Art help

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Art help

Post by gomababe »

I've started attempting to draw humans as part oof my new Digmion story and would appreciate helpful hints at getting the propotions of the limbs right since it's not exactly my strong point. Other concrit is very much appreciated since i'd like to be able to know where I'm going wrong and how I can fix it.


This would be the picture in question. You are welcome to redline, whatever you want. Like I said I really need help with this human dealie.

Thank you.
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Re: Art help

Post by WisteriaLynx »

... well, I'm about a month late, but this is still on the front page, and if it's still helpful to you, I'll try to give concrit. ^^; *is a Digimon geek* I would like to redline, but Paint is being moody and randomly deleting some lines after I draw them. -_-; Not being able to use Paint is the one (ONE!) thing my computer fails at; sorry.

There are a few things about this picture that really stand out to me: her stomach and chest are really skinny compared to her hips and limbs, and she also has really small feet. One of the stylistic aspects of the first four seasons of Digimon (I haven't seen Savers and can't comment on that) is that the proportions are very exaggerated, with biggish hands and feet for a "cuter" look. Even taking the Digimon style out of consideration, her feet are smaller than her hands.

I've never given concrit before, so I hope that was helpful? I do like your Digimon's design, though. (It reminds me a bit of a seal Digimon I made up when I was nine~, I still have the little clay figure I made of him. C: )
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Re: Art help

Post by gomababe »

Thanks for the concrit ^_^. The feet always do look pretty small for some reason, must be the really crap sense of perspective I have.

I'll try to make the shoulders a bit broader for the next picture and try to make the feet a bit bigger as well. Thanks for the help.

As for the Digimon: I've got more pictures of her on my DA gallery {aquadestiny if you're interested}. They're a lot better than this one, mostly because she's the sole focus of the picture ^_^;.
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