Topic titles gold?

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Topic titles gold?

Post by Seerow »

Are the topic titles gold for anyone else? I just updated my comp and after it restarted and NC loaded, all the titles are now gold. Is this something that NC has changed or a fluke with my comp?
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Re: Topic titles gold?

Post by Jessi »

I tried a few hard refreshes on some pages, and I'm not seeing any gold topic titles? I even tried restarting Firefox and I loaded NC in IE, and still nothing.

I'd obviously wait for more opinions, but I thought I'd let you know it's fine on my end!
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Re: Topic titles gold?

Post by Seerow »

Turns out it's the lovely old blue shade if I use IE, but in FF its all bright gold. I'm going to guess it was one of the updates, but I don't see how quicktime + itunes update would affect FF.
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Re: Topic titles gold?

Post by Jazzy »

The style hasn't been edited in about a week or so, and those changes weren't colour-related, so this is an interesting bug. Could you find out the hex for the colour? Easiest way to do that is to print screen, then paste that into a graphics program and use the eyedropper - for example, white is #ffffff and teal is #008080. It's not infallible, but I can then run a search on the code to see if it's there. If it isn't, you might have inadvertently specified the default font colour for links (or an addon may have done it for you).
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Re: Topic titles gold?

Post by Seerow »

Thanks Jazzy! The Hex code is #895210, which looks more brown there then gold but whatever.
I double checked my internet preferences and it says the links should all be blue, but something's messed up. I may just see what uninstalling FF and redownloading it does.

Edit: Completely uninstalling and reinstalling did nothing, even when I checked the box to not save any data whatsoever. I believe its most likley something I've done though as NC looks fine on IE.
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Re: Topic titles gold?

Post by Jazzy »

I can't find that code, which means it likely isn't phpBB. This isn't certain; there's a chance it might be there but slightly altered, if your graphics program eyedropper sees a slightly different colour to what the website thinks it's putting out (the difference is generally too small for us to differentiate between the two, but will change the hex value). To illustrate, this and this have different hex values, but chances are you can't see enough of a difference to be certain they're not the same colour.

I've just upgraded the forum, so you might find that the problem fixes itself now. However, if you're still seeing it, it's likely to be one of the following:
- you've set a link colour in preferences > content > colour and unticked the "allow websites to use their own colours" option
- you've got a custom stylesheet (a modified userContent.css, usually used to do things like block ads) which is specifying colours
- one of your addons is playing up; try disabling them all and if this cures it, re-enabling them one at a time to find out which one.

Good luck working out what it is!
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Re: Topic titles gold?

Post by Seerow »

Thanks a lot for checking that for me Jazzy.
I'll look into some of those other suggestions tomorrow, hopefully one of them will work.
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