RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by danceu4ia »

I hate my job.

With the fiery passion of a thousand suns.

Especially after today...one of my supervisor's basically took out all his frustration on me. He couldn't find anyone else cause they all f*cked off, so I show up to help, and I get yelled at. Four separate times. And threatened me with a write up, cause I was in the bathroom at an "inappropriate time". I would like to note, my union lets me pee, thank god, and the job I was asked to do was totally someone else's. When I tried to point that out, and tried to name some names of the people smoking outside at an equally inappropriate time, location, and length, I was told to get a "team attitude". Then why am I being yelled at singularly? Not very Team-ish.

How lucky I am to work in a unionized position, with high pay. Too bad it's the most miserable job I have ever taken. I will work gladly for minimum wage after this. I'm looking into getting back into camp councilling, at least I got some smiles there.

I am dying for September, when I am moving 8 hours away from those bastards. No quit form will have ever been so joyously handed in.

/whiny rant
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by gomababe »

achievement: my room is finally redecorated and I get too spend the day int it without mother dearest trying to do other things around me when she leaves ¬_¬.

woe: I think I've pulled my achilles tendon. The back of my leg, just under the knee gets pretty painful when i ty to stretch my leg. This makes walking and going down stairs a real pain in the backside because I can't effectively stretch my left leg and put all that much weight on it {doesn't help that I have a poor centre of balance and tend to fall over when I limp too much :p}. I'm giving it the weekend to soort itself out with some rest. If not then it's ooff to the doctors on Monday to see what's going on.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Cranberry »

Yay: I'm getting a new kitten! I met her today and loved her. She's an orange tabby, and she's much redder than female orange tabbies usually are. She's absolutely adorable. I just have to wait for her to be spayed; I'll pick her up at the humane society on Friday. :) I put a couple of pics in the pet pics thread.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Back in April, my mom's horse died, leaving my poor beastie in the pasture all alone. Esprit started getting extremely "cuddly." Normally he's very aloof and disinterested in human company aside from scritchies, treats, and sheer curiosity. So it was obvious that he was lonely. I had been looking for another horse for a while to give him a buddy.

Last week, my boss' boss at work (nice lady) remembered my horse hunt and said that she had a horse whose legs weren't up to long trail rides anymore, and she had just been offered a younger fitter horse but had no room for her. So she offered me her 18-year-old gelding to see if he would be a good pasturemate for Esprit. A Tennessee Walking Horse really wasn't what I had in mind, but he's pretty neat.

Yesterday Stormy arrived, and it was HOT out there - maybe a good thing because it might have helped keep Esprit from being a complete doofus in all his excitement that he has a new friend. It took less than an hour for them to acclimate to each other, and I was glad because that allowed me to let them both out to where they could get shade.

So now I have another horse. I never thought my 4th horse would be a Walker. :P It'll be weird for a while to have a horse who moves like that, but at least Stormy is flat-shod and natural-tailed. He's a really nifty color too, a dark faded-black brown with splashy white markings.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Silver Link »

I know very little about horses, so I'm wondering why a Walker wasn't what you had in mind and what the difference is between Stormy and Espirit
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

A Tennessee Walking Horse is a breed that's generally seen around here as a flashy show horse, very tall and stout-bodied, often ridden with large pads and a tail that has been unnaturally set to make it look fancy (things I really oppose even if done "humanely"). Stormy hasn't had all that done to him, and he wasn't as tall as we had feared he might be. The only ways we could tell he was distinctly a Walker is his big blocky head and the way he moves. I shall have to take and post some pictures of him.

Esprit is a lanky angular Arabian, a really high-strung goofball. Here's a picture of him:

Neither one is what I would have purposely gone to look for in a horse, but it will be a while before I will have the time and stability to devote to a "serious" horse. I like smaller horses, large-pony-size, with a robust and steady but not necessarily showy character...I tend to prefer Fjords and small stock type horses.

Esprit was practically given to me 14 years ago (Mom and my friend who had him both begged me to accept the crazy horse when my friend had to leave him behind), and Stormy was a good candidate as a companion for him with the recent events. They live on my parents' farm, and everyone in the family is attached now to Esprit and we all like having horses there even if they rarely get ridden. Meanwhile, for the foreseeable future, I'll be moving around wherever my husband's Army career takes us. While he's deployed, though, I'm in my hometown.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Monkeyguy »

:) : I just bought an MP3 player on the Best Buy employee auction site for $1.00 + 7.50 for shipping. It doesn't have the usb cord, but my brother can get one for me and you can't beat the price. I'm getting my Christmas shopping done right lol.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by gomababe »

I am going to be the proud oowner of an extra special two-disc boxset of Cloverfieldon around 4-5 days' time *dances*. I've been waiting forever for this film to be released on DVD, and since HMV have knocked £8.00 off the rrp I got it for £14.99 with free delivery :p. I can't wait til I get my hands on it so I can watch it mere days before I go on holiday {it will be very good to waatch all afternoon on the thursday, film, extras and all}.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Cranberry »

Argh. I was supposed to pick my new kitten up today, but it turns out that the humane society messed up and spayed and microchipped her sister instead. I don't know how that happened. All of the kittens are orange tigers, but three of them (the two boys and the girl I wanted) have a marbley pattern. The girl I did not want is the only one with a slightly lighter color and skinny orange stripes (she's on the left in this photo; the girl I actually want is the sleeping one). At least the girl I want was still available, so she's now being spayed Monday and I'm taking her home Tuesday.

Edit: After thinking it over for a day, I decided to take both sisters. I felt so bad for the one they'd accidentally spayed for me, and I was worried she wouldn't find a home or that she'd go home with someone like the loud trashy-looking woman who was manhandling the kittens when I was there seeing them yesterday. My mom felt the same way, and we've enjoyed having multiple cats in the past, so we decided to just take the marbled girl and the skinny-striped girl. It's a weight off my mind. :)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Usul_Princess »

I laughed so hard, I peed a little bit after hearing this story on the news:

http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080612/ts ... raelsearch

Why this is so funny is because they actually trusted this man to drive himself to jail after being sentenced to 20 years in prison for the largest embezzlement in history. Now they're pissed that they can't find him. XD

"Yes, I completely trust you to drive yourself to jail even though you're now dubbed the world's best Con Artist!"

It's an achievement because it's the first good laugh I've had in some time now. Even though I needed a new pair of pants.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

Well, this has been an eventful few days :)

Saturday I had a Software Engineering: Design exam which I killed, if I do say so myself. By coincidence, they asked us to talk about the one type of software architecture I knew about (the one that Daniel explained to me moments before we went in, because I forgot to study that section), so that was very good.

Then yesterday I had a Maths exam, the maths unit I failed last year. Conveniently enough, a question I had did the day before to practise reappeared in the exam with a few numbers changed, so that was good, and whilst I couldn't do everything, I did quite a lot, so I pretty confident I won't fail this year :).

My next two exams are in a week's time, Geology and Fluid Mechanics, and these are solid units that I will of course need to really study for but shouldn't cause me any huge problems. Except for the fact I don't know anything about calculating waves in Fluid Mechanics. Eeep.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

Got woken up last night by a text from V. The postgrad course he was applying to in London has accepted him. He's going to get a happy mixture of squeefulness and I-told-you-so from me.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Joey »

Mmm... I got As in both my classes this past semester. Knew I was getting the one for violin and was pretty sure about the Astronomy too, but still nice to see them both. Here's hoping to the same next semester :D
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jamie »

I got my P's today! Which legally entitles me to drive alone!!
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Re: Post minor achievements/woes here!

Post by Charlie »

Finished my uni finals, hoorah!

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