Non Neopet: Plamar

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Non Neopet: Plamar

Post by Nogitsune »

After having read the topic on the possibility of us creating our own pet site I thought I might draw some pets. The first that came to mind (and I've actually finished) I based on both the Subeta Cybill and Neopet Bruce. I call it a Plamar for now (I'm open to other names). I was thinking that there would be at least 21 base colors, possibly 22 with rainbow. I'm not sure how well black shows up on other screens. I can make out the lines very well on my own monitor, but that doesn't mean anything. Thoughts on the colors? Also, I have no idea how to resize these, sorry :(

Image ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif ... Plamar.gif

Someone with more artistic ability than I have could probably do these better, but I'm curious as to what people here think.
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Re: Non Neopet: Plamar

Post by Huggles »

If by resize you mean changing the actual size of the image, that's something you'd do in your image editor. I can explain how to do it in The Gimp. For display purposes only, thumbnails, you have to change the width and height of the image in the code. Which I can do perfectly fine in html and doesn't work here, and there's a way to do it in BB code that also doesn't work here... I changed the images to links because there were so many.

Anyway, you'd have to do a lot to get me to like a duck as a main pet and not a minion or petpet. They're just not very high on my list of interesting animals. Or even likable ones since all the ones I've met have been very demanding and pecky. Bitey? I'm a bit confused by the tail, which looks like another bill and out of place.
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Re: Non Neopet: Plamar

Post by Nogitsune »

Huggles wrote:If by resize you mean changing the actual size of the image, that's something you'd do in your image editor. I can explain how to do it in The Gimp. For display purposes only, thumbnails, you have to change the width and height of the image in the code. Which I can do perfectly fine in html and doesn't work here, and there's a way to do it in BB code that also doesn't work here... I changed the images to links because there were so many.

Anyway, you'd have to do a lot to get me to like a duck as a main pet and not a minion or petpet. They're just not very high on my list of interesting animals. Or even likable ones since all the ones I've met have been very demanding and pecky. Bitey? I'm a bit confused by the tail, which looks like another bill and out of place.
Thanks, I was thinking more along the lines of thumbnails and The Gimp, but reducing them to links works as well.

The thing was meant to be a cross between a platypus and a penguin. That didn't show quite as well as I could have hoped, apparently. All the ducks I've met have been that way too but it's hard to think of avian-related pets that might look cool to own. Bluejays, cardinals, finches and other song-bird types, perhaps? Any animals you would like to see? Or hybrids of favorite animals?
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Re: Non Neopet: Plamar

Post by Huggles »

Well there is lots and lots of variety amongst bird species. But in general, penguins are cool. But, again it depends on the design. The penguin on Mystic Pets is neat, but the Bruce on Neopets is not, no matter how well drawn. Some sort of flightless or mostly flightless, bird like a kiwi or dodo would be a change of pace. As long as it's not a chocobo, not exactly anyway no matter how awesome they are. Then there's all the birds of prey and pretty parrots. Owls. Owls are super. An owl thing would be quite neat, actually. They've got a lot of variability in that they can be stoic and expressionless, or wise (obviously), creepy like the owl in The Secret of Nimh, or cute and cuddly tiny things.

Hybrids make me think of Avatar The Last Airbender, where literally everything is a cross between two radically different animals. Then there's this, which is hilarity at it's finest.
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Re: Non Neopet: Plamar

Post by Nogitsune »

Huggles wrote:Well there is lots and lots of variety amongst bird species. But in general, penguins are cool. But, again it depends on the design. The penguin on Mystic Pets is neat, but the Bruce on Neopets is not, no matter how well drawn. Some sort of flightless or mostly flightless, bird like a kiwi or dodo would be a change of pace. As long as it's not a chocobo, not exactly anyway no matter how awesome they are. Then there's all the birds of prey and pretty parrots. Owls. Owls are super. An owl thing would be quite neat, actually. They've got a lot of variability in that they can be stoic and expressionless, or wise (obviously), creepy like the owl in The Secret of Nimh, or cute and cuddly tiny things.

Hybrids make me think of Avatar The Last Airbender, where literally everything is a cross between two radically different animals. Then there's this, which is hilarity at it's finest.
I'll see what I can come up with bird-wise, then :) Penguins have been done a lot lately, I'm half expecting someone to do a spoof called "Yet Another Penguin Movie" or something similar. It's best to avoid making things that look too much like other franchises in any case. I'll have to look into owls more, along with dodo's kiwis and the others.

I know, but hybrids have been around a while, just look at the griffin or hippogriff. That elephenguin is too cute :)
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