel it should be sticking out more.
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