Galactic Chelon

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Galactic Chelon

Post by Silverevilchao »



Its head, it's HUGE. O_O

What do you guys think?
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Re: Galactic Chelon

Post by hebdenhippy »

I quite like it! The pose is nice and I love how detailed all the swirls are, although they're a little difficult to see on the grey parts. The light blue patches on its flippers look nice too, and I think the mist is especially good.
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Re: Galactic Chelon

Post by Elzaim »

I'm not impressed with it.

I agree that the head looks wayyy to big compared to the rest of the pet, and there's something about the perspective of the flippers that's off too - I think it's the back one's that are throwing me off - they look too small compared to the size of the rest of the pet, and especially the tail. I also don't like the 'hidden' side of the cheek that we can see - it looks like it was smooshed out so we could deliberately see it, and it looks out of place. Also, after very close observation, it seems there is a shooting star under the top right flipper, and I thought it was an erased bit that was never fixed at first. It keeps drawing my eye to that spot and annoying me because it looks like a mistake that was never corrected.

The detailing on the shell is nice - but overall there are just way too many things that bother me about the design in general. All the other Chelons have been very nice overall, but this one really fails in my eyes. :(
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Re: Galactic Chelon

Post by Goldenchaos »

Well, its head reminds me of a killer whale. I agree with Elzaim about the tiny flippers....they are just TOO tiny, ya know?

The colours nice, sure, but ..its just too bland for a Galatic wouldve been nice if we could see its back. Perhaps the gems on its back being dream gems, or the colour of all the gems you have to collect to make this colour.
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Re: Galactic Chelon

Post by Jessi »

I'm rather sad that the chelon's BACK isn't featured here, because I think the gems would have looked absolutely outstanding in the galactic gold, and the way the shell could have been with the swirls and the blue highlights..

As it is, the underside is rather boring, and I agree; it's head is huge and rather whale-ish instead of turtleish. Its flippers are tiny compared to the rest of the pet... I just really wish the gems on the back had been featured instead of this awkward pose.

ETA - Oh Nyau, I LOVE your idea of the back gems being the different gems you need to make galactic pets... that would have been stunning <3
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Re: Galactic Chelon

Post by Heilos »

I have to agree with GoldenChaos, the idea of using the gems that make a galactic pet on the Chelon's back would have been beautiful D:
or at least dream gems to keep the colors consistent with the Galactic color.

And yeah i'm also thinking those back flippers are way too small, I know they're suppose to be tiny compared to the front ones but it
doesn't work well in this case. I'm not fond of the huge head either but I do enjoy the gold details on the bottom of the shell so that's a plus.

Tis a beautiful pet but just not what I was fully expecting.
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Re: Galactic Chelon

Post by TCStarwind »

I'm not quite sure what I think about this one. On one hand, the color usage is very nice, and it does have a very different pose than the other chelons. But on the other hand, I do wish we could see the back and gems. Overall, I guess it's nice, but not something I would ever want to own. :/
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Re: Galactic Chelon

Post by Sarivonne »

Oh man.

All I could think the minute I saw it was 'HUGE HEAD'. Tis a shame really. Keshi is normally spot on with her pets. The coloring and lineart are gorgeous of course, with no visible flaws in the lines thickness. It's just the pose is not really working for the pet. For me anyway.
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Re: Galactic Chelon

Post by Keshi~ »

When compared to the common (I tried to do some measuring up) it's head isn't that much bigger, it's front flippers are actually larger then normal. It's eyes and snout are a little bit smaller then normal as well, that could be what's making it look bigger.

I always see these kinds of things AFTER don't I xD; ah well we can't all be perfect hey?

We decided to go for this pose, because all the chelons so far are facing their shell to us, we thought it might be nice, different and interesting to try a different pose for the chelon.
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Re: Galactic Chelon

Post by Jessi »

Unfortunately, I'm not sure there's a lot of poses you CAN put a sea turtle in that aren't showing its back. I think a belly pose would have been fine, I just think this was the wrong color to do it on. The back of the chelon is its best part, with the gems - those really would have stood out in this color.
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Re: Galactic Chelon

Post by shaelyn76 »

I agree that if the back had been shown, this color of the Chelon would have been so very much better. As it is, the swirls of gold are really pretty and very delicate looking, while still looking "real". The head really does look big on this version though and the flippers do seem kinda small. It just looks unbalanced which makes the pose look somewhat awkward. I got the feeling from it that someone had gripped the poor Chelon by the shell and tossed it up in the air against its will. The art in and of itself is good, but the pose just kills it for me.
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Re: Galactic Chelon

Post by Heilos »

Keshi: I can understand what you mean by there not being many ways to position the Chelon due to it's body structure,
I do have a question though, if it's shell were to be showing, what color would you have made the Gems? Just out of curiosity c:
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