Darigan Gelert

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Post by Float »

Personally I love it. The only reason I hate most gelerts is cause I think there chest sticks out to much, and this one doesnt bother me so much that way. I love its fangs, wings, spiky tail thing- its head it foofy. it has clicky nails. Its by far not tnt's best work but what with some past darigans.. I thought you guys wanted more red ones anyway.
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Post by Deku »

Ew, ew ew, ew, ew. Looks cartoony, bad, and like halloween, not darigan. Also the bad wing and leg changing.

Overall, horrible. Absolutely disgusting. -100/10.
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Post by Stumpy »

I thought the Darigan Kyrii was the worst a Darigan pet could be.

Then this came out.

I hate to be so negative, but I can't stand this pet. The only good thing I can see in it are the colors. The rest of it just looks so sloppy to me... and it just doesn't have the Darigan malice (it looks more like a cartoon).

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Post by Slugawoo »

Deku wrote:Ew, ew ew, ew, ew. Looks cartoony, bad, and like halloween, not darigan. Also the bad wing and leg changing.

Overall, horrible. Absolutely disgusting. -100/10.
I think three legged dogs are cool. >D I feel bad for whatever happened to them, but they're neat, none-the-less. x3

But I do agree with the Halloween and cartoony-ness. D:
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Post by Huggles »

Wtf is wrong with these people? I didn't like the mutant gelert because it needed something more to make it mutated, but I'd happily take it instead of this if it meant they could have given the artist the time to make this right. It's downright awful and completely unacceptable. The design itself isn't bad, but it was either drawn in a rush or by Donna in '99. The circle pose is what really makes or breaks a pet since it's the one we see most often, and there's no excuse for the missing back leg.

It's red. Not being purple should be a wonderful thing, but instead of being a brilliant bloody red, it's crayola red with barely a hint of shading. The wings dramatically change size and even shading and coloring in every other pose. The legs are too thin in most poses, and the anatomy is altogether wrong in others. Instead of looking like a hell hound, I completely agree that it looks like a Disney villain reject instead.

I can only hope they actually correct this like they did the grundo and Maraquan gelert, regardless of it being released.

Post by OMGtoolazytologin »

bah. =/ i love gelerts and it hurts me to see this. xP it so does NOT scream "DARIGAN!" to me... x_x too... cartoony, as people said, and it's not really IWORKFOREVILRAWR.

i no likey. ;_; i'm sorry, gelert. *hugs her own*
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Post by PharaonicQuiche »

I want to like it. I really do. Darigan is a yay, gelerts are a yay, but this is just a whuuut? It just really seems like Pluto or a de-anthroified Goofy tried to go over to the dark side and couldn't quite pass the entrance exams for the University of All Things Evil. And got a leg whacked off in the process.

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Post by AngharadTy »

I agree with all the comments so far about disliking it. I've held off commenting so far because I was hoping it would grow on me, but no. As has been said, it's a pseudo-evil Pluto. (Didn't Pluto go to hell once or something, and he looked like a devil?) Cartoony even for Neopets.

Ugh. I suppose I should be glad, in a way, that they're not coming out with more colors I like. Because now I don't need to spend NP on them.
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Post by Kamil »

AngharadTy wrote:
Ugh. I suppose I should be glad, in a way, that they're not coming out with more colors I like. Because now I don't need to spend NP on them.
Well, yanno, there is that. Plus I was just bitching last week because now I have to find room for a royalgirl Mynci somewhere, so I suppose I should be grateful for small mercies.

And I would be except for one thing:


If you aren't going to release it as mutant, would it have killed you to run it through a few filters and turn it red, slap a pair of bat wings on it and release it as darigan instead of this three-legged piece of shit?

Because God knows it's a far better pet in every sense of the word.


This Image or Image that.

*stabs and stabs and stabs*
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Post by Darigan »

The quality of Darigan pets is just going down and down. *thinks of dari kacheek*
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Post by FaeMcCloud »

Like a lot of people have said, it reminds me of Pluto. It's not the worst pet, but I certainly wouldn't pay 1.4 million for it or probably even take one if it was offered to me for adoption >>;; It fits more into the halloween theme to me than anything else really.

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Post by Happy »

Its not too bad at least after the mutatn uni it isn't. I like that they tried out a new colour for darigan but this red seems a little bright for my liking. I really do wish they had released the mutant gelert, I've always liked the Gelert Pack picture.
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Post by Riddler »

Meep, I always wanted this colour/species combination, so I keep telling myself I like it... but it has so much more potential =/

As people mentioned, anatomy's off in some poses (though I thought it more to be the torso-y bit than the legs) and the freakin' happy pose is missing a leg >_> But what really annoys me is the non-redrawed-ness, even though it sortakinda is. Is it so hard to make pets look just a *little* different every now and then?

Like Trick pointed out, the other poses pretty much pwn, but for the wings changing size and shades. Here's hoping TNT have the common sense to fix up the face in the happy and circle poses while they add the fourth leg. Assuming they even do that.

*cries for the future*
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Post by Silverevilchao »


RELEASE. THE. MUTANT. GELERT. *mind Jedi power*

Wow. A new low. When I saw this on the news a few minutes ago, I thought it was Halloween (but Halloween already exists).

the u00ber suckage. Damn!

Incorrect ananomy, changing wing sizes, blah, blah, blah...all done by professional artist(s). Does that make sense?
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