Piercings and divacups!

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Piercings and divacups!

Post by Madge »

Hey dudes! I am making a new topic for the first time in forever.

Warning: It contains boring shit, and also, too much information in parts. Also references to sexiness.

First of all, this thread is about me a little bit. But we all talk about things and discuss stuff off-topic and that is A-OK too, as long as we all know that I'm the star of this topic. Haha. That was a little joke I made for you guys! Yes! Madge made a funny!

The Australian Red Cross doesn't want my blood for the next year, because I've taken to having dizzy spells afterwards and they're worried I'll have a fit. Crap. I can't help people by giving blood. That sucks. So you should all give blood, please, it saves lives and all that fun stuff.

However, they warned me that I might get banned (since I've been dizzy after all 3 of my donations, which are spaced 4 months apart), so I told myself that if I got banned, I would get a tattoo or a piercing to celebrate, because having such work done to you bars you from donating, but since I'm already barred I'm not going to be responsible for fewer donations if I self-indulge a little. Because I only have two tattoo ideas, and neither is original nor awesome enough for me to have it carved into my arm, I have decided I want to become pierced.

This is what I need help with!

I always kind of wanted a nipple piercing. THIS IS WHERE TOO MUCH INFORMATION STARTS. The first time a sweetie pie of mine was allowed access to this area, it was a very nice feeling for me, but the second and subsequent times, including a completely separate and altogether much more attentive and awesome sweetie pie, has failed to get any sort of stimulation whatsoever. The idea would be that it would the stimulation aspect (so I have heard, and I do in part believe it). My current sweetie is not to keen on this, as he is worried it will be cold (if it's in my skin, it will be body temp, surely?), make grabbing of the breast/s difficult, and the taste of the metal would be unpleasant. THIS IS WHERE TOO MUCH INFORMATION ENDS I further have heard the healing period is not pleasant and the area becomes very tender and such, but this is something I could conceivably deal with.

Do any of you people (specifically women, of course) have experience with this? Is this something you would recommend?

Furthermore, what piercings do people recommend in general? What piercings do people hate?

And feel free to post any dirty applications your piercing may have. In fact, I encourage it!

- I do not want my belly button pierced as I associate it with people from high school who were not nice to me
- I would rather shy away from facial piercings and anything too crazy - I am an eccentric extroverted geek who likes country music and does civil engineering and computer science, I am not a gothic/emo/punk sort who can usually pull the look off
- Gential piercings are scary, but if you want to make a case for them go for it.

Extra info: I am a girl. I'm 20. Caucasion. Long brown hair, hazel eyes. I talk non-stop.
Last edited by Madge on 01 Jun 2009 02:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Piercings! Specifically, help me out with them!

Post by Miguel »

Almost completely OT, but you could always use the spoiler tag to cover your TMI bits...
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Re: Piercings! Specifically, help me out with them!

Post by AngharadTy »

Downsides: Nipple piercings take the longest to heal (arguably, anyway). You can't have someone put their mouth on there for, like, a year. If you take it out, it's almost guaranteed to leave a scar. Females have to wear padded bras (or add little gauze pads into your bras) because the bra itself will irritate the piercing and/or cause seepage. Until they're healed (and even after that), if you suddenly become cold, that can really hurt when the area tenses up. Also, it's snaggable, but so is any piercing and you/your sweetie can learn to avoid the snagging.

Upsides: Looks awesome! The metal does pretty much turn body temp. It tends to feel cool but in a... cool way. It's not disturbing at all. It generally makes the area more sensitive. If you have any masochistic tendencies, that makes it even more fun (when it's healed, it's interesting with nipple clamps). Check out bmezine.com for piercing stories. I think they only allow you so many views of photos, but the stories I think you can look at forever.

Disclaimer: I never had (or will have) my nipples pierced. I researched it a lot for... someone else. And another someone else (male) had them done.

Piercing I recommend a billion times over: Tongue piercing. I have an oral fixation and I loved mine. (Need to get a root canal and then I'll get mine repierced.) It adds to sex on either gender, and it look really cool, but it's actually quite easily hidden. Don't use metal balls (use acrylic) and you won't chip your teeth. I did have to stop chewing gum, but... I didn't mind; I had something cooler in my mouth. ;P
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Re: Piercings! Specifically, help me out with them!

Post by jebbica »

I've known a couple of people who have had their nipples pierced. From what they've told me, the first couplpe months reallly suck, because it takes forever to heal, gets easily irritated, and if it gets infected... x.x

As for your friend being afraid it will taste unpleasant, it doesn't. I have my tongue pierced, and I (or my boyfriend) never taste anything. I've used all different types of tongue rings, including the stainless steel balls, and none of them have an unpleasant taste.
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Re: Piercings! Specifically, help me out with them!

Post by Jessi »

I also have my tongue pierced, and I adore it. FMD loves it too, but that's another story for another day xD I've had my tongue pierced for.. almost four years now O_o And it's never hurt - in fact, it's probably the least painful of any piercing i've ever had. I did get a keloid on it, but that resulted from the metal ball they originally pierced it with - now I use acrylic and it's fine.

It will close up fast, but not as fast as I thought - I had to take mine out for my entire surgery, so from about 10 AM to .. probably 4 PM by the time I put it back in, and it was fine :3

I chew on the balls, however, all the time - and have both worn them out so they fall off (and I swallow them xD) or I've bit them so hard they've actually broke. So I recommend keeping spares around!
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Re: Piercings! Specifically, help me out with them!

Post by Usul_Princess »

It's okay Madge. I don't think you're scarring people for life with this thread. The majority of us are either immature legal adults or very mature minors. :P

I personally stick to tattoos. But tongue piercings are the greatest thing that ever happened to oral sex, IMO. Another upside to piercings VS tattoos is the healing time, and the scar results. Depending on the body part you get altered, piercings scar more sublte and are usually less regrettable than tattoos. My butterfly tattoo is still very nice, but it has obviously bad keloids because it's big, and got it about 3 months before the ICU blood sugar hospital stay. Plus if you change your mind about either, Tattoo removal (so I've heard) is horribly painful and not worth removing at all, unless it's something stupidly explicit, or if you're a guy and get your kids name and later find out you're not the real dad. :D

The only one "dumb" piercing I can think of are those large gauge earrings. SO stupid.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Piercings! Specifically, help me out with them!

Post by FaerieInGrey »

I don't think any piercings are stupid or dumb.

As for nipple piercings, I'm planning to get mine done, too. Aside from the healing time, I don't have any particular reasons not to get them. I love the look of them on a woman, too.
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Re: Piercings! Specifically, help me out with them!

Post by Jessi »

I have to agree with you, FiG - about no piercings are stupid. Some people manage to pull off the gauge piercings really well. I originally wanted to get my lobes to a 10 gauge, but I just.. got lazy, and they're stuck at 14, heh. Oh well.
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Re: Piercings! Specifically, help me out with them!

Post by Huggles »

I had a boobie job, the kind that makes them smaller(onoes!), so I'm pretty done with people sticking pointy things in them. Thinking of having them pierced makes me grab them and tell them it'll be okay. I do not like pain. I mean, I accidentally hurt myself in some way almost every day. The idea of causing pain intentionally, regardless of the duration, is completely unfathomable to me. I think tattoos and piercings are great, for other people. If I could go back in time, I might even forgo ear piercing just so I can be special. I'd be one of the few people of my generation without piercings or tattoos and anthropologists might find my corpsified remains interesting.

The only thing I'd worry about with nipple piercings other than the obvious, would be breast feeding. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you're planning to have children anytime soon. Still, if it didn't go so well and there was an infection and scarring, I'd think that might cause problems down the road. I don't know. I also don't know what the effects would be even if everything did go okay.
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Re: Piercings! Specifically, help me out with them!

Post by hebdenhippy »

I know a few people who've had nipple piercings and they've all said it's really painful, and it takes a long time to heal. Huggles also makes a good point about breast feeding, if you intend on having children. On the other hand, if you like the look of them and are alright with a bit of pain then why not!

I know you said you don't want your belly button pierced but I think you should consider it! Belly button piercings look seriously pretty and they're easy to hide. I'm going to get my belly button done soon ^^

Tongue piercings are cool too but personally I wouldn't be able to stop myself chewing on one.
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Re: Piercings! Specifically, help me out with them!

Post by Madge »

RE nipple piercings and breast feeding: I went to one or two websites, and they seemed to say that nipple piercings were no obstacle to it, as long as when the baby was on the breast you didn't have it in or else, y'know, the baby might choke. I am undecided with regards to children, I never really thought I would want them but wrt my sweetie pie it seems more appealing than it does normally, because my sweetie pie is so awesome and makes my heart unbelievably happy just to be near him, but that is another story for another day. Also, because we would name a hypothetical daughter Inertia or Tesseract. She would be the most AWESOME daughter ever. Well. Except for Moxy CrimeFighter Jillette.

The idea of a tongue piercing is really, really awesome.

My boyfriend, Paul, is also more enthused on something that will add to his pleasure rather than something that means he is not allowed to touch my fun parts. Also, I am quite a fan of using my tongue for various things (well, also biting), so this is always good :3. I discussed tongue piercings with some of my friends after reading this thread at uni and one of them looked at Paul and was like "dude! How can you possibly be against that!", so it would seem Skip may have experience in this area that corroborates.

And I definitely trust you, Ty. When I was 16-17 I always wanted a divacup, but being an Australian they are hard to come by. When I saw in your LJ profile a thing saying it was awesome I was like "well, that settles it, then!", and it was the final factor in me buying one literally immediately after I turned 18 and could use ebay. Haven't regretted it. Well, except now I have a contraceptive implant, and I got lucky and was part of the 20% of people who don't bleed anymore, so I won't be using it for a while, but it was great whilst I had it. This thread can also be about diva cups and how awesome they are. Look them up on google orwhatever. They are girly things so boys may not wish to.

The problem with the tongue piercing is the risk of infection, and also the damage to the teeth - correct me if I'm wrong but you do need a stainless steel thing in for the first 6 weeks or whatever whilst it heals? Also, a webpage I skimmed said that kissing/sexy stuffs are not to be advised for several weeks, which would make me very sad as kissing is the highlight of my day, well, so is sexy stuffs, but still. How long would anyone say it takes for the tongue to be capable of closed-mouth kisses/french kisses/australian kisses (like a french kiss, but down under)? I am a fan of giving all three types of kisses and I would be sad to be denied this.

And will I talk with a lisp forever afterwards? How long does it take before I'll talk normally? I'm applying for an IT help desk job ($25 an hour! KA-CHING!), and I am thinking a lisp would not help me very much, but if it was just a case of doing it on a Friday and getting the monday and tuesday, say, off, then that's doable.

Also, does it hurt? The photos make it look very scary! And my tongue is kind of sensitive!

Finally: how many of you dudes give blood? you should do it. It's great.
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Re: Piercings! Specifically, help me out with them!

Post by hebdenhippy »

I know quite a few people who have had infections from tongue piercings, so there is that risk to consider.

I can't give blood because I'm underweight, but I really support it and I would if I could!!
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Re: Piercings! Specifically, help me out with them!

Post by Helmcargh »

I think tongue piercings are great! They certainly look like fun.

However, I'm pretty sure you can still give blood in Australia if you are pierced. I did. I have my nose pierced and I was able to donate last year (I'd had it for over a year then). Maybe that was bad and shouldn't have happened?? No one said anything at all to me so I didn't even think about. Not that it really matters for you as you're banned anyway but still.

I give blood when I can but I've been getting sick with colds pretty much every month so I haven't since late last year. I think Uni stress is a contributing factor, so when I finish (woo, only a year and a half!) hopefully I'll be able to donate again.
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Re: Piercings! Specifically, help me out with them!

Post by Jessi »

Lindsey and I were in a long-distance relationship when I got my tongue pierced, so I can't give any advice to the kissing thing - but I will tell you that it only took a few days for mine to heal properly, and I could eat normally after maybe 3 or 4 days. You don't HAVE to leave the stainless steel balls in - just the actual bell. If you can get in there and change the balls, go for it - but it WILL be sore at first if you're messing right by it. Same with any other piercing.

The thing to remember about tongue piercings is your mouth is one of the cleanest parts of your body and is full of its own antibacterial spit all the time. It helps the tongue piercings heal faster, and helps them keep from getting infected because your saliva basically protects it.

I talked for a lisp for those first 4 days or so when I was just adjusting to having it in my mouth. You basically learn a different way to talk, eat, etc (the first couple of days I kept biting on the ball while I was chewing - NOT fun!) but I didn't have a lisp for very long at all - just while my tongue was swollen the first day or two! (Hell, I talked on the phone to one of my friends for hours after my tongue was pierced. And very slowly ate french fries xD) Actually, now that I've had my tongue pierced for this long, when i take it OUT I talk funny, because I've learned to compensate for the piercing xD I lose track of my tongue and I kind of slosh words together. I figure if I ever need to take it out, I'll need to do it when I have a few days off work so I can get used to it again xD
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Re: Piercings! Specifically, help me out with them!

Post by daisybell »

I find the whole idea of piercings (and tattoos, I guess) a bit weird. I don't feel a lack of suitable places to put shiny things on me that I need to make extra holes for them... but as long as no one expects me to have any, I don't care if other people want to do it.

Since this is turning into Madge's topic of awesome randomness (or random awesomeness?), I shall join in.
Madge wrote: And I definitely trust you, Ty. When I was 16-17 I always wanted a divacup, but being an Australian they are hard to come by. When I saw in your LJ profile a thing saying it was awesome I was like "well, that settles it, then!", and it was the final factor in me buying one literally immediately after I turned 18 and could use ebay. Haven't regretted it. Well, except now I have a contraceptive implant, and I got lucky and was part of the 20% of people who don't bleed anymore, so I won't be using it for a while, but it was great whilst I had it. This thread can also be about diva cups and how awesome they are. Look them up on google orwhatever. They are girly things so boys may not wish to.
I have a mooncup, which is the UK version (I think it's pretty much identical) and it's great. I would recommend it to any female who uses non-applicator tampons happily (if the idea of using your fingers etc. is just too gross, then it wouldn't be for you).

As for giving blood, I have done in the past with some difficulty- it's very, very difficult to find a suitable vein on me. Usually they'd try the left arm as I'm right handed, but no doctor, nurse or phlebotomist has ever been able to find a vein to put the needle in. The second time I donated I was dizzy and felt sick and had to lie down again and on the third time I went they got the needle in but it was too painful to have it in for long enough. In hospital it took three attempts to get blood samples from me (the first two were junior doctors, and one of them tried to do it from my hand. They didn't get an adequate sample, but I did get a very big bruise as a result). I don't think I'd be allowed to donate at the moment with some of the meds I'm taking, but I'm also just so awkward- on the time when it got too painful, they told me not to come back for a few years.
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